What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 306 Win-win [45,000 recommendation votes plus more updates]

As Olivia also started to devour the food, Li Shushan became the one with the most elegant appearance. After he tasted it carefully, he felt very regretful - why didn't he come up with the "God of Cooking System" earlier and give it to Chen Hui What about a dreamer like you?

After taking a bite, he said to Chen Huiyou from the bottom of his heart: "Your egg fried rice is so delicious. Look at the stomachs of my two friends, they have been conquered by your cooking skills." ”

When Chen Hui heard such sincere praise, her heart was extremely happy. She pursed her lips and smiled and said: "You like it so much. I am also very happy and feel a sense of accomplishment. Speaking of which, you should be the first batch to taste my hard work." After that, I became a craftsman, which was really fateful.”

This is not fate at all, but arranged by me... Li Shushan complained silently in his heart, and then asked Chen Hui to eat it too. This kind of egg fried rice made from elf rice is indeed very beneficial to the human body.

Of course Chen Hui also believed what Li Shushan said. After all, he was considered a real boss. It was estimated that he was the master of the Master Tower. He was so well-informed, but it was a pity that he would not know that she had the title of "God of Cooking". System", you will definitely become a true god of cooking in the future!

Chen Huiyou also started eating. When she took the first bite, she couldn't help but want to keep eating, but she restrained this desire. After all, she kept in mind that she was a chef and let customers eat. The dishes she cooks are the basic qualities of a chef.

But now, after being forced to eat together by Li Shushan, of course the food becomes more and more delicious. She even feels a little unreal that she can actually make such delicious food!

Her "God's Tongue" must have tasted food that really satisfied her this time. Anyway, it was more satisfying than any food she had made before!

A group of people destroyed the orange-quality egg fried rice in their respective bowls with great force. Then Olivia and Su Wuming both expressed their admiration for the egg fried rice.

Olivia said a lot for the first time, and she was obviously impressed by Chen Huiyou's cooking skills. She also hoped that Chen Huiyou could make other equally delicious dishes.

Since Su Wuming couldn't speak in reality, she could only write a lot of words of praise by hand. This was very refreshing to Chen Huiyou, and then she found out from Li Shushan why Su Wuming could only write words of praise.

There was some egg fried rice left, so Li Shushan packed it up of course. After all, he had to leave a portion for the little guy Yu Shengfan, otherwise she knew that Olivia and Su Wuming had eaten it, but she didn't get it. If so, she will definitely get into trouble again.

At this time, Li Shushan said to Chen Huiyou: "We have many ingredients here that are comparable to elf rice. Are you willing to come and cook for us regularly?"

When Li Shushan said these words, Chen Huiyou's "God of Cooking System", of course, released tasks again, and they were still daily tasks that could be repeated. As for the rewards of the tasks, of course they were special ingredients like elf rice, and after completing Daily tasks, of course, can also improve her cooking skills.

Chen Hui, you don’t need to come here to cook every day, but only once a week. Even if she doesn’t want to come, it doesn’t matter, it’s just a daily task anyway.

But Chen Hui, why would you give up such a daily task that can speed up the improvement of your cooking skills?

Not to mention, the three customers here are all customers that she likes very much. Don't ask why, just ask: they are handsome men and beautiful women!

Seeing how these handsome and beautiful customers were enamored by the dishes she made, she felt so accomplished!

Of course, Chen Huiyou also felt that these customers are actually real bosses. The earth is not peaceful now. There is a "resurrection of supernatural beings" here and a "resurrection of giant beasts" there. Then she also found out from Li Shushan that even The elves have all come to the earth, in South America where the "behemoths are resurrected"...

Chen Hui, you are very glad that you are a Chinese. China is generally very stable now. That is why the "Magic Network", which is said to be a creation of future technology, has become popular in China.

So far, the "Magic Network" has had a relatively positive impact on China, and even watching movies has become much more convenient.

However, Chen Hui is also a person who is wary of danger in times of peace. She is afraid of what if China becomes a dangerous place. After all, even the Stars and Stripes Kingdom has not been spared, and even extraordinary beings in movies like "Iron Man" have appeared...

Therefore, Chen Huiyou feels that it is still necessary for her to have a good relationship with "big men from other worlds" like Li Shushan. If something happens, if she hides in this mage tower in the name of cooking, then who will? Can it hurt her?

So, Chen Huiyou accepted this daily task without hesitation, and then answered Li Shushan: "Of course there is no problem. I already like cooking. Cooking for you is just a piece of cake, and it can also improve my own cooking skills." Yi, why don't I come? It's just that the only dish I can cook right now is egg fried rice. When I finish practicing other dishes, I will definitely come here to cook it for you."

Li Shushan showed a satisfied smile. In fact, all this was part of his plan, but it was obviously a win-win situation.

Chen Huiyou can have access to more ingredients, use a more perfect kitchen, and further improve his cooking skills, while Li Shushan and others can of course enjoy the best food.

In the future, when Chen Huiyou's cooking skills reach the peak, with the blessing of magic power, it will be a matter of course for her to produce the kind of super dishes that are only found in gourmet shows.

Chen Huiyou finally returned to her original place through the space portal. When she saw her familiar environment, she felt as if she had had a very mysterious dream.

However, the three diners in the "dream" left a deep impression on her, especially Li Shushan, who was completely in the dominant position. His attitude had always been very gentle and very approachable, which made her open up naturally. Trust the other person.

As for the other two beautiful Bai Mao, of course they didn't talk much, but she felt that those two were very powerful. Maybe this was because "people are ruthless and don't talk much"?

In any case, Chen Huiyou is very motivated now. Before unlocking the system's store "Chef God's Home", she decided to earn her first pot of gold through cooking skills and then open a store. Of course, ordinary people would definitely She wouldn't be able to eat the delicious dishes made with special ingredients, and she was still worried about being watched.

Chen Huiyou decided to start with takeout fried rice...

The third update today! ! !

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