What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 307 The astronomy community is in a state of excitement! [500 monthly ticket for additional

Olivia is in a very happy mood now, she can't help it, this is the charm of food.

Of course, she also felt that Li Shushan could always please her in this way. There was really nothing in the world that made her more satisfied than meeting Li Shushan.

Once Olivia is happy, Li Shushan's idea of ​​hatching the devil's eggs on Venus will of course come true.

But Olivia is also really smart. She said that it would be a waste to open a portal directly to Venus just to hatch the devil eggs, and you can't just put the devil eggs there and let them develop. , it is best to establish a fixed portal.

But if this portal is built on the earth, there will still be safety risks. What if the demon race develops to a certain level and directly comes to the earth through the portal and kills them?

Chaotic and evil creatures like demons are not easy to get rid of. They are complete lunatics and cannot communicate at all.

Therefore, the best way is of course to build a barrier, which can also be said to be a transfer station. This can not only save mana, but also eliminate hidden dangers.

As for what this transfer station is, it is of course the "Floating City" that Li Shushan mentioned to Olivia at the beginning!

That's right, Olivia is now fully capable of building a floating city. This is of course thanks to the "Mage Council" in her home plane.

The legacy left to Olivia by the "Magic Council" is really too rich. Combining this legacy with the scientific knowledge Olivia learned on earth, she is indeed capable of building a "floating city".

Once the "Floating City" is built, it will become the world's first space city!

And with such a space city, Li Shushan can use the space gate in the floating city to cause trouble on all the major planets in the entire solar system. Since even demons can appear and there are elves on the earth, why not What about other races? For example, Zerg or something like that.

After all, this world with only humans is still too lonely.

The key is that humans do not seem to have greater motivation to chase the stars and the sea, because capital is short-sighted after all. The cost of developing space is too high and the returns are too low, and there is no more critical technology to support it.

So much so that the "Sea of ​​Stars" is just an unreachable dream after all, and many people feel that it is better to use the money invested in poverty alleviation to go into space.

Such a reality can only allow those who have the dream of "stars and sea" to look for it in virtual works.

Most people in this world are mediocre, mediocre, waiting for those geniuses among humans to have a flash of inspiration, and then come up with breakthrough theories to improve the level of human civilization.

However, as technology improves more and more, and there are more and more disciplines, it is almost impossible for the kind of genius who can single-handedly improve the entire scientific theory system to exist.

Not to mention that in today’s human world, scientists are completely unknown compared to those glamorous entertainment stars. Many children no longer have any pure dreams of pursuing science.

Children have become more willing to become Internet celebrities since they were young. The extremely popular video hosts in the "Douyin" short videos have become the targets of children.

When you ask a child whether he wants to be a scientist or a high-profile Internet celebrity in the future, he will definitely choose the latter.

This is becoming more and more like an era of entertainment to death, but there is no way to stop it.

The improvement of material life does not mean that human beings have improved their thinking, but only pursues higher material enjoyment.

The more developed the fertility rate declines, the more we can see the decline in the high-quality population.

Not many people have a true sense of civilized responsibility. They always feel that there are other people studying science and developing technology anyway. Even if human civilization is trapped on the earth forever in the future, what does it have to do with him? Anyway, he was already dead at that time...

Of course, Li Shushan did not want his civilization to deteriorate like this. In the past, he was naturally unable to change the current situation of mankind, and there was not even any great man who could change this status quo.

Just because most people have never had a higher consciousness, they don't know what they are living for. Their lives from birth to death seem to have little meaning...

Those knowledgeable people cannot force others to be like them just because they are filled with a sense of worry.

Li Shushan can only fantasize wildly in fictional novels to realize his dream of "stars and sea".

But now, with Olivia's help, a completely unrealistic dreamer like him can finally realize his fantasy.

Therefore, of course Li Shushan fully agreed with Olivia's idea of ​​building the floating city first and then opening a fixed space portal between the floating city and Venus!

Originally, Li Shushan still needed human help to build the floating city, but now that Olivia has received the inheritance of the "Magic Council", she no longer needs it at all.

Just like Olivia built the mage tower before, she used a large number of construction golems. Of course, these golems can also go into space to build the entire floating city!

As for materials, of course there will be no shortage. Anyway, Olivia has packed up all the precious mage tower materials from her home plane and brought them to Earth. She is going to use the materials from those thousands of mage towers, plus this The material of the world is used to build a floating city as Li Shushan originally imagined!

That's right, in Olivia's original home plane, there were only a few thousand mages qualified to build mage towers. Now those mage towers have all become Olivia's possessions. She can use them The essence of the mage tower is all gathered together to build the floating city!

When Li Shushan strongly supported Olivia's idea, of course the floating city construction plan officially began!

The construction location of the floating city is, of course, directly in space, between Venus and the Earth. It will initially serve as a transfer station.

Of course, there was no cover-up in the process of Li Shushan and Olivia building the floating city, and the construction speed was also very fast, because without any external force in space, the effect of the architectural golem can be maximized...

A week after the construction of the floating city began, the entire human astronomy community was in a state of excitement!

Because they observed the "alien space station" that was being built rapidly!

The fourth update today! ! ! This is an addition to last month’s 500 monthly pass~~~

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