What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 308 Discovery Process [Additional update with 100 monthly tickets]

In fact, the person who first observed the construction of the "Floating City" was a folk astronomy enthusiast named Hermann Springer.

Hermann was a Nordic man who had been interested in astronomy since he was a child. This was of course due to the upbringing in his family. His father loved watching stars and took Hermann to watch them with him when he was a child.

The environment they live in is of course very suitable for stargazing. They live in the countryside of Northern Europe, which is completely non-industrialized and does not emit any industrial waste gas.

So every night, as long as the weather is clear, you can see the stars in the dark sky!

Therefore, it is really the right time and place for Herman to become an astronomy enthusiast. If he was born in a big city, it is probably impossible for him to observe the stars well, because the sky full of stars will definitely be Covered.

Although Herman was born in the countryside, a certain Nordic country is world-famous for its high social welfare. He does not have to worry about any of his life problems, he only needs to do what he likes.

This is actually a matter of concept. The more money-worshiping a country is, the more it values ​​money. After having a certain amount of money, of course it will chase more money.

As for the things you like and the dreams in your heart, if they conflict with money, they will definitely be given up.

Hermann did not give up his hobby of astronomy that he had developed since he was a child. His stargazing equipment can also be said to be very advanced and has almost reached the top level for civilian observation.

As for the very large radio telescope used by the government, that is of course another matter.

It was certainly an accident that Herman was able to observe the "floating city" being built.

He was just observing the starry sky that he longed for on an ordinary night. He was actually very familiar with the starry sky, especially the stars that were almost fixed there. He could even tell what those stars were with his eyes closed.

He prefers meteors to fixed stars, but unfortunately if he wants to see a large-scale meteor shower, it is not an easy event to encounter.

As a result, of course he didn't observe any meteor shower this time, but he did observe the "Floating City" being built!

Just because the precious materials used in the construction of the "Floating City" are so eye-catching, it seems like a naked show off!

After this material is illuminated by various lights and rays in space, it becomes particularly dreamy and magnificent, making it easy for those who like to observe the stars to notice it.

The size of the "Floating City" is really not just as big as a city, but at least as big as a continent on Earth!

Otherwise, of course it would be impossible to observe it with the observation tools of civilian astronomy enthusiasts.

Herman, who observed it, was of course shocked. His first reaction was - aliens have finally visited the earth, and they even established an observation station or outpost!

To be honest, Herman used to be pessimistic about whether humans could develop extraterrestrial civilizations, not because he didn’t believe in the existence of extraterrestrials, but because he felt that the universe was really too vast, and it was still there all the time. swell.

The theory also proves that even if humans build a spaceship, its speed will never exceed the speed of light, which means that the speed of alien civilization cannot exceed the speed of light, so both human civilization and alien civilization have become isolated islands.

As for those true god-level civilizations, they definitely disdain contact with earth civilization, because to them, earth civilization is like ants. If they really come into contact, they might be trampled to death accidentally...

Also, judging from the progress of earth civilization’s exploration of space, it is very likely that alien civilization will develop to a certain extent and bottlenecks will occur. This is because the benefits of developing space are too low and most people are generally short-sighted.

As a result, many alien races have been trapped on their home planet forever. When their various resources were developed, they did not take that step, let alone when their resources were exhausted and their hearts were scattered. At that time, everyone would I will no longer pay attention to space, which is not attractive at all. What is attractive is of course the various entertainment stars on the home planet.

All in all, Herman thought that he would never discover any aliens in his life, but the floating city that was being rapidly constructed told him that aliens really existed and that they had already arrived so close to the earth. !

Hermann immediately shared his findings with his friends, and of course notified the senior officials of the folk astronomical association he was a member of. He knew that the senior officials must have connections with the government.

He hopes that officials can use the Hubble radio telescope to take more clear pictures of the observatory being built by aliens to see what these aliens are up to.

At the same time, Herman also announced the news on the Internet, and of course on the "Magic Network".

After all, all netizens on the "Magic Network" will not encounter language difficulties, and the information he publishes will surely be seen by astronomy enthusiasts from all over the world.

And how many astronomy enthusiasts are there in the world who are not interested in aliens?

There are many people who firmly believe in the existence of aliens, but it is a pity that they have not witnessed them with their own eyes. But now, there is an opportunity for people around the world who have astronomical telescopes to discover the existence of aliens!

The information shared by Herman has been confirmed by many folk astronomy enthusiasts in a very short period of time!

So, of course, more people are observing the giant floating city being built through various methods!

Next, those who are not astronomy enthusiasts also learned such a big news!

Of course, this has caused panic among many people. There is no way, who can be sure of what the aliens’ attitude is towards humans?

Panic is contagious, which is probably why the Star-Spangled Kingdom always keeps secrets about alien matters and announces that the ban will be lifted in a few years.

Well now, no one can prevent this floating city being built in space from being discovered by humans around the world!

No one can completely block this news!

The leaders of the major powers in the world must be having a headache now, because they certainly don’t know how to deal with such emergencies at the moment!

However, the official astronomical observation agencies must take action immediately. They must satisfy the public's curiosity about this alien creation...

The best official astronomical agency can clearly present the appearance of this alien creation to everyone in color photos.

The fifth update is completed! ! !

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