This time, the official astronomical agencies around the world seemed to be extremely efficient. Soon the pictures taken through radio telescopes appeared on the Internet.

There is no way, the giant space city under construction cannot hide its existence at all, and to deny it blindly would be too discriminatory to the people's IQ.

It's better to just make all this public now. Maybe the alien civilization that is building a giant space city has no ill intentions towards the earth's civilization?

But then again, after many people have experienced many extraordinary events that have happened on the earth, they seem to be less shocked by the appearance of aliens...

So what if there are aliens? Maybe they will be taught how to be human by the mysterious and extraordinary power on the earth.

However, when the clear pictures taken by radio telescopes appeared on the Internet, many netizens reacted strongly.

At first, many folk astronomy enthusiasts thought that the thing being built was an alien observatory. Players who have played the game "Stars" know that when encountering indigenous civilizations that have not yet started the cosmic era, If you directly establish an observation station, you can gain social points, which can speed up the research of social science and technology. Among them, the social points obtained by active observation


Now that alien civilizations are building observatories so unscrupulously, they must be actively observing human civilization.

However, when everyone saw the buildings actually built by alien civilization, many humans fell into silence...

What kind of observation station is this?

It’s clearly a giant space city!

The hugeness of this city, according to professional calculations, can even reach the size of a continent on the earth!

If the area of ​​this space city is fully utilized, it can accommodate a population of more than one billion!

After all, if we compare it directly with China, the size of this floating city under construction must be larger than that of the entire country of China. And since China can accommodate a population of more than one billion, then this space city under construction, Of course you can.

When many people discovered such a real fact, they couldn't help but express various worrying remarks on the Internet——

"This alien civilization is not building an observatory at all, but a space city. Does this mean that all aliens will immigrate here?"

"It feels like the future of Earth's civilization is already dark. With the current science and technology of Earth's civilization, it is simply impossible to build such a magnificent space building like this powerful alien civilization!"

"Humanity should take action now. Whether it is declaring war on alien civilization or bowing to alien civilization, we must seize the time, otherwise we will definitely become more and more passive!"

"What is human civilization still struggling with? A small earth can have nearly 200 countries, and then there are all kinds of fights between big countries. Such an earthly civilization will not be able to survive the extremely powerful alien civilization. In his eyes, he is clearly an ant."

"The countdown to the demise of mankind has begun! By the time the alien civilization's space city is built, the entire human civilization will be finished!"

"Now I just hope that alien civilization will come quickly and eliminate human tyranny. The world belongs to alien civilization!"

"Some people are too pessimistic. If alien civilizations have such technological strength, they can directly invade the earth. Why should they build cities in space? This shows that human civilization is very valuable to alien civilizations. of."

"Yes, it is very possible that alien civilizations are peaceful and xenophilic civilizations. Maybe they will also improve human technology in a friendly way! As long as we are friendly to alien civilizations, alien civilizations will definitely be friendly to us. !”

"How naive! The big powers should unite now and directly build rockets carrying nuclear bombs and launch them into this unfinished space city!"

Discussions on the Internet about this "alien civilization" that suddenly appeared out of nowhere have completely boiled over. The opinions in it are of course all kinds of strange!

Most humans are cautious. After all, judging from the pictures taken by radio telescopes, the technological level of alien civilizations is too high!

Those "robots" that are building space cities look like tools specially used for the construction of giant buildings. They can move in space so easily, which shows that alien civilizations have long been very accustomed to doing so. .

And how long will it take for humans to develop to such a technological level?

There is no way, this extremely majestic and spectacular space city has shocked almost everyone who sees its pictures on the earth, so most human beings feel heavy in their hearts and feel very stressed...

In addition to humans who hold cautious views, there are of course humans who hold very extreme views.

Among them are those who hold the so-called "dark forest" view, that is, regardless of what is happening, they directly strike preemptively and gather the power of the entire world to destroy the space city being built, because they believe that humans are the masters of the solar system. Nowadays, alien civilizations are establishing space cities in the solar system without the consent of humans. This is a naked offense to human civilization.

If we don’t strike first, when the alien civilization builds this space city, human civilization will be completely wiped out by the alien civilization!

Most of these human beings who are not afraid to speculate on extraterrestrial civilizations with the greatest malice are relatively passionate and would rather die standing than bow to extraterrestrial civilizations!

In contrast, there is a group of rational parties, which can also be said to be "adventists". They believe that human civilization has completely decayed, basic scientific theories have been stagnant for countless years, and it is estimated that there will be no breakthroughs in the future.

In such a situation, human civilization needs alien civilization to save it!

Because judging from the technological level displayed by alien civilizations in building giant space cities, their technology is infinitely higher than that of human civilization!

If we fight against such an alien civilization, human civilization will be seeking its own demise!

If human civilization is wiped out like this, everything will be meaningless. First of all, human beings need to survive, which is the most important. Even if they can only become helplessly affiliated civilizations of alien civilizations, it doesn’t matter. At least humans have not been extinct...

Maybe alien civilizations can bring salvation to the human world, so human civilization should welcome them!

First update today! ! !

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