What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 310 Industrial Production of Human Beings

While the public is debating over the incident of this alien civilization coming to establish a space city in the solar system, senior figures from many major countries on the earth, of course, have to hold urgent discussions on this matter.

The United Nations, which had become nothing more than a rubber stamp, has now played a more critical role. Now anyway, alien civilizations have come to the solar system to take advantage of them. How to deal with them is of course something that the big shots should discuss.

The opportunity of the arrival of alien civilization may also promote the unity of many human countries. After all, this is the consistent characteristic of the human race, that is, when there is no external threat, there will be various internal fights. When there is an external threat, of course, They will naturally unite to resist foreign enemies.

Of course, when uniting, there will definitely be troubles within human civilization. After all, there have been endless traitors who have betrayed their own countries and races throughout the ages.

The most terrifying thing is that these traitors themselves do not think they have done anything wrong, but think that what they do is right. They are not betraying the country, but just saving the country in another way.

For such hopeless traitors, their existence is the biggest cancer. Unfortunately, no matter in any era, there are many such people.

Those who clamor for the arrival of alien civilization on the Internet and directly redeem the entire human civilization are probably such traitors.

Li Shushan, the guy who single-handedly led the establishment of Olivia's "Floating City", actually did not expect that the response from the people on the Internet would be so huge.

But if he thought about it from his perspective, if he were an ordinary earthling and didn't know the truth about the establishment of the "Floating City", then he would definitely be very concerned about this matter. Maybe only the most heartless people Only people don't care about alien civilization's face...

Li Shushan still found it quite interesting to be mistaken for an alien civilization. It was obvious that he and Olivia were just building their own "floating city", which could barely be regarded as a magical civilization, but in the end he was mistaken for an alien civilization by the people on earth. Star civilization, it has to be said that the speculations of people on earth are still relatively conservative.

But then again, it is estimated that even the most imaginative people on earth would not think of this giant space city being built as the magician's "floating city" in the novel.

Of course, Li Shushan does not need to wait until the "Floating City" is completely built before proceeding with his plan to hatch demons on Venus. The Floating City is built from the inside out. As long as it is built specifically as a teleportation area, he It can be used as a transfer station and then laid out throughout the solar system.

This feeling of using the solar system as the entire chessboard and then placing various layouts is very enjoyable.

The pressure on human civilization will be greater. After all, as time goes by, they will find that they, who were originally very lonely in the solar system, will one day discover that the entire solar system is so lively!

About a week later, Li Shushan unexpectedly discovered that human civilization had taken the initiative to launch electromagnetic waves towards the "floating city" that was still under construction, apparently eager to communicate with his "alien civilization".

In electromagnetic waves, the attitude of human civilization still appears to be very humble. There is no other way but to say that the "technological strength" displayed by Li Shushan's "alien civilization" really makes human civilization unable to resist!

But in fact, what is "technological strength"? It is obviously just magical magic. The most interesting thing is that the magic power to perform magic and the magic power to support the architectural golems all come from humans themselves.

Li Shushan did not respond to the electromagnetic waves from the earth, which can be said to show the coldness of the "alien civilization". He actually wanted to see how the countries on the earth, and How will the public's thoughts change?

Li Shushan felt as if he had become a civilization observer again, and the entire earth civilization had become a guinea pig for him to observe. Then he decided to cultivate a new earth civilization on the "Floating City".

As we all know, Earth's civilization is full of classes. The so-called "selfish genes" seem to have become the reason why many people only care about themselves and try to climb up by any means. It seems that if they don't do this, they will be completely sorry for their own genes. Same.

So the question becomes, can human classes be eliminated?

According to some theories, this is of course possible. It is also predicted that when material abundance becomes extremely abundant, classes will naturally disappear, and then everyone will not have to worry about everything. Anyway, there will be whatever you need...

Li Shushan once believed in this theory very much, but it was indeed based on the maximum development of productivity through science and technology.

Unfortunately, judging from the current speed of human technology development, all this seems to have become a fantasy.

However, the capitalism that is now implemented in all major countries has completely become an obstacle to the development of science and technology. Because capital is short-sighted, it is absolutely impossible for them to spend much effort on the most important and most difficult to break through basic science. Develop whatever technology you want to make money, even if the technology is really worthless.

Therefore, Li Shushan is relatively pessimistic about the future of mankind as a whole. If he had Su Wuming in the heavenly space, he could jump out of the timeline and overlook the development of human civilization on the entire earth. He would definitely find that the development of mankind has made He was disappointed.

Since there is no way for human beings to develop better if they are allowed to develop naturally, and may even regress in the future, then why doesn’t Li Shushan cultivate the ideal human race in his mind?

Even if it doesn't succeed, it doesn't matter. It's still very interesting to do such a small experiment with human civilization as the experimental subject.

In the first step to eliminate the human class, Li Shushan plans to use artificial wombs to industrially produce human babies in the floating city. This is probably similar to the birth of elves in trees.

These human babies have no parents, and the people who raise them are of course Olivia's familiars. These familiars will be modeled after the best teachers among humans.

Babies without parents are naturally relatively equal, but there will definitely be differences. The talents of each child are definitely different.

In the process of their growth, everything depends on their own efforts. In the future, they will also form a class, divided into upper and lower classes, but the ones at the top are the ones who have contributed the most to the entire civilization.

They were born to promote the development of human civilization, and they would not live their lives in confusion like those humans on earth.

Second update completed! ! !

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