What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 312 The expectations of novice players

What needs to be pointed out is that players playing online games in the spiritual world of Magic Network will benefit Li Shushan more than players playing in "Infinite".

The reason is simple. This not only saves the consumption of magic power for consciousness travel, but also produces magic power when players learn, think, and die in the spiritual world.

The online game that Li Shushan will produce next will of course be simpler and more crude. Its target position is exactly those novice players, especially players who are keen on fighting and PKing in online games.

These players do not like hardcore stand-alone games such as "Martial Arts World" and "Fantasy World" at all, even if these stand-alone games contain scenes and characters they are familiar with.

They are limited by their own vision, and they still like the familiar online games in their minds. It is best to add krypton gold elements. By directly paying krypton gold, you can get a magical outfit, and then kill everyone and bully civilian players in various ways...

That's right, these players should be the players who were particularly fond of online games such as "Legend of Blood" and "Zhengtu". Anyway, just do it and you're done. Don't talk to them about operations. As long as their levels and equipment are better than their opponents. , what other operations are needed?

Nowadays, the games under the Magic Network platform are basically loved by high-end players, but they are very unfriendly to "brainless people".

Originally, the "brainless people" were looking forward to making a comeback in the "Infinite" online game, but this obviously very interesting online game was actually stuck in closed beta, and they didn't know when it would be released to the public.

Moreover, the 5,000 internal beta players are not "brainless", they are also hardcore players, which makes people very unhappy.

Some "brainless" players are already strongly questioning whether Future Technology Studio is discriminating against ordinary players, and why each game under the Magic Network platform is more unfriendly to ordinary players.

That's just the difficult stand-alone game "Martial Arts World". At least everyone can play it. As a result, the "Infinite" online game was finally released, but ordinary players are not even qualified to play it!

This is so unpleasant!

Don’t ordinary players deserve to play “Infinite”?

It’s really not worthy!

Yes, in Li Shushan's view, it is a waste of resources for ordinary players to play "Infinite". He hopes that the players who play "Infinite" are the kind of players who like to explore, discover, climb the technology tree, and promote the development of the world. Players, those high-level players he carefully selected, are undoubtedly of this type, and many of them are relatively elite leaders in reality.

When ordinary players enter "Infinite", it will only add to the chaos. They have no idea of ​​the overall situation at all. Maybe they like to fight against the elite players who promote the development of the world, and then they become a force that hinders the development of the world. .

After all, "Infinite" is not a game in essence. It is like the earth world. After all, it is a small number of people who can promote the development of the world, and most ordinary people can be fine if they don't hold back.

Now that Li Shushan is short of magic power again, of course his idea is to target ordinary players. As long as he makes a game that meets their needs, he can kill two birds with one stone!

This can not only reap another wave of spiritual power, but also quell the dissatisfaction of many ordinary players who have long been looking forward to playing virtual reality online games to the "Infinite" online game. Who makes the "Infinite" online game not give them a chance to play at all...

The online game that Li Shushan will produce this time is, of course, a war-type online game. It is to encourage players to fight in it and maintain a high-intensity death frequency!

Its background was directly set by Li Shushan into the classic "Three Kingdoms" era.

Games in the Three Kingdoms genre can be said to be out of date in the entire game market. However, there has never been a virtual reality Three Kingdoms game in the world!

The reason is very simple. This technology of virtual reality and consciousness uploading is completely monopolized by Li Shushan, and it is not known how many more years of development it will take for earth civilization to develop such a technology...

It is even very likely that earth civilization will never be able to study it, just because science is far inferior to magic when it comes to such metaphysical things as consciousness and soul.

The Three Kingdoms game is a bad one, but I have to admit that this background is still very classic, and it is very well-known in the entire East Asian cultural circle.

After all, there are many Japanese game manufacturers who have produced many classic and playable Three Kingdoms games, such as the "Three Kingdoms" series, the "Three Kingdoms Warriors" series, "The Legend of Cao Cao", etc.

Of course, there was also "Three Kingdoms: Total War" that once made people obsessed with "Kuanfu Hanshi". These classic Three Kingdoms games have made players addicted to them and unable to stop.

There are so many games with the Three Kingdoms background that are unfortunate references. Of course, Li Shushan asked the magical artificial intelligence Alice to first make reference to these Three Kingdoms games, trying to take the best of them and discard the dross.

Although there are many classic games in the Three Kingdoms category, when it comes to online games in the Three Kingdoms category, there are not that many to indulge in. Except for a mobile game called "The Shore of the Land", its gameplay and power are both outstanding. It makes those players who play it very addicted.

Li Shushan is not going to create a Three Kingdoms online game that focuses on strategy, nor is he going to respect historical facts. After all, it is the background of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", which is more suitable for players to fight!

Just imagine, players must be very keen on dueling in front of the formation. This duel can be on horseback, or of course it can be dismounted.

And as generals, players should of course have their own military strategies, special moves, etc. The matching and use of various skills certainly require great skill.

In addition to being military generals, players can of course also choose to be counselors. Counselors are not completely powerless. They can use spells and strengthen soldiers, so that when they command soldiers to surround and kill military commanders, those who are originally A general who can fight one against a hundred or even ten thousand might overturn...

This Three Kingdoms online game can be regarded as the so-called "Mythical Three Kingdoms". This kind of fantasy game world that completely transcends reality is of course the favorite of ordinary novice players.

In a game like "Martial Arts World", you have to train yourself from a person with no martial arts skills to a martial arts master. This process is really painful. What's even more annoying is that in "Martial Arts World", you can't upgrade your level or obtain equipment. Players get the pleasure of being crushed, which is too anti-human!

Now, what ordinary novice gamers are looking forward to most is a retro traditional online game, but it uses virtual reality technology!

Second update completed! ! !

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