Li Shushan directly named this online game specifically designed to satisfy ordinary players "Three Kingdoms". The purpose of this online game with relatively simple and crude gameplay under the Mowang platform is to attract those who have always been dissatisfied with "Martial Arts World" and "Fantasy World" Players who have a cold fall into the trap.

Of course, this "Three Kingdoms" does not rely on the NPCs in the game to kill players and harvest their spiritual power, but relies on players killing each other.

Many ordinary players enjoy the feeling of "come and kill me if you are a brother" when playing online games. They do not like the complicated gameplay in online games, nor do they like to delve into the plots. What they like is socializing and getting to know each other in online games. Make more friends, and then fight with your friends in such a virtual world.

After Li Shushan directly told the magical artificial intelligence Alice his requirements for the "Three Kingdoms" online game, such a simple and crude virtual reality online game was of course quickly produced.

There is no way, this world is really rich in materials for Three Kingdoms-themed games. There are many things that Alice can learn from. Character modeling is also very convenient. Needless to say, the character's personality is not ready-made. Can "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" be used as a reference?

Li Shushan is also planning to experiment with this "Three Kingdoms" game. If many people are interested in this simple and crude online game, then he can make another online game with the background of modern warfare, just call it "World War" is good. It has been slowly updated since World War I. The final updated version may become a "doomsday wasteland" type scene.

To put it bluntly, Li Shushan provides a huge stage for those chaotic evil players who like to do whatever they want in the game, allowing them to dance to their heart's content on this stage, scheming with each other, and having fun.

Many of these players are not interested in the so-called well-made 3A single-player masterpieces. They feel that no matter how good they are in stand-alone games, they are just bullying NPCs. How can they be interested in bullying other similar players...

What? You said that in "Martial Arts World" and "Fantasy World" developed by Future Technology Studio, players cannot even bully NPCs, but always suffer at the hands of NPCs?

Then this game is still a piece of shit, slip away!

These players can only place their hopes on the "Infinite" online game, thinking that this is the game that allows them to show off their skills. However, their expectations are doomed to be disappointed...

The new online game "Three Kingdoms" did not do any publicity like "Infinite". Instead, contrary to Future Technology Studio's usual style, it actually carried out a more formal publicity!

The promotional video is of course extremely well-made. Players can not only directly enter and experience it through the magic network, but of course they can also watch such a promotional video on major video websites through ordinary computers.

Zhong Zhenhua, an ordinary player, saw this promotional video for the "Three Kingdoms" online game on Bilibili, which he visited almost every day.

Although the emergence of the Magic Network platform has had a relatively large impact on the traditional Internet, it is impossible for the Magic Network platform to completely replace the traditional Internet. Players like Bilibili, which have a high degree of user cohesion, are still very strong. .

Zhong Zhenhua likes to catch up on new shows on station B, and then he will watch ghost videos and the like. After all, station B only has two areas, one is the ghost video area, and the other is the material area for ghost videos.

This time Zhong Zhenhua saw this PV video of "Three Kingdoms" on the homepage after entering the B station app.

He didn't realize at all at the beginning that this PV video was actually produced by Future Technology Studio. After all, the existence of Future Technology Studio, except for a promotional video after the appearance of "Martial Arts World", all subsequent The game does not have any promotional videos at all, highlighting the style of a boss!

This kind of boss style is that I will put the game here, you can play it or not...

Of course, Zhong Zhenhua has also played "Martial Arts World" and "Fantasy World" produced by Future Technology Studio, but he has not played them. First of all, because these two games are too hard-core and too difficult to get started, it is like taking an ordinary person directly. It's the same as in martial arts stories and fantasy stories. People who can't adapt really can't find a different life.

In addition, Zhong Zhenhua is not interested in martial arts stories or fantasy stories. He is more interested in two-dimensional comics. However, Future Technology Studio has not continued to produce a game called "Animation World".

Under such a situation, Zhong Zhenhua is obviously very interested in virtual reality games, but he cannot become a player of "Martial Arts World" and "Fantasy World". He can only set his goal on the "Infinite" online game, playing day and night. We are hoping that it will increase the number of people in internal testing or simply go directly to large-scale public testing...

Of course, the result made Zhong Zhenhua very dissatisfied, because the "Infinite" online game seemed to have been completely forgotten by Future Technology Studio.

At this time, after Zhong Zhenhua watched the promotional video of the "Three Kingdoms" online game and learned that it was a new online game from Future Technology Studio and would be directly tested in public, he was immediately attracted to the game!

This promotional video is very passionate and can make the audience feel the atmosphere of war!

This will be a game full of disputes, and the competition between players will begin directly after entering the game!

One step first, step by step!

The gameplay shown in the promotional video is relatively similar to previous traditional online games. Of course, it also makes Zhong Zhenhua, a relatively hardcore online game player, feel an extremely friendly atmosphere...

There is no mistake, this is the online game he is really looking forward to!

After watching the promotional video, Zhong Zhenhua did not hesitate and immediately logged into the Magic Network platform. Sure enough, he found that the official website of the "Three Kingdoms" online game had been built, and there was a countdown on the official website that excited many players!

This time, players’ expectations are even higher than those of the “Infinite” online game!

The reason is very simple. The "Infinite" online game has a limit on the number of people in the internal test, so not every player can play it.

But the "Three Kingdoms" online game has no such restriction at all!

Any player who wants to play the online game "Three Kingdoms" can enter as soon as the countdown ends!

This has completely made those "brainless people" who are not interested in hardcore games excited. This is the style of real virtual reality games in their minds!

First update today! ! !

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