Of course Zhong Zhenhua was also very excited at this time. He just felt that all his grievances about not being able to qualify for the internal beta test of the "Infinite" online game were vented!

Now that there is a virtual reality game called "Three Kingdoms" that is more like the traditional RPG online game on the computer, and it does not limit the number of players, it can completely replace "Infinite" and become the most popular virtual reality game at the moment!

There is no way, who allows this black technology of consciousness uploading to be only in the hands of Future Technology Studio?

Zhong Zhenhua saw at this time that in the official forum of "Three Kingdoms", a new online game that was about to be launched, many players were excitedly posting their comments——

"After watching the promotional video of "Three Kingdoms", I feel that this game will be a hit. Anyway, I will definitely play it as soon as possible!"

"This "Three Kingdoms" online game really has the flavor of a front-end game, so this is the kind of online game I'm looking forward to. Don't be fancy, just be simple and crude!"

"I was almost disgusted to death by the stand-alone games produced by Future Technology Studio. Those hard-core stand-alone games were really boring. This "Three Kingdoms" online game is definitely interesting!"

"Future Technology Studio finally figured it out this time and focused their energy on ordinary players like us instead of working on those niche games."

"Actually, I still really want to play the "Infinite" online game, but unfortunately I am not qualified to play it at all. I can only play "Three Kingdoms" first to satisfy my craving."

"One thing to say is that there is no doubt that the gameplay of "Infinity" is subversive, but it has lost the fun of online games. It is like traveling through a different world with a game panel. It no longer feels like playing a game. So No matter what, the "Three Kingdoms" online game using CG characters has more of a game flavor."

"Yes, the online game "Three Kingdoms" strongly encourages players to upgrade their equipment to fight monsters. The higher the level and the better the equipment, the more powerful the players will be. Then such players can dominate the game. This is the tradition. It’s the style of online games!”

“I really can’t wait to enter the game. By the way, where will I appear in the game?”

"It seems to depend on the choice of faction. Although the name of the game is "Three Kingdoms", there are actually many forces to choose from. You can even choose the Yellow Turban Army, Dong Zhuo, etc. This is still very free."

Zhong Zhenhua saw that the discussions among the players were particularly lively, and he knew that the "Three Kingdoms" online game had already attracted the attention of countless players.

Even those well-known studios, guilds, etc. in traditional online games will definitely enter this game as soon as possible!

If it weren't for the fact that the online game "Infinite" didn't have studio space at all, then it is estimated that studios would have been rushing to enter.

Well now, as soon as the promotional video of the "Three Kingdoms" online game came out, the gameplay in the video has nakedly shown that this is a virtual reality game that is very close to the traditional RPG online game on the computer. In other words, the experience of those traditional online games, Major studios and guilds will definitely use it, so what are you waiting for? Of course, you must seize this earliest opportunity and enter the game to make arrangements in advance!

Zhong Zhenhua had already decided to give up on this new online game anyway. Before the official open beta of the "Three Kingdoms" online game started, he went out for a large purchase, hoping to directly carry out long-term operations.

Waiting for the launch of the "Three Kingdoms" online game is undoubtedly a very anxious thing. Although everyone can play this new online game this time, hardcore online game players like Zhong Zhenhua certainly hope that they can grow up quickly. He is a big boss in online games, so he must not fall behind others at the beginning!

The day when the server of "Three Kingdoms" was launched happened to be the Mid-Autumn Festival, a legal holiday in China, at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Many players may have just finished a meal with relatives, then lay down on the bed, ready to log into the Magic Network platform directly with their mobile phones, and then enter the game instantly after the countdown of the "Three Kingdoms" online game ends.

Zhong Zhenhua is already lying on the bed, looking at ten, nine, eight...one on the screen of his mobile phone!

The countdown is over!

A "Start Game" button appeared on his screen, and he clicked it directly with great excitement!

As a burst of extremely familiar consciousness entered the game, he knew that his consciousness had separated from his original body, and then came to his own "Master God Space"!

In the "Lord God Space", of course, there is another portal to enter the "Three Kingdoms" online game!

Zhong Zhenhua entered the new game through this portal!

Of course, a new game requires the creation of new characters, and you can choose the character's preference, that is, a martial character, an intellectual character, a commanding character, a charming character, a political character, etc.

To be honest, these character attributes are very familiar, because these values ​​​​are found in the Three Kingdoms game.

Zhong Zhenhua chose a martial character without hesitation. Although he doesn't like reading, he still has a general understanding of the entire Three Kingdoms era. His favorite story is the story of a duel before the battle, so in his mind, he is the most awesome Three Kingdoms character. , of course it is Guan Yu, the mighty Martial Saint of China. Killing enemy generals in front of the battle is as easy as eating and drinking!

Anyway, Zhong Zhenhua’s idol is Guan Yu, so he wants to become a super general like Guan Yu in the "Three Kingdoms" online game!

Zhong Zhenhua is so upright. He plays the "Three Kingdoms" online game just to charge into battle and fight and kill, instead of playing group fights like a strategist or a commander-in-chief.

In order to become a "ten thousand enemy" fierce general, he also deliberately made his character very tall and powerful, directly adjusting the height to the highest two meters, and then added a big beard to his face. He thought the big beard was The symbol of male virility!

As for his nickname, he also chose one that was very fierce at first glance - riding alone to conquer the world!

After setting his character to complete satisfaction, Zhong Zhenhua finally entered the game and then came to the novice village.

Of course, there is no need to choose a camp at the beginning. If you have to talk about camp, then the players can be considered to be in the Han camp. After the Yellow Turban Rebellion plot begins, players can of course choose to join the Yellow Turban Army.

The settings of the Novice Village, as well as the various tasks at the beginning, such as killing ten chickens, rabbits, wolves, wild boars, etc., really make the players very friendly, which is really interesting! Ordinary players like them are looking forward to this kind of online game!

It's a pity that the game store hasn't been opened yet. When the game store sells some strengthening gems and the like, it will be even more exciting!

However, although Li Shushan specifically relies on "Three Kingdoms" to rely on traditional online games, he does not intend to create any props and krypton gold online games. Instead, he hopes that the gap between players will be small, and then the fight will be more fierce...

Second update completed! ! !

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