For Zhong Zhenhua, if "Three Kingdoms" was still an online game played on a computer, it would definitely make him very disgusted, because this kind of online game has indeed declined long ago.

Since the rise of mobile games, this kind of client games without any huge innovations have basically not many people playing them. Client games that can still be popular among players are either very old-fashioned and have become a kind of sentiment. PC games, such as "Fantasy Westward Journey" and "DNF", or competitive PC games like "League of Legends".

However, when a virtual reality game like "Three Kingdoms" appeared that was similar in nature to "Legend", the consciousness uploading and virtual reality technology undoubtedly gave this traditional online game a second life!

Anyway, Zhong Zhenhua felt that the game was very enjoyable. When he was doing mission upgrades in Novice Village Pass, he had to compete with other new players to kill monsters. It was simply a matter of speed and slowness.

Then Zhong Zhenhua actually met the so-called player group that rents out levels for leveling!

This behavior undoubtedly aroused public outrage, and then triggered a vigorous wild PK!

Not only did Zhong Zhenhua not feel that this kind of outdoor PK was not harmonious, but he felt that it was really exciting!

Just because in reality, how can players who live in the Kingdom of Order carry out gang fights so unscrupulously?

But in the game, this kind of wild PK behavior is undoubtedly encouraged by the game mechanism!

At the same time, during PK in the game, you can also directly explode other people's equipment, and of course you can also kill others! However, players who maliciously conduct PK will also become red-named, and the probability of red-named players dropping equipment is of course higher.

Logically speaking, such early online game settings have long been out of fashion in computer games, because the death penalty is too high and will definitely make some players give up.

But it has to be said that such a high death penalty mechanism will also make the battles between players more intense, and things like killing people and grabbing treasures will become the norm in this game.

This is undoubtedly what Li Shushan wants to see. Anyway, his purpose of creating the "Three Kingdoms" game is not to make profits, but to attract those who are really not interested in hard-core stand-alone games such as "Martial Arts World" and "Fantasy World". Interested novice players enter the trap.

"Three Kingdoms" is not an online game that focuses on PVE, but an online game that is completely biased toward PVP!

From the moment Zhong Zhenhua started upgrading tasks in Novice Village, he encountered things like large-scale outdoor PKs, which shows how bad this game is.

Zhong Zhenhua participated in such a group fight in the game and naturally made new friends, which naturally gave him a good gaming experience.

Just because there are fewer and fewer new players in other online games on the market now, it is impossible for such large-scale battles to occur in the novice village, and naturally there is less fun.

Think back to the original "Legend", an online game that was obviously very hot, why was it so popular?

It’s not just because many players have no choice at all, but it’s also very simple and crude. Its core gameplay is the passionate PK between players. The brotherhood between many players is probably formed in this process.

This is why later web and mobile version of imitating "Legend" games such as "Blue Moon" specially invited Hong Kong and Taiwan stars who have filmed "Young and Dangerous" movies to endorse them, because this can indeed be regarded as The feelings of the original group of players who were addicted to "Legend".

The number of daily deaths in the game "Three Kingdoms" has of course been increased a lot. This is of course to allow players to play the game more effectively.

Otherwise, if you die five or six times and you can't continue playing, that would be too disappointing.

However, if there are too many deaths, there will indeed be a negative buff effect. In addition, the death penalty is so severe, of course players will not die casually.

However, the problem is that sometimes when a war occurs, death is inevitable. Of course you can choose to continue, but the benefits of persisting will certainly not be as high as those players who are determined to make progress.

The balance of this value has been clearly arranged by the magical artificial intelligence Alice. Anyway, this "Three Kingdoms" online game encourages players to improve their level and equipment. It also encourages players to engage in black hands and group fights. It depends on which players take action. It's cruel and sinister enough.

To sum up, this "Three Kingdoms" online game is definitely not the kind of harmonious online game that allows players to fall in love with each other, but a game that is extremely lacking in order and intrigue. Just like the background of the game, the Three Kingdoms is in troubled times, and human lives are like grass and grass. !

Players like Zhong Zhenhua may enjoy playing this game and enjoy it like a fish in water. His level has also been successfully improved in such battles. He has also met many players who also like this simple and crude game. They may also establish a guild together in the future. Something like that.

However, there are also many casual and orderly players who are very uncomfortable with the "Three Kingdoms" online game, which has a very retro gameplay, because they are clearly having a good time doing missions on their own, but suddenly someone will pop up. The red-named player in question, kill them directly!

This is of course something that makes people look confused. Some naive players even asked famous players why they did this.

Of course, the famous players answered this question very calmly, that is, it is interesting. They like to kill weak players. Seeing that they are unwilling to do so, they will regain their place when they have the ability!

It has to be said that such chaotic and evil famous players are basically found in games with malicious PK mechanisms. Maybe in reality, these famous players are honest people, but in the game world , they completely let themselves go, thinking that this is just a virtual world anyway, so why can't they be evil people?

Some famous players have even made an appointment to join "Dong Zhuo", a camp that sounds very evil at first glance. They will directly kill all the players who are trying to help the Han Dynasty, and then force Dong Zhuo, who was extremely unpopular in the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms, to Good guys come to the top so that the bad taste of these players can be satisfied.

And with this type of red-named players in the game, of course there will also be righteous players who are in the orderly and good camp, as well as some profit-oriented players, because if they succeed in hunting down the red-named players, there is a great possibility Obtaining huge benefits, who gives the red-named players a higher chance of equipment explosion?

First update today! ! !

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