The online game "Three Kingdoms" is a game where malicious PKs between various players can occur in the novice village. It can be said that the hostility is really very serious, which naturally causes dissatisfaction among some players.

While these players are dissatisfied, of course they also seize the time to defeat monsters, upgrade and complete tasks until they no longer have the energy to play. After they go offline, they complain on official forums and major social platforms——

"The online game "Three Kingdoms" is really a bit overwhelming. There are always some particularly annoying famous players causing trouble. Not only do they steal monsters, but they also like to do evil things. Are these famous players all bastards?"

"To be honest, I played the newly launched "Three Kingdoms" online game yesterday and was really disgusted by the game environment inside. Why do I feel that so many people have become evil thugs as soon as they enter the game?"

"Obviously I went into Kuang Fu Han's room, but I ended up being ruined by other players. This really ruined the game experience!"

"I can't believe that such a retro and trashy game was actually developed by Future Technology Studio. If this was a PC game, it would be really cool!"

"It is estimated that all the players in this game will be lost in a short time, because in this game, weak players are too insecure."

"I strongly hope that Future Technology Studio can make major changes to this game to make it better for casual players who like farming, otherwise its game life will definitely be very short!"

It can be said that the complaints from these players about "Three Kingdoms", a simple and crude retro online game, formed a trend for a while.

If this game was produced by an ordinary game company, then it is estimated that the game company producing this game will definitely panic at this time. After all, the reputation and reputation after its launch are not very good.

However, Future Technology Studio has always been known for its cold attitude towards players, not to mention that Li Shushan, the creator behind this game, does not care about the reputation and reputation of this game at all.

Li Shushan's purpose has been very clear from beginning to end, which is to attract the previous batch of "brainless party" cloud players through this game, and then let them kill each other in the game, so as to ruthlessly harvest a batch of magic power.

As for the lifespan of this game, he is not worried at all. General online games may have no ending, but this "Three Kingdoms" online game has an ending. That is, when the Three Kingdoms are unified, the game will end, or in other words Its version will no longer undergo various updates, and players will no longer have any main quests...

What many people did not expect was that when some players frantically complained about the game environment problems of the "Three Kingdoms" online game, it actually triggered strong rebuttal from another group of players!

These players are all applauding this "Three Kingdoms" online game!

"Without bragging, the "Three Kingdoms" online game is definitely the most fun game that has appeared this year. It made me, a person who was not interested in role-playing online games at all, get into the game and have a lot of fun playing it! "

"To be honest, this "Three Kingdoms" online game is one of the few games that allows me, a hardcore online game player, to find the original intention of playing "Three Kingdoms Heroes". Playing this "Three Kingdoms" online game is just for the feelings!"

"One thing to say, this game is really poisonous. It has returned to its original nature. I even think it is much more interesting than those hard-core stand-alone games."

"Those who complain about the game environment are all idiots. You can tell at a glance that this game is a war game. Of course, the mainstream of this type of game is fighting! What a party! , leisure party and other players, why don’t you give way?”

"I really like this game. Starting from the wild map of Novice Village, you can directly conduct malicious PK. You don't even need to turn on any PK switch. When you meet someone, as long as you don't like it, you can go up and kill him. Not to mention that there are How exciting!”

"Players who have fought three wild group fights in "Three Kingdoms" said that the essence of this game is 'come and kill me if you are a brother'. There is nothing more to say, just do it and it will be done. This is a purely manly idea. game!"

"I feel that as soon as this game comes out, those sentimentalists who were once obsessed with "Legend" will soon fall into the trap. Those mobile games and web games that imitate "Legend" on the market are probably going to die out."

"I am very grateful for the emergence of the "Three Kingdoms" online game, because it has brought me a game world where I can vent my anger in the real world. No matter whether I am killing others or being killed in the game, I feel that I am in the real world. My temper is much better.”

"Those players who dislike the atmosphere in this game, please get away as far as you can and play the harmonious game in your mind. Let us play the game like "Three Kingdoms", which can also save server resources. .”

"Am I the only one who cares about when Future Technology Studio will release the game store? I will definitely be excited by then. The joy of becoming a strong person in this game is definitely not comparable to becoming a successful person in reality. …”

These players who have clearly expressed their support for the "Three Kingdoms" online game have to say that the strength of their support for this game has been demonstrated. It can be said that their momentum is far greater than those players who think that the overall environment of the "Three Kingdoms" online game is too dark.

If we conduct a sample survey on the age of this group of players, we will find that these players are already older, and many of them may have only played earlier online games.

But as they get older and busier with their careers, these players no longer have the time and energy to play the so-called innovative and complex games on the market today.

However, the emergence of the online game "Three Kingdoms" allowed them to find their original intention. At the same time, they did have time to play this game. Anyway, they only needed to play it before going to bed, which did not delay their physical rest at all.

At the same time, the "Three Kingdoms" online game's simple and crude gameplay that returns to early online games also makes it particularly enjoyable for these veteran players with successful careers, because it is really simple. One-on-one combat may require skills, but group fights , doesn’t it mean that whichever side has more people will have the advantage?

Of course, in the early stage when no one has much equipment, it is more important which side has the better command.

These early veteran players clearly enjoy the feeling of commanding others in the game and responding to everything at once, and then a group of people can show off their power and cause various troubles. Not to mention how happy and exciting it is!

So of course they have to brag about "Three Kingdoms" like crazy, and they must keep "Three Kingdoms" in this game style.

Second update completed! ! !

Thanks to [Great Hai Bo] for the 1000 reward~~~

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