Olivia still has a say in things like "plane invasion". This is of course because such events have been recorded in the history of her former home plane.

According to Olivia, the more traces of space magic there are on a plane, the more likely it is that a "plane invasion" will be triggered.

However, "plane invasion" is not a big deal. Just because a world can launch "plane invasion" does not mean how powerful its civilization is.

Just like the "plane invasion" that occurred on Olivia's home plane, it was actually recorded as something similar to an anecdote. It was probably similar to what happened in China on earth when villagers in a certain He proclaimed himself emperor directly in the countryside, only to be annihilated by the police dispatched by the local police station.

In Olivia's eyes, those planes that invaded Olivia's home plane are just indigenous planes that can be destroyed at will.

"Based on the technological level and war potential displayed by the earth's civilization, more than 90% of the 'plane invasion' is nothing more than a joke." Olivia said in a very calm tone.

When Li Shushan heard what Olivia said, he couldn't help but think of an animation called "Fantasy Self-Defense Forces", and of course a novel called "Alien Stars Misguided".

"Fantasy Self-Defense Forces" tells the story of a different world that invaded the earth but was counter-invaded, because the level of civilization in that different world is simply not comparable to the earth's world.

As for "Alien", it actually tells the story of an alien civilization coming to attack the earth. As a result, the alien civilization is still in the age of matchlocks, but it can travel faster than light.

It was through this alien civilization's initiative to "send people away" that the earth's civilization also learned how to travel at the speed of light. It turns out that traveling at the speed of light is a very simple thing. It can even be said to be extremely simple. As long as that layer is broken With paper, you can understand everything, but the earth's civilization has fallen into a serious blind spot.

In the end, the Earth civilization that can travel at the speed of light will, of course, be like a mad dog released from its cage and colonize the entire universe, because before the principle of super-light speed was figured out, human technology in other aspects had developed to the extreme. Far more powerful than the so-called empires in the universe.

Li Shushan now indeed feels that the "plane invasion" that occurred in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom is not exciting at all. Once those monsters in the fog accidentally come out of the fog, they will be useless in front of the most common human firearms. Dregs.

Of course, in the fog, those monsters are still relatively strong, as if they have a layer of buffs, and the closer the monsters are to the "Gate to Another World", the more powerful they become.

But all this is based on the fact that the official Stars and Stripes Kingdom has not yet used all its strength to solve them. Based on Olivia's assessment of those "doors to other worlds", she feels that the Stars and Stripes Kingdom only needs to launch a nuclear bomb. It can absolutely be destroyed.

While Olivia belittled the "Gate to Another World", she also habitually expressed her own sense of superiority, that is, the space magic technology of this "Gate to Another World" was really rough and reminded her of The anecdotes recorded in the history of his home plane are really easy to make people laugh.

Olivia believes that behind this "Gate to Another World" is probably an inferior indigenous civilization, so there really is nothing to worry about.

In fact, the later you master the plane teleportation technology, the better it is.

The reason is very simple, that is, if you master the plane teleportation technology and can carry out plane invasion, then often the giant empires in those planes have actually fallen into a state of decay, but they can always pass the "plane invasion" To divert domestic conflicts, directly transfer domestic unstable factors to other planes, and even force them to become the pioneers of plane invasion.

For example, if in the history of the earth, or in the history of China, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the imperial court had mastered the technology of plane teleportation, then it would be possible to directly teleport those refugees who cannot survive to other planes. , this will naturally solve the conflict of land annexation, and this decadent court may be able to survive again.

However, if we continue to survive like this, the progress of the entire society and civilization will appear to be very slow. Without that kind of huge change, human civilization will definitely be like a pool of stagnant water!

How should I put it? It feels like humans who have not mastered the technology of plane teleportation and time travel are like the "Shilipo Sword God" who has been leveling up in the Novice Village. Obviously, with its accumulated science and technology, it can already go out to kill. , but because we don’t have that key technology, we can only live on a small earth, and even the stars and the sea are just a luxury.

Now that the Star-Spangled Kingdom does not attack the root of these fog monsters, it is obviously playing a big game. After all, the appearance of these monsters, as long as they are killed, it is possible to awaken supernatural powers. No matter how you look at it, it is an opportunity!

Stars and Stripes Kingdom officials probably compare all this to the "supernatural resurgence" that occurred in Japan. Now that the number of extraordinary people in Japan has increased, the confidence of the entire Japan has become inexplicably stronger. Dare to take the dog leash of the Star-Spangled Kingdom directly!

However, there is really nothing the Stars and Stripes Kingdom can do against Japan, because those "ghost controllers" in Japan who have home field advantage are really difficult to deal with. Of course, there are also those ghosts in Japan, so the Stars and Stripes Kingdom has to give up temporarily. Go join Japan Island Country.

Well now, similar things have happened in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom. The official top officials of the entire Stars and Stripes Kingdom have obviously reached a consensus, that is, they must seize this "opportunity" and cultivate the Stars and Stripes Kingdom as much as possible. of extraordinary beings.

Even the people of the Star-Spangled Kingdom are now very enthusiastic about becoming superpowers. It can be said that the people's support is supported. They do not realize that what they are facing is a "plane invasion". Instead, they think it is a "plane invasion". Extraordinary Trial”.

"Resisting plane invasion can indeed gain the favor of this plane, which can increase your luck, etc. I think there were some civilians in my home plane who awakened their magic talents by resisting plane invasion. , this shocked those natural mages. Since then, the civilians in my home plane have regarded plane invasion as a huge opportunity." Olivia stated very calmly road.

"Then the benefits of this plane invasion, no matter how you look at it, all fall on us!" Li Shushan said with some surprise.

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [XMap], [Yunhe Zhuya], and [Pro-Soviet People] for their 100 tips~~~

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