What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 320 I want to be the protagonist

Of course, Olivia did not refute Li Shushan's point of view, because with the current strength of the two of them, it can be said that they can handle things like plane invasion with ease.

They have even experienced the benefits of killing fog monsters through "Tony Stud". Anyway, the magic power consumed is nothing compared to the benefits gained.

Not to mention, "Tony Stud" also used such a way to show his loyalty to the Star-Spangled Kingdom. Every time he killed a fog monster, he would post a picture on Twitter. Of course, Very addictive.

After all, due to the official laissez-faire of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, many people have died during the invasion of this fog monster. However, the superhero Iron Man "Tony Stud" stood up and became the people of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom. Patronus!

This is a perfect explanation of what "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility". Sure enough, the most reliable people in Stars and Stripes are superheroes. As for the official of Stars and Stripes, they are just a soy sauce!

The more people worship Tony Stud, of course he will gain a lot of faith through such worship, which can undoubtedly be transformed into magic power.

The more Tony Stud kills fog monsters, the more he will gain favor from the consciousness of the earth plane, gain great luck, and even become the protagonist of this era!

Anyway, Li Shushan knew from Olivia that in the history of Olivia's home plane, about two hundred years before Olivia was born, there was a commoner without any magical talent who resisted the invasion of the plane. Successfully acquired the magic talent, and then made rapid progress in the field of magic!

Not only did he lead the mages of his own plane to fight against the invasion, but he also gained a huge voice in the Mages Council, and he also had many confidants!

How do you think this mage who was favored by fate was the protagonist of that era. He gained the favor of the consciousness of that plane, and then of course he got everything he wanted to get.

This simply corresponds to the line in the poem, that is, "Every time comes, heaven and earth all work together."

However, after successfully resisting the invasion of the plane, and even successfully counter-invading, the protagonist who "every time comes and the world is the same" has become "a hero who is not free".

He had everything going smoothly, but unfortunately he died in the process of being promoted to a legendary mage, which made people sigh.

This can probably be seen that when a plane encounters a plane invasion, its consciousness will definitely awaken, and then it will choose those chess pieces it thinks can be used and use them directly to resist the invasion. Even directly implement counter-invasion.

The battle between two planes may become a battle between two "protagonists" who are favored by the fate of their respective planes. Whichever protagonist wins can basically declare which plane wins.

But of course there are exceptions. For example, in Olivia's home plane, the Council of Mages is so powerful that even if the "protagonist" loved by the plane consciousness is defeated, it is not a big deal. The hard power of her home plane can make All the efforts of those civilizations who attempted to invade the planes were in vain!

The hard power of the earth plane cannot be underestimated. Humans with nuclear weapons cannot afford to grow mushrooms through portals like the "Gate to Another World". This means that as long as humans are determined, they can Resist more than 90% of plane invasions!

Of course, if Olivia's home plane and the earth plane collide, the outcome of a battle between magic and science is still difficult to predict, and there is a high possibility that both sides will suffer...

But there is no doubt that if the two planes can cooperate in a friendly manner, both technology and magic will probably develop greatly.

Olivia's strength has expanded to such an extent now because she not only inherited the legacy of the Council of Mages, but also worked frantically behind the scenes to learn scientific knowledge and use scientific thinking as much as possible in the development of magic. , which makes her magic more flexible and more effective.

It's a pity that Olivia's home plane is now completely gone. It has been merged into Su Wuming's plane.

Su Wuming represents the way of heaven in her own plane, which means that when her plane is invaded, she can also find a protagonist who is "favored by the way of heaven". Of course, this protagonist can resist the invasion of the plane.

In a sense, Su Wuming can actually represent the "plane consciousness" of her plane. Unlike ordinary planes, its plane consciousness is invisible and it will not act according to its own preferences. The choice of "protagonist" depends on who can really help it resist the invasion of the plane, and who can do more in the process.

Li Shushan, who knew this information, has now decided to become the "Guardian of the Plane" himself!

That's right, since even his high-level familiar, or even his substitute "Tony Stud", can obtain such great benefits in the process of killing the fog monsters, why can't he obtain these in person?

Referring to Olivia's home plane, civilians can obtain magical talents in the process of resisting the invasion of the plane. It can be said that "every wish comes true". Then he can refer to the angel. What a proud man!

So Li Shushan took action as soon as he said it. His goal was not to obtain the talent for magic, but to obtain the talent for cultivating immortals!

To be honest, there are so many exercises on the Internet, and there are even so many secrets for cultivating immortals on Taobao, but no one has ever been able to practice anything through these secrets. This is really regrettable. .

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is of course because those so-called secrets of cultivating immortals are all lies, and most likely they are played by some idle guys...

But in Li Shushan's view, these secrets are clearly the real secrets of cultivating immortals in certain planes. They have been projected onto the earth by the creators. However, the people on earth have no talent at all to cultivate them, as if the people on earth will never be born. Just like having magical talent.

However, as long as you have the talent to cultivate immortality, you will definitely be able to practice these "fake secrets" on the Internet!

Li Shushan can now truly become a transcendent himself, and he is also a transcendent in the immortal cultivation system. This will undoubtedly fill the gap in the transcendent system he currently masters.

I have to admit that Li Shushan's ideas are very constructive, and Olivia also hopes to see another extraordinary system born in Li Shushan's hands...

Second update completed! ! !

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