Just when Li Shushan wanted to resist the invasion of the plane, or to increase the favorability of the earth consciousness in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, so that he could be blessed with great luck and become the protagonist of the plane, the ancient elf tree Luna finally gave birth to the elves. !

That's right, the queen of the elves was finally born, and she was named Meia Shadowsong by Luna.

The elves created by Luna only have women, and they all grow on the ancient elf trees. Their mother is undoubtedly the ancient elf tree Luna.

The elves are adults as soon as they are born. Their growth process is in the buds, and they even learn in the spiritual world.

I have to admit that Luna, the ancient elf tree, is still very thoughtful. She does not want the elves she creates to be those particularly ignorant elves in fantasy novels. The most important thing is that the elves are really too cute. He is a weakling, and he still has the tendency to act like a primitive man.

At the same time, such elves are also obsessed with the creation of so-called art, but ignore the progress in other aspects, so that in the end, the elves become the best candidates for female slaves, because they are really like useless vases.

So the question becomes, how did Luna cultivate the elves in her mind, and why did she let Meia be the queen of the elves?

Luna hatched thousands of elves at once. All of these elves are impeccable beauties. From the perspective of human aesthetics, their beauty can be said to be even more beautiful than the top beauties among humans. Be perfect!

The most obvious difference between the elves and humans is undoubtedly their pointed ears. This does not weaken the charm of the elves, but makes them more distinctive.

It is through the spiritual world of "Magic Network" that Luna cultivates the consciousness of the growing elves.

And this, of course, was approved by Li Shushan. In Li Shushan's view, the consciousness or soul of the elves has been directly bound to the magic network from birth, which is of course a very good thing.

After all, Li Shushan has always hoped to increase the number of users of the Magic Network as much as possible, and even set his sights on Olivia's home plane, hoping to attract more intelligent beings.

Unfortunately, there is no trace of any intelligent life in Olivia's home plane...

Now that the ancient elf tree Luna can create the intelligent race of the elves, why not let them grow in the spiritual world of the Magic Network from the birth of their consciousness?

In the process of growing up, their learning, thinking and even the process of death can provide magic power for the magic network. Even if the number of elves is small, mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are.

The consciousness of the elves grows up in one virtual reincarnation world after another, or in the world of novels written about the elves. In the process of their growth, they go through reincarnation again and again, which can make them more objective. Look at the world and race in a perspective.

At the same time, there is no doubt about the artistic talent of the elves, but as they grow up in the world of reincarnation, they will naturally find that art is far less reliable than their own strength.

Whenever the elves are in crisis, art cannot save their race at all. In that case, they realize that it is really unwise to spend so much time on art...

Lessons learned time and time again will eventually make the entire elves grow.

In a sense, the elves born from the ancient elf tree Luna are the luckiest race in the world, because they have more than one life!

In their first life, they may become the kind of elves described in many fantasy novels due to their own characteristics. However, in their first life, they will experience all kinds of pain. , or the country is ruined, or the family is destroyed, or because of her own weakness, she is forced to become a female slave...

When they get their second life, they will naturally summarize what they did wrong in the previous life, thus creating a sense of urgency. After all, the elves have a long lifespan, which makes their nature more Buddhist. , salted fish, without any sense of worry.

I have to admit that the simulated life in the reincarnation world is indeed very capable of cultivating an intelligent life. It allows this life to become mature and wise before it is actually born. As for those who are still immature, or those who are still naive, , then just let her experience more life.

In fact, in addition to the more than a thousand elves who were successfully born this time, there are still many elves who have not met the conditions for them to be born into reality.

The elves now headed by Elf Queen Meia can be said to be a group of elves with a strong sense of worry. Before they were born, they basically understood the current international situation of the entire world.

They also made clear their goal, which is to build a magnificent elf empire starting from the earth, with magic technology as the core. The empire's territory will of course include all heavens and worlds!

They want to form a time-limited air force called the "Wild Hunt" to hunt for them in all the worlds.

Therefore, what can be discovered is that the newly born Elf Queen Meia is very beautiful in appearance, but she also has an extremely iron-blooded temperament!

Queen Meia is the leader of the elves who performs best among the many reincarnation worlds created in the spiritual world of the Magic Network.

Of course, her first life was also a failure. She once lived as a carefree princess of the elves, but it turned out that she clearly wanted to live in peace with other races in that world, but all of this was her naive idea!

The prerequisite for being able to live in peace is that the elves must first have the power to intimidate other races!

So again and again in life, Queen Meia found out what kind of power the elves should rely on to protect themselves, and that was magic technology!

The elves have unique magical talents, but in many cases, their magic is unsystematic, and they do not introduce scientific methods, so they rely entirely on empiricism to learn magic.

However, Meia certainly discovered that such magic that only pursues personal power is not the real way to use magic at all. If magic is turned into a collective power, a power that changes the world, then it will become even more brilliant. !

There is no doubt that someone has guided this, and this person is of course Olivia. She combines magic with technology, and she just hopes that there will be a race to inherit this idea.

This lucky race is, of course, the elves who are bound to the magic net at birth.

In the minds of the elves, Olivia is also the goddess of magic and nature, the only god they believe in...

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [Super High School Level Ace Pigeon] for the 100 reward~~~

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