Although she has experienced many lives, the Elf Queen Meia was still very excited when she came to the real world for the first time.

After the bud-like things conceived by the ancient elf tree bloomed like flowers, she was born from such flowers.

When Meia was born, other elves should not have appeared, so she saw a scene that made her feel very mysterious. She saw around her that there were many buds similar to those that had just given birth to her. It grows concentratedly on a branch of the ancient elf tree.

Meia put her hands on the branches of the ancient elf tree, and found that she could actually communicate with the ancient elf tree, and she also naturally developed a feeling of closeness between children and their mother.

No matter which reincarnation world they are in, the elves are all born from the ancient elven trees. They have no father, only the ancient elven trees as their mothers.

At the same time, they can choose their own appearance. In other words, among the elves born this time, of course there are elves who choose loli body shapes, but their real age is probably at least a thousand years old. .

"Mother, is this the real world?" Meia took the initiative to communicate with the ancient elf tree Luna.

Of course, Luna also "saw" the first elf she gave birth to, and at the same time, the other person was the queen of the elf, and her goal was to establish the elf empire.

Luna is of course very satisfied with Meia's appearance. It can be said that the other party has displayed the elegance and splendor of the Elf Queen to the extreme. The Elf Queen's clothes constructed on her body can also fully highlight her nobility.

Luna responded to Meia: "My child, welcome to this real world. In such a world, the elves will have a more glorious future."

Meia raised her eyebrows slightly, and she said with a little doubt: "The real world doesn't seem to be much different from the world I grew up in. I even feel that the real world is not that real."

Indeed, in the spiritual world of the Magic Network, the consciousness can fully experience the feeling of the real world. On the contrary, in the real world, the consciousness is in the physical body. If you experience it through a layer of physical body, it will feel less real.

When Luna heard what Meia said, of course she understood what she meant. After all, she was also a loyal user of the Magic Network. Recently, she was very addicted to the game "Three Kingdoms". After all, this online game was indeed very simple and crude, and she could just do it.

"The real world is not as small as the reincarnation world and is full of limitations. It is theoretically endless. The universe of this world alone is so endless, let alone other planes." Luna explained this way. .

Meia's eyes couldn't help but light up when she heard this. This was of course because, in the world of reincarnation, as the queen of elves, she would find it boring after using all means to conquer the entire world.

The world of reincarnation is probably like a stand-alone game with an ending. As for the real world, it is like a game with an "endless mode", which is completely endless.

With the longevity of immortals like the elves, of course the real world is more suitable for them. As long as they spend enough time, they will definitely be able to carve out a world in the real world.

"If the real world is like this, it would be great. Everything feels more vivid and interesting." Meia said in an expectant tone.

"Have you seen the stars in the sky? Each star represents a star, which is equivalent to a world, but there are indeed very few worlds that can produce intelligent life." Luna said.

It was night when Meia was born. She made a few moves and arrived at the top of the ancient elf tree with great vigor. Then she was completely shocked by the extremely brilliant starry sky. Among the countless stars, there was a Very beautiful Milky Way.

Such a scene is difficult for humans who were born in the city to appreciate. However, here at the Elf Ancient Tree Luna, there is no air pollution or light pollution at all. Now the sky is clear, so of course you can see it. Such a beautiful starry sky.

People who do not appreciate the brilliant starry sky are really sad. If they do not understand the beauty of the starry sky, how can they have the dream of "our journey is a sea of ​​stars"?

Anyway, at this moment, the Elf Queen Meia felt that this real world was really great. Can her Elf Empire become the Galactic Empire in the starry sky?

Of course, with the current number of elves, such a dream can only be said to be a dream, but she knows that there are still a huge number of humans in this real world, and some of them can be used by her. .

Meia has already come into contact with various races in the world of reincarnation, among which the human race is undoubtedly the most exposed. After all, the world of reincarnation in which she lives can basically be regarded as derived from works created by humans. .

Therefore, Meia can be said to have a very good understanding of human beings. Subjectively speaking, Meia does not like the human race, because she really dislikes this race for its various bad qualities, and it also likes to enslave elves.

But objectively speaking, human beings are an intelligent race with great potential, and there are also some very outstanding humans among them. They have completely escaped from vulgar taste and can do many things that Meia admires.

Moreover, Meia also knew that the scientific concepts in the "magic technology" that she considered the cornerstone of the Elf Empire were completely absorbed from the science developed by humans in the real world.

Therefore, Meia certainly cannot have the slightest contempt for human beings in reality. She hopes to recruit human beings with lofty ideals in the real world to further develop "magic technology".

After looking at the starry sky, she looked at the earth again. Standing on the top of the ancient elf tree, Meia could of course overlook everything. The eyesight of the elves was of course far superior to that of humans, and they were also born with night vision. Don’t forget them. They are all natural shooters.

Meia saw the "starting territory" of her elf empire. Of course she was very satisfied. After all, the quality of the forest was very high, and there were many creatures that had already surrendered to the ancient elf trees that she could command. She didn't have to at all. Worrying about initial safety issues, even land reclamation is very easy.

This real-world farming game, which is still an endless mode, is finally about to start in her hands.

Second update today! ! !

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