What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 323 Magical Technology [Updated with 50,000 recommendation votes]

Of course Li Shushan knew about the birth of the elves, and he also knew what kind of elves the elves he had transformed into became.

Perhaps in the original impression of many people, the elves are probably the kind of stubborn and conservative extreme environmentalists who protect the forest. Anyone who dares to touch their forest will become the public enemy of the elves.

However, the elves who appear on this earth and are located in the "Prehistoric Beast Continent" are obviously no longer the stereotyped elves, but a kind of elves who are full of enterprising spirit and worship "magic technology" very much!

In their minds, the ancient elven trees are of course very important, but in their opinion, as long as their "magic technology" is powerful enough, they can create forests at will, and there is no need to worry about the forest being destroyed. To what destruction.

This is the power of "magic technology" after the combination of magic and technology!

Olivia is actually very satisfied with the elves. First of all, of course, because their appearance is high enough and really pleasing to the eye, and secondly because of their natural magic talent.

Olivia has always been very regretful. Since being inspired by the scientific system on earth, her magic has made rapid progress. She can even decipher many magic books that she could not understand before. However, in this world, she can The person who exchanged magic and even inherited her mantle did not exist at all before the birth of the elves!

No way, Li Shushan couldn't help Olivia with this kind of thing. After all, no human being on earth has magical talent. Li Shushan did have many new ideas for using magic, but after all, he was just an applicator, not a developer.

There are many people on the earth who can exchange scientific knowledge with Olivia, such as Tan Keying, who is bound to the "future technology system of academic masters". Her attainments in mathematics have now been recognized.

Of course, there are also experts in other scientific fields on the earth. Olivia has become friends with them by studying their papers.

But there is no one in this world who has both magical talent and scientific thinking, who applies magic to scientific exploration, and also applies science to the analysis of magic, except Olivia.

Thinking back to when Olivia returned to her home plane, she actually wanted to communicate with the mages in her home plane, and even shocked them with some scientific knowledge on earth, pretending to be cool, but in the end she But there is absolutely no such opportunity.

Well now, the birth of the elves can be said to perfectly meet Olivia's requirements.

In the world of reincarnation before the elves were born, Olivia also found time to be a mentor to those ignorant elves.

For example, Meia, the queen of the elves, was carefully mentored by Olivia because she was really interested in "magic technology" and also worshiped "magic technology" very much. They all wanted to establish a "magic technology sect". "Yes."

As a result, Olivia became the "Emperor Master", someone revered by the entire elves.

The elves have also discovered that the elves who are more likely to please Olivia are those who are fanatical about "magic technology" like Meia, because these elf mages have finally satisfied Olivia's communication needs. desire.

Even now, these elf mages are still too young and still need time to grow.

At the same time, the more Olivia studied on earth, the more she discovered that knowledge is really endless. With the development of science, there are more and more branches of various disciplines. In this era, there is no such thing as the kind of multi-discipline that can be divided into various disciplines. All are almighty scientists.

This is not like some periods in human history, when a Newton or Einstein could single-handedly come up with a groundbreaking theory, and then this theory could change the world.

The more modern we get, the harder it is to have super-powerful people like Newton and Einstein. Of course, this does not mean that the IQ of modern people is worse than that of that era. In fact, even if Newton and Einstein were placed in modern times, they might You can easily master the most cutting-edge theories of science, but it is already extremely difficult to come up with something as groundbreaking as before.

The development of informatics always gives many people the illusion that human science and technology is still advancing by leaps and bounds. In fact, in the most basic science, human beings have stagnated for a long time.

Now that Olivia has discovered this fact, she naturally sees the limitations of the human scientific system. This also allows her to view the world more objectively and no longer blindly thirst for new knowledge. Just because of these Knowledge seems to be poured out...

Olivia believes that if we want to make breakthroughs in the basic sciences on earth, we will need a larger number of high-end educated people. This does not mean that the quality is not enough, but the number of researchers has increased. In short, the population base of researchers has increased. It is more likely that a genius will emerge, and then the genius will have a flash of inspiration, and the basic science will be promoted in an instant.

It's just a pity that no matter which country you are in, there are fewer and fewer people who are willing to concentrate on studying basic science. On the one hand, it is really very difficult, and on the other hand, of course, the effort is not proportional to the gain. .

And when the overall human environment is moving closer to money and entertainment, science seems to be completely far away from ordinary people.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the most cutting-edge things in science have probably become fantasy...

The way ordinary people can get close to science is probably to read one or two hard science fiction novels, or read black technology novels and academic novels in online articles. If they can satisfy their lust for science, this is enough. Ordinary people are more concerned about scientific development.

Most readers probably still prefer cool stories about upgrading to fight monsters, pretending to be cool, and drinking and getting rich.

Of course, if there is no such atmosphere of advocating science in the entire human society, then of course the scientific research population will become smaller and smaller over time. Even those who have determined to be the greatest scientists since childhood cannot change this social reality. It can only sink along with the entire society.

Li Shushan wants to create a new human race on the "Floating City", perhaps because he wants to make such a social experiment.

The birth of the elves and their respect for "magic technology" also represent an attempt.

The former is of course more inclined to make breakthroughs in the field of science, and certainly does not exclude the use of magic to accelerate scientific development. The latter, the elves, focus more on the field of magic, with science as an aid.

It just depends on whether it is possible for the two to reach the same destination through different paths...

Li Shushan himself became obsessed with cultivating immortality.

It’s the third update today~~~

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