What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 324 The excitement of Chinese netizens

In fact, Li Shushan himself had never thought that one day he might embark on the path of cultivating immortality, or in other words, embarking on the path of transcendence through cultivation.

After all, Li Shushan was most exposed to Olivia's magic. Even if he knew that he had no magic talent, he didn't think it was a big deal. Anyway, it was enough to be able to use Olivia's magic to realize his fantasies.

In a sense, Li Shushan seems to be very calm when it comes to extraordinary powers. I don’t know if this is because he has been fond of fantasy since he was a child, and after reading countless miscellaneous books, he feels that no matter how extraordinary he is in fantasy, When the power appears, he won't feel any fuss.

It is such a very indifferent and even transcendent mentality that makes Li Shushan seem to be a natural seed for Taoism. Everything seems to be in line with the nature and harmony of Taoism.

This kind of talent awakening was obtained by Li Shushan by destroying a "Gate to Another World" located in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom.

Li Shushan had not yet become a real monk, but he had already dressed himself up as one. He put on a moon-white Taoist robe, and his hair, which was deliberately long, had been tied into a Taoist bun. No matter who looked at his appearance, , will all think that he is a worthy person.

In fact, what he used at that time was not magic at all, but magic. He relied entirely on Olivia's magic to hold up the scene.

But no matter what method he used, he still destroyed a "Gate to Another World" in full view of the public.

That's right, when several "gates to other worlds" appeared in the Star-Spangled Kingdom, and many fog monsters appeared, it naturally became the focus of the world's attention, and it was even more popular than Japan.

The reason is very simple. After all, Japan is just a weak island country, while the Stars and Stripes Country is undoubtedly the most powerful country in the world. If there is any major turmoil in the Stars and Stripes Country, the entire world's economy will be affected. suffered severely.

Fortunately, the officials of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom and its people are not as passive as the Japanese island country. Apart from causing some major accidents at the beginning, the fog monsters are not so lethal later on. This is a place where Stars and Stripes people specially use to "fight monsters and upgrade".

However, the things that ordinary people can obtain are just like that, and it is impossible to really be valued by plane consciousness.

Guys like Li Shushan who have very special abilities are the ones who are favored by plane consciousness, and his extremely high-profile act of destroying a "Gate to Another World" made him instantly famous all over the world. Focus person!

Among them, the Chinese people are of course the most excited, because they have been hoping for the stars and the moon, and finally hope that a traditional Chinese immortal cultivator in the style of a classical fairy will come out!

They had no idea that Li Shushan's "flying with the wind" was actually Olivia's "gravity control" magic, and that his destruction of the "Gate to Another World" relied on Olivia's thorough research on space magic.

In Olivia's eyes, the "Gate to Another World" is just a very rough large-scale plane portal. As long as one of its spatial nodes is destroyed, it can disappear.

So, this time Li Shushan pretended to be a big guy. Flying in the wind, he came to a "Gate to Another World", put his hands on his back, looked down at such a magnificent "Gate to Another World", and then looked at The flying monster that covered the sky rushed towards him, a living target.

At that time, the media all over the world who were broadcasting the live broadcast were all worried about Li Shushan, the newly minted immortal cultivator. The result shocked all the media and everyone watching the live broadcast!

The powerful monk's face remained unchanged, and with a casual wave of his hand, the monsters that covered the sky seemed to have been scratched by a "dimensional blade" that could tear apart the space, and then they seemed to have encountered insecticide bugs. Generally, they all died suddenly!

Such an understatement of waving a hand certainly shocked countries all over the world. Countless research institutions could not figure out the principle behind such an attack, but what is certain is that no country in the world can build such a weapon...

Such flying monsters in the fog are still very troublesome. Even the most advanced fighter jets will be unable to escape if they accidentally fall into their encirclement.

They will surround them from all directions, and their flying speed can even exceed the speed of sound. Just relying on that suicide attack is enough to cause a headache.

However, such troublesome flying monsters were so vulnerable when faced with such a powerful monk who came out of the mountain!

The next scene that is even more shocking is that the powerful monk used his finger as a sword and slashed a brilliant sword energy towards the "Gate to Another World", and then the "Gate to Another World" suddenly collapsed. It can be said that Falling apart.

After the powerful monk finished dealing with this "Gate to Another World", he did not deal with the other "Gates to Another World" in one go. It seemed that he still had some energy left, but he chose to retreat temporarily.

However, many viewers who watched the live broadcast believed that one day, this powerful monk would come back.

Netizens in China fell into a state of excitement——

"The extraordinary person from our country of China has finally appeared! I must become a disciple and become an immortal cultivator!"

"This immortal cultivator should be at least an old monster in the Nascent Soul stage. He kills monsters like chopping melons and vegetables, and the magnificent gate to another world was also directly destroyed."

"Why do our immortal cultivators from China go to help the Star Stripe Kingdom? Isn't this too holy? I really want the Star Stripe Kingdom to be destroyed by monsters."

"Now that the whole world has encountered various incidents, the whole world should unite. Why are there still people who hope that the Star-Spangled Kingdom will collapse? If the Star-Spangled Kingdom is gone, our country of China will not be able to stand in front of it. It’s a big country.”

"Do you have the contact information of this powerful monk? I also beg for a cultivation chat group..."

"I still feel that our country, China, is really too quiet. Other countries are either full of demons, invasions from other worlds, or rampant prehistoric beasts, but our country, China, has nothing!"

"Fart! Our country of China obviously has the "Three Kingdoms" online game, but brothers came to hack my PVP online game. It was so fun to play, how can you say there is nothing? This made me find the way I played "Legend of Hot Blood" in the first place. of happiness.”

After successfully destroying the "Gate to Another World", Li Shushan felt that something mysterious and mysterious had come to him, which made him feel extremely familiar.

He thought about it seriously and felt that this familiar feeling was very similar to when he gave a female character a "protagonist halo".

It was clear that he had been given that as well.

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [Constantine♂] for the 100 reward~~~

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