Li Shushan has asked Olivia, Yu Shengfan, and Su Wuming more than once - what is it like to be the protagonist?

If this question appeared on Zhihu, then these three people would definitely be the most knowledgeable people.

Because they have all been the heroines in Li Shushan's works, and at the same time, they have transcended their original world and come to reality.

Su Wuming looked very embarrassed when answering Li Shushan's question.

The reason is naturally that she was the one who suffered the worst among the three heroines at the beginning. Of course, her fate now goes without saying.

Su Wuming is the only one who has the halo of the protagonist and still overturns, which makes the "law of the protagonist's immortality" simply become a decoration.

This was actually her own doing. As long as she didn't act like a holy mother, she really wouldn't die.

But judging from the fact that she eventually became the god of her own world, the result was of course good, and the Virgin's behavior could be regarded as benevolent and benevolent.

Of course, after becoming the Heavenly Dao, Su Wuming will no longer be the same as before, because her perspective is different. Originally, she focused on individuals, but now she focuses on the entire world.

Yu Shengfan's answer to this question also seems vague, because she has no awareness of being a protagonist and just likes games.

But even so, she has also discovered some benefits of being the chosen one. For example, in any game, she can often get good results when betting on probability.

In many games, Yu Shengfan is both extremely skilled and the so-called European Emperor. Nothing can stop her European spirit.

The most irritating thing is of course that she doesn't have this awareness herself. After accidentally becoming a SEAL, other players madly complain that she is the official dog sitter of the game.

In fact, of course Yu Shengfan is not a dog ​​person, purely because she is truly the chosen one in the game. If the game "Tower of Planes" does not appear in her world, then Yu Shengfan may be in it. The first time I participated in the S competition of "The Strongest King", I won the championship!

This is her first year in a professional league!

That night, she was the chosen one and the only one!

This is the power of the "protagonist halo". With the strength, everything seems to be possible for her and her wishes will come true.

Even if Yu Shengfan is in the real world, she has not encountered any setbacks in the gaming field. The team she is joining now has almost won the championship in this S10 season, and is only one S game away!

Before the S game, Yu Shengfan had already picked skins during the live broadcast. This was really not a big deal, because her team was so strong, with a protagonist like her and dreamers bound to the system. With the factory director’s assistance, what else is there to worry about?

S10 happened to be held in China again, and Yu Shengfan's team was there, which made people feel reassured.

The most puzzling thing is that even Riot Games did not target Yu Shengfan's team. This is obviously the effect of the protagonist's halo. Otherwise, according to Riot's urine, the S game will definitely be targeted.

Just like the RNG team in the S8 season, they also won the championship all year long, but ended up losing their hips in the final S game. Although this was due to the team members' own mentality explosion, in fact, the real reason is that its The version has changed.

This is the result of not having the halo of the protagonist, which is very regrettable.

Whether it is Su Wuming or Yu Shengfan, their understanding of the protagonist's aura is actually inferior to Olivia, the woman who is best at utilizing the protagonist's aura.

Olivia realized her specialness very early on. Of course, it didn't mean that she was outstanding in magic talent. In fact, there were many people in her plane who were extremely talented in magic.

It's a pity that the more talented mages are, the easier it is to fall. It's as if the world is jealous of geniuses. The whole world doesn't like to see any talented mages appear and grow up, and is afraid that mages will escape from the world and come closer.

Olivia has encountered many accidents since she was a child, but she has been able to save herself from such accidents and gain many benefits at the same time.

Olivia is like an invincible Xiao Qiang. The more people target her, the faster she grows. She will always kill the younger ones, and then the older ones will follow.

However, the other party would not rush forward and try to kill Olivia by any means necessary. Instead, they always liked to send people to kill her one after another.

What is this if not the protection of the protagonist's halo?

Olivia relied on the other party to kill people one after another, even wiping out an extremely prominent mage family. At the same time, she also seized many magic books, which raised her level once again.

When Olivia discovered that she could always save herself from danger in a "narrow escape" situation, she became more and more courageous, and felt that nothing in the world could kill her, as long as she had at least that much A life-saving measure.

And because she is a space mage with outstanding talent, her life-saving methods are certainly better than other mage's. Needless to say, she is definitely better than other mage. And then she is used to all kinds of life and death fights. A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​​​blood slashed out of the sky.

While other mages were still receiving the mildest mage education in the academy and were taught how to solve problems eruditely and elegantly, Olivia only believed in the staff in her hand. She very much liked to use simple and crude methods to solve problems. , it is exactly what is called recklessness!

She has become accustomed to using the most powerful force to deal with any existence that blocks her path forward. Anyway, she will not die even if she can complete the challenge. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, she will not die, even if she is caught in space turbulence. , and can be successfully rescued by Li Shushan...

Therefore, Olivia, who has such a protagonist's halo, has a great say in Li Shushan's issue.

The aura of the protagonist in Olivia's mind is that no one can block her path forward. She can always fight back at critical moments, and at the same time, overcoming level challenges is as simple as eating and drinking.

Now, after Olivia heard that Li Shushan had also obtained such a "protagonist halo", she had only one suggestion, which was to make Li Shushan more unscrupulous and not worry about anything. Anyone who dared to block his way would be struck with a sword. Just cut it off.

As a protagonist, you must have the consciousness of being a protagonist. Don't be coy and petty, then you are not worthy of being a protagonist at all.

Second update completed! ! !

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