Li Shushan never thought that one day he could practice immortality by reading the Tao Te Ching.

In the eyes of Li Shushan, the Tao Te Ching was just a very ordinary ancient text. Its spread in China was far less than that of The Analects of Confucius, and it was not even as good as Zhuangzi. After all, in Zhuangzi One article, "Xiaoyaoyou", was selected into Chinese textbooks.

"There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty, and its name is Kun. Kun is so big that I don't know how many miles it is; when it turns into a bird, its name is Peng. The back of the Peng is so big that I don't know how many thousands of miles it is..." Such a paragraph from "Xiaoyaoyou" The beginning of "" should be familiar to students who have taken Chinese classes.

As for the "Tao Te Ching", most people probably know its beginning - Tao, can be Tao, but is not Tao. Name, nameable, very famous...

People who have no foundation in ancient Chinese literature will undoubtedly be confused when reading this kind of article that contains the understanding of the sage's philosophy, and they will not have the patience to finish reading it.

Li Shushan used to be such a person. He probably read the Tao Te Ching just to find some novel material. After all, there are some words in it such as "The Door of Wonders", which can be derived into a magic weapon, and then Supplemented by your own fantasy, you can naturally fool readers in the novel.

However, when Li Shushan now reads the Tao Te Ching, he feels that this famous work written by an ancient saint is simply full of mysterious and mysterious charm!

However, Li Shushan felt that this kind of mysticism was not suitable for modern people like him. The most suitable one should be the kind of ancient monks, so he hoped to use a more modern and quantitative method to make his immortal cultivation career more comprehensive. interesting.

Therefore, it was a matter of course that he created a system for himself to assist him in cultivating immortality.

He has now mastered at least three systems with completely different cores. One is the technology system on earth, the second is Olivia's magic system, and the third is Yu Shengfan's game system.

As for Su Wuming, who incarnates the way of heaven, in a sense, she should be regarded as a "world system", that is, she is symbiotic with her plane. As long as her plane becomes more and more powerful, then she herself will Getting stronger and stronger.

This power system is very special and does not have the ability to be universalized, because the way of heaven in most worlds does not have any subjective consciousness, just like a fixed running program, so once you know how it works, then Can be exploited.

By studying Su Wuming's power system, Li Shushan learned how this "plane consciousness" could be used, and then tried his best to become a "son of the plane" on the earth plane, so that he could successfully embark on the road to immortality.

With such a brand-new power system, Li Shushan felt that it was very necessary for him to try it out personally. At that time, he could verify it with several other systems he had mastered, and perhaps there would be even greater gains.

"The perfect system of cultivating immortals has been successfully created. Next, the master can cultivate immortals with the assistance of this system. The character panel of the master is as follows -"

In Li Shushan's consciousness, the words he expected appeared. This "Perfect Immortal Cultivation System" was an exclusive system he created by combining the magic system and the game system. Its purpose was to assist him in cultivating immortality and make him very conscious. The process of cultivating immortality has become intuitive and quantified.

This can be said to have strong support from Olivia, because she, a legendary mage, is also very interested in the power system of cultivation.

Although Olivia has never seen the game system that comes with Yu Shengfan, she has heard about the power system of cultivation. It may be able to keep pace with mystery and magic in all the worlds. Yes, it is the immortal martial side. Among them, the number of immortal cultivators, like magicians, is very rare, but once they are successful in cultivation, they are extremely powerful beings.

Just because Li Shushan has no magic talent does not mean that he does not have other special abilities. The character panel now displayed in the "Perfect Cultivation System" is very intuitive——

Name: Li Shushan

Race: Human

Realm: Mortal [The realm has been divided according to the Lord's understanding of immortality - mortal realm, Qi refining realm, foundation building realm, golden elixir realm, Nascent Soul realm, spirit transformation realm, virtual refining realm, combined realm, Mahayana realm territory】

Talent: Seed of Cultivation [The existence of this talent allows the Lord to learn any scriptures about cultivation without any obstacles. The speed of cultivation becomes faster and faster with the accumulation of knowledge, and enlightenment is frequent. 】

Magical power: given by the aura of the heroine of all worlds [This magical power is only available to women, allowing them to gain the favor of the consciousness of that plane]

One of the main tasks: the foundation of enlightenment. [Read all the classics related to cultivating immortality that exist in this plane, and try your best to find classics that may exist in other planes]

Main mission two: Perfect cultivation of immortality. [Each realm should try its best to exhaust its secrets, and never seek quick success and quick gain just to improve the realm. 】

Main mission three: The wealthy couple's legal land...

The "Perfect Cultivation System" provides more than ten main tasks at one time, which can be regarded as pointing out the general direction of the entire cultivation of immortality to Li Shushan, and can maximize Li Shushan's talent as a seed of cultivation.

Some of the main tasks clearly refer to those popular cultivation novels.

This is really not something the "Perfect Cultivation System" is causing trouble, but with Li Shushan's current situation, he can indeed follow the path of the protagonists of those cultivation novels.

After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, those cultivation classics and magical secrets on earth are all fictitious things. It cannot be said that they are to satisfy the fantasy of ordinary people, because ordinary people have no way to understand and practice them. .

But this is not the case for Li Shushan. Just like when he is reading the "Tao Te Ching" now, he is already fascinated by it. This Taoist classic may not be able to give Li Shushan instant power, but there is no doubt that as long as it By reading it, he can further increase his foundation and also let him understand what the true Tao follows nature.

After all, "Tao follows nature" is the essence of Laozi's thought in the Tao Te Ching. "Tao", as the most abstract conceptual category in the Tao Te Ching, is the source of power for the creation of all things in the world. "De" is the development and expression of "Tao" in the field of ethics. "Tao" and "law" have similarities at the level of rules and common sense.

"Dharma" should imitate the way of nature and play its role in the reverse transformation of dialectics.

After understanding that "Tao follows nature", Li Shushan can learn everything in nature.

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [Riven My Wife] and [Scattered Thoughts Capricorn] for the 500 reward~~~

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