Li Shushan's current state is the mortal state. According to the description of the mortal state in many cultivation novels, it is a process of exercising one's body, that is, the process of practicing martial arts. The peak of the mortal state is probably equivalent to those top martial arts in martial arts novels. A master now.

While Li Shushan continued to read classics such as "Tao Te Ching", "Book of Changes", "Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu", "Xiao Yao You", etc., he also did not forget to find those "fictions" in fantasy novels on the Internet. The magical secrets that came out, such as "Nine Yin Manual", "Nine Yang Magic", "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" and so on.

These magical secrets can be easily found on the Internet through Baidu. Of course, there are many versions. Basically, they are posted on the Internet by relatively idle people for their own bad taste.

Maybe some of them are ardent fans of some classic martial arts novels, and they express their love for this novel in this way, imagining that such martial arts secrets really exist in reality.

Some people probably just want to make fun of it. They always think it is very interesting that such martial arts secrets appear in the technological world of the earth. No one can practice it anyway. In this case, it depends on who can make the most interesting nonsense.

They didn't know that their behavior was completely advantageous to Li Shushan, because no matter how ridiculous the magical secrets were, they would directly work in Li Shushan's hands. Even if Li Shushan practiced fake magical skills, they would become Come true, this is the secret of cultivation!

Cultivation to the truth, all false things can become true, as long as they really exist in the heavens and the world.

Li Shushan initially improved his physical strength through scientific exercise, and then obtained advice from Su Wuming. After all, Su Wuming was also a warrior and a swordsman.

Then he began to learn various martial arts that existed in various martial arts novels. No matter what martial arts they were, he would accept them all, because he did not learn martial arts to improve his combat effectiveness, but to exhaust the secrets of this power system.

When it comes to combat capability, he has no shortage of it. After all, there are super talented people like Olivia and Yu Shengfan beside him. With them around, Li Shushan doesn't need to do anything by himself.

The more Li Shushan practices in the mortal realm, the more he understands where the limits of mortals are and what the secrets of magic skills represent.

Many warriors practice a kind of martial arts, and they don't ask more about why. They don't even understand why practicing martial arts can make people stronger. And this martial art is so powerful, why is it so powerful.

Martial artists only rely on their own intuition to practice them, knowing it but not knowing why, so they cannot truly create martial arts.

However, after Li Shushan tirelessly read all the "magic secrets" on the Internet and learned them instantly, he already understood why they could work in those planes where martial arts existed.

In terms of those martial arts terms, Li Shushan has exhausted the principles of martial arts. He understands the fundamental reason why mortal warriors in the world can possess extraordinary power.

The natural result of this is that Li Shushan can create his own martial arts secrets that can truly be practiced, and then give them to those who are willing to practice them.

Under such a situation, Li Shushan's realm would naturally reach the peak of the mortal realm. If he goes further, he can directly enter the Qi Refining Realm and embark on the true path of cultivation.

Li Shushan is a person who pursues perfection, otherwise he would not name the system he created as the "Perfect Cultivation System". He tries his best to consider everything as perfect as possible.

Perhaps this was also subtly influenced by Olivia's learning of magic. After all, Olivia basically achieved the perfection she could when learning magic, otherwise her magic would not have worked like this. On top of this system, Li Shushan’s wishes will be satisfied.

At the pinnacle of the mortal realm, Li Shushan can easily become the strongest killer in the world, because he can already fly over walls. He knows all the martial arts in fantasy novels, of course the low-level martial arts novels, and the high-level martial arts novels. , the concept of martial arts in those novels is another way of saying it.

Li Shushan directly wrote his understanding of low martial arts into a book called "The Way of Martial Arts".

This is the essential principle of all low-level martial arts. Anyone who can understand this work means that he can also learn those magical secrets that are obviously nonsense on the Internet.

When he completed such a work that perfectly summarized all low-level martial arts, Li Shushan felt that his understanding of "Tao" had improved a lot. This was the real power of knowledge.

Li Shushan never had any idea of ​​destroying his own treasure. After he completed the work "The Way of Martial Arts", he directly uploaded it to the "Magic Network", and then used the influence of the "Magic Network" to directly send messages to those who People who are extremely interested in martial arts put this book on the essential principles of low-level martial arts that he summarized like a big data.

This is undoubtedly another way to embark on the extraordinary road, and this extraordinary road is the kind of martial arts described in many low martial arts novels. If I insist on giving an example, it is Jin Yong's martial arts, among which the highest The level is probably the level of the five unique skills in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

When Li Shushan finished all this, he only felt that his thoughts were extremely clear, and there was no dust in his heart at all. He knew that his Taoist heart was very perfect at this moment!

Then, at the peak of the mortal realm, after a good sleep, he found that he had successfully entered the Qi Refining Realm, and then he could truly practice according to the fictitious immortal cultivation techniques in the cultivation novels. , he was still summarizing the principles behind all this in the process.

Li Shushan is not only a seeker, he is also a preacher, and the more he preaches, the more feedback he will undoubtedly get. After all, if we are three people together, there must be one who is my teacher, and he also hopes that more colleagues will appear. However, now his only companion is Olivia, but Olivia's way is magic.

And just when Li Shushan quickly reached the peak of the Qi Refining Realm and was about to break through to the Foundation Establishment Realm, the "Tao of Martial Arts" he spread on the "Magic Network" finally caused an uproar!

Because in China, an extraordinary person who has practiced martial arts finally appeared, and he also made big news!

Second update completed! ! !

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