What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 328 It’s finally China’s turn

Many Chinese netizens who have been looking forward to the emergence of extraordinary beings in China have never expected that extraordinary beings with Chinese characteristics will actually appear!

However, this extraordinary person named Meng Fanchen has obviously just embarked on the path to extraordinaryness, and there is no way he can compare with the mysterious cultivator who appeared in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom and shattered a "Gate to Another World".

But even so, this kind of news is exciting enough, because it means that China has truly entered an era of "extraordinary recovery", and perhaps Meng Fanchen will still appear in the history books.

Meng Fanchen has always been a loyal player of "Martial Arts World". At the same time, he is also a serious fan of online novels. He especially likes to read online game novels. The key is that the online game novels he likes to read are the kind of online games that everyone plays and can read. The power in online games is brought to reality.

From the very beginning of playing "World of Martial Arts", he firmly believed that this epoch-making online game created by someone behind the scenes was definitely more than just a game. Maybe as long as he kept playing this game unremittingly, one day You can bring the martial arts realm in the game into reality!

When he discovered that playing this game could make him feel better, he became more convinced of this. At the same time, he quit his original job and devoted himself to this game, becoming a professional who relied on this game. Professional gamers who make a living playing games!

Meng Fanchen's parents were of course very puzzled. They felt that Meng Fanchen was completely addicted to playing games and was completely useless. They were about to send him to electrotherapy to cure his Internet addiction. Meng Fanchen himself was ridiculed by his neighbors, thinking that he This is a typical negative example.

There is no way. It is normal for Meng Fanchen, who was born in a small place, to suffer such criticism. Even at the age of thirty-one, he can't find a partner because no one is willing to introduce a girl to him. If a girl follows him, wouldn't it be wrong? Is it over for the rest of my life?

However, Meng Fanchen doesn't care about this kind of thing at all. Anyway, he has many confidantes in the game "Martial Arts World", which can completely replace women in real life. The perfect girls in his mind are all from Jin Yong's martial arts works that he has loved since childhood. Female heroes, such as Huang Rong, Luo Bing, etc.

If such a girl appeared in reality, maybe he would be attracted by her, otherwise he would be more interested in studying games and martial arts than anything else.

It seems to confirm a conclusion, that is, those who love fantasy will not have bad luck. When he was browsing the game forum in "Magic Network", he received an on-site message, which was a web link, and In a word - Do you want to truly embark on the path to transcendence? Want to exhaust the mysteries of martial arts? It's all in "The Way of Martial Arts"!

If Meng Fanchen had received such a message when he was on the ordinary Internet, he would have thought it was an advertisement or a virus. But when he received this message on the "Magic Network", he only felt excited!

He knew that the game "Martial Arts World" was definitely not aimless, and that it existed for a reason!

He clicked on the link immediately and found that he had entered a newly opened forum. The name of this forum was exactly - Martial Arts Forum.

There are several sections in the martial arts forum, the most conspicuous one, or the foundation of all martial arts - "The Way of Martial Arts".

In addition, there are sections for martial arts discussions, exchange of secrets, narrow missions, etc. This forum is clearly prepared for the group of warriors born in the future!

Meng Fanchen directly clicked on "The Way of Martial Arts", and then he saw such a thing that could be regarded as a "general outline of martial arts in the world". It was not written in some mysterious and mysterious ancient Chinese, but in a very simple and easy-to-understand language. In vernacular, at first glance, its existence is to allow those modern people who truly have the ambition to become warriors to embark on the path of warriors.

It's just that among modern people, there are too few people with great luck and terrifying talents like "seeds of cultivation" like Li Shushan. It is impossible for them to be completely proficient in all martial arts and summarize them like Li Shushan. , to create such a work of great value to mortals as "The Way of Martial Arts".

After reading "The Way of Martial Arts", modern people need to find their own path based on their own understanding. One day, they may be able to truly enter the Tao through martial arts, escape from the mortal realm, and embark on the true path of cultivation.

It has to be said that Li Shushan really has a preference for the people of China. This method of using martial arts to enter Taoism basically does not have any hidden dangers, and there will be no ceiling. As long as someone with the same amazing talent appears, then He can definitely lead the trend of warriors!

Li Shushan still hopes that a peerless genius will emerge, otherwise it will not be an easy task for him to deduce all this extraordinary system by himself.

And when you reach a higher realm, it is not easy to express the Tao that you have fully understood. There are some things that cannot be explained clearly through talking.

This is probably like the world's top scientists teaching cutting-edge scientific theories to high school students and college students. How can they teach them clearly?

Only when everyone has reached a certain level can we communicate as "fellow Taoists".

Meng Fanchen, who had always had a strong interest in martial arts, was naturally fascinated by "The Way of Martial Arts". He felt that the existence of this work seemed to have pierced a layer of window paper, allowing him to understand it all at once. How to transform from an ordinary person to a warrior!

In the mortal realm, there are still several small realms. First of all, you must exercise your body. A strong body is the foundation of everything. Only after you exercise can you truly start to introduce Qi into your body and develop your internal strength!

Many modern people may be stuck in the step of "exercising". After all, nowadays everyone knows that exercising is a good thing, but how many people can go to the gym consistently? Many people do it excitedly. The card was very exciting at first, but in the end the fitness card was just sitting there gathering dust...

But Meng Fanchen, who is full of yearning for martial arts, obviously has great motivation to complete the "body training" first!

Perhaps because of his addiction to "Martial Arts World", he felt that practicing martial arts was particularly easy. His path to martial arts training could be said to be smooth, and he also discovered that he was particularly talented in kicking!

In a very short period of time, Meng Fanchen developed the internal skills that can only be found in martial arts novels through "The Way of Martial Arts"!

At the same time, he also learned Qinggong, which is the kind of Qinggong where the left foot steps on the right foot, and the right foot steps on the left foot!

He has not yet realized that depending on his understanding of "The Way of Martial Arts", he can learn light skills such as "Lingbo Weibu" and "Eight Steps to Catch the Cicada"!

After acquiring internal strength and light strength, his physical fitness further improved!

Meng Fanchen often performed chivalrous acts in "Martial Arts World". When he became a warrior, he couldn't hold back and began to act chivalrous and righteous in reality.

Maybe this is because he can no longer distinguish between reality and games.

But Meng Fanchen is not completely brainless. He just bought a set of ancient costumes and then put on a mask. He does chivalry not for fame or anything, but for his own enjoyment!

He didn't learn martial arts to bully the weak, but to settle everything that made him unfair!

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [Xin Qi] for the 500 reward~~~

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