Since Meng Fanchen's chivalrous and righteous actions were filmed by good actors, it is inevitable that his deeds will be uploaded to the "Douyin app" that has become a must-have in almost every mobile phone.

There is no way, in China, a land where no extraordinary person has ever appeared, after a martial artist like Meng Fanchen, who is successful in martial arts and can use Qing Gong and internal strength, suddenly appears, his existence has caused shock among the Chinese netizens. Of course, it is natural. of.

Meng Fanchen's flying kick solved the gangster who was holding a knife. Of course, he did not kill anyone in the street. He just kicked the other person unconscious. Then he chose to drift away and did not stay to accept the worship and victimization of the crowd. The meaning of gratitude.

As for the gangster who was kicked unconscious by him, there will naturally be official patrols coming to arrest him.

Meng Fanchen is indeed a chivalrous person driven by interest. He does chivalry and justice not for the purpose of "chivalry using force to break the law", but purely because he wants to use his martial arts to do something more meaningful and positive. Otherwise, he would feel that This would go against his martial arts aspirations.

Meng Fanchen's understanding of "The Way of Martial Arts" is indeed very deep. In his opinion, if you want to keep moving forward in martial arts, you must understand one question, that is, what is the purpose of learning martial arts!

Meng Fanchen's own martial arts is that learning martial arts is used to make his thoughts clear. Anyway, as long as he sees the injustice in the world, he will definitely settle it!

In the past, he could only do all this in the "Martial Arts World" game, but now he can do it in reality, which makes him even more obsessed with martial arts.

The way Meng Fanchen walked away after performing a heroic act was rather unrestrained and unrestrained, as if he had just left his clothes and hid his achievements and fame. This made those onlookers who were lucky enough to encounter this scene even more admire Meng Fanchen's high moral integrity. Come.

And this Douyin short video about "a martial arts hero kicking a knife-wielding gangster unconscious" instantly became popular, and the number of likes and comments began to skyrocket!

"Worship this true hermit master. The extraordinary minds of our country are so enlightened!"

"Great! Our country of China finally has a transcendent, so we don't have to worry about falling behind the Stars and Stripes Country at all."

"The transcendent from the Star-Spangled Kingdom is not a good thing at all, but the transcendent from our Chinese country is a real hero. He has done such things that can make the Chinese country famous, but he doesn't care about the reputation at all."

"Kneel down and ask for advice from an expert on how you should practice so that you can have the skills of the expert in this video."

"Those who want to learn martial arts can definitely go to the new martial arts forum that appeared in the magic network. As long as they can patiently read "The Way of Martial Arts" and have a little understanding, then they can embark on the path of a warrior. It is really very good. Simple!"

"I'm embarrassed to say it's simple. It's not difficult at all to understand "The Way of Martial Arts". What's difficult is how to successfully exercise. It's okay for guys who have a foundation in fitness. They will definitely have the perseverance to persevere. It's a pity that in this world, Most of them are just ordinary people without any willpower!"

"Who says ordinary people can't persevere? This path of martial arts training can definitely prolong life. If the practice is successful, maybe everyone can live two to three hundred years. Isn't this a huge motivation? ?”

"The era of martial arts is finally coming. Then maybe all the people will practice martial arts, and everyone can become a martial arts master!"

Many people who saw this short video and subconsciously clicked on the comments to watch, after seeing the controversy about the work "The Way of Martial Arts" in the comments, of course they also became strongly curious.

Under such a situation, many netizens chose to log in to the "Magic Network" as soon as possible, and then found the "Martial Arts Forum" very smoothly.

At this time, the popularity of the "Martial Arts Forum" has increased many times compared to when Meng Fanchen first entered. Many people who had not received private messages naturally found it as soon as possible after learning about such an extraordinary path. After understanding it, he entered it and impatiently began to comprehend "The Way of Martial Arts".

Many people believe that this "Martial Arts Forum" is the key to opening up the extraordinary era of China. They must get the maximum benefit from the forum as soon as possible, so that they can be first in every step.

It's just that these people who haven't received private messages can't compare with a middle-level guy like Meng Fanchen in terms of the purity of martial arts. They don't even know that the more addicted to martial arts in the game "Martial Arts World" Players will indeed practice martial arts faster in reality!

Anyway, Meng Fanchen felt that he had made a lot of money, and his persistence had paid off. He knew that playing the virtual reality game "Martial Arts World" was definitely not meaningless.

Meng Fanchen is actually a blind cat who meets a dead mouse. Li Shushan did refer to the game "Martial Arts World" when he sent private messages to those who yearned for martial arts.

However, Li Shushan is not looking for players who complete tasks in the game through opportunistic methods, but players who like to use force.

These players are indeed very interested in martial arts in the game, and some even dream of developing new martial arts on their own. Now, Li Shushan has also developed a martial arts system in reality. Next, extraordinary warriors The birth of the author can be said to be a natural thing.

Those players who are particularly interested in martial arts can go into reality and conduct real research. Li Shushan just wants to see what modern people will do with their personal power after they have martial arts. things.

As for Li Shushan, the "Martial Ancestor", those who set foot on the path of martial arts through "The Way of Martial Arts" have all formed a causal relationship with Li Shushan.

The world of cultivating immortals has always been very particular about cause and effect, because as cultivators get higher and higher, they will definitely encounter various catastrophes. Before going through the tribulations, if you don’t clear up the cause and effect on yourself, what will happen if you want to Surviving the disaster is definitely not an easy task.

However, Li Shushan didn't actually need those warriors to admit his affection. He used the reward section in the "Martial Arts Forum" to let the warriors settle the cause and effect, and at the same time, he could purify the social environment of China. It could be said that he killed two birds with one stone.

As the short video of Meng Fanchen performing chivalrous acts became popular on Douyin, some people who have also embarked on the extraordinary path and become warriors cannot bear the loneliness. He has also practiced martial arts. Why is he? Can't you become famous like Meng Fanchen?

But what Meng Fanchen never expected was that the official department would come to his door so quickly...

First update today! ! !

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