What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 331 The protagonists are all wage earners

Of course, Li Shushan hopes to see more and more warriors in China. Any kind of extraordinary system requires more people to develop it. His "The Way of Martial Arts" can be regarded as the cornerstone of the entire extraordinary system of warriors. However, because he directly went to After cultivating immortals, the extraordinary system of warriors has not been developed to its extreme.

However, the extraordinary system of warriors actually has great potential. Li Shushan wanted to see if some martial arts geniuses who were born to practice martial arts would appear and bring him more surprises.

Li Shushan didn't think anyone in the world could surpass him in this path of cultivation. After all, he didn't fight alone. Instead, he had Olivia, the strongest person on the magic side, assisting him.

Olivia expressed great interest in the fact that Li Shushan successfully embarked on the path of cultivating immortality. She once believed that magic was the real truth and that magic could explain everything.

But after coming into contact with Li Shushan, Olivia's horizons have broadened. She has seen the extremely rigorous and precise scientific system on the earth, and she has seen the game system of Yu Shengfan, and now she has seen it of Li Shushan. She felt very satisfied with the system of cultivating immortals because it greatly satisfied her curiosity.

Li Shushan's system of cultivating immortals is particularly different, because Li Shushan is definitely not a "mortal cultivator", so he does not need to rely on any resources. If he insists on resources, then he only needs "knowledge".

Li Shushan has practiced all the way to the peak of foundation building, and is one step away from breaking through to the golden elixir realm, all relying on sudden enlightenment.

This seemingly unconstrained way of improving one's own realm completely shocked Olivia. After all, the improvement of her own magical strength was all due to her own unimaginable efforts.

However, after Li Shushan entered Taoism, he often only needed to meditate all the time, so that he could break through his own realm. There was no need to go out and fight to the death to experience himself.

Olivia asked Li Shushan why he could do this, and Li Shushan said that his "Sudden Enlightenment Flow" cultivation method is actually not that simple. It is not so much the "Sudden Enlightenment Flow" as the "Fantasy Flow of All Heavens". Yes, he sharpened himself through his fantasies.

Now he only needs a thought to descend into a certain world of the heavens, and then hone himself there. In the past, he needed to write novels to connect himself to the heavens, but now, he truly has the extraordinary power. With his strength, he has completely changed his original abilities.

In fact, the fact that Li Shushan was able to create "The Way of Martial Arts" so quickly was related to the fact that he had already imagined competing with those real super masters in the world.

For example, his thoughts once came to the world of "Dragon Babu". Just like Wen Qingyu's cheating grandpa, this time he also chose to become a "plugin grandpa". The target of the plug-in is exactly the same. It's the girl named Wang Yuyan.

As we all know, in "Dragon", Wang Yuyan is probably the "King of Strong Mouth" in that world. She doesn't know martial arts at all, but she can easily see through other people's martial arts. As long as she commands, the warriors she commands will , you can definitely play the game at 200% or even 300%.

However, after Wang Yuyan had the cheating grandfather "Li Shushan" since she was a child, her already fixed life has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Under Li Shushan's guidance, or the mutual achievements between him and Wang Yuyan, Wang Yuyan is no longer the "King of Strong Mouth" or "The King of Theory", but has completely brought this trait of hers to the extreme!

As if destined, in the world of "Dragon and the Eight Parts" where Li Shushan's idea came to him, Wang Yuyan successfully became the heroine of the entire world.

Wang Yuyan has not been her cousin Murong Fu's licking dog since she was a child. On the contrary, Murong Fu values ​​Wang Yuyan extremely and even thinks that she can be an important help in his restoration of the country.

It is a pity that under Li Shushan's training, Wang Yuyan was not interested in Murong Fu's ridiculous mission of restoring the country. She became a martial arts obsessed who only pursued strength and liked to hone herself by killing people. Of course, she was not abusive. Kill innocent people, but kill all the evil people in the world!

It can be said that Wang Yuyan was brainwashed by her own cheating grandfather Li Shushan, or it can be said that she truly feels that this kind of life is what she really longs for!

She will never be just a "strong-tongued king" like in the original novel. At the critical moment, she will need Duan Yu, a real licking dog, to save her.

Her life should be controlled by herself!

When Li Shushan's idea came to the world of "Dragon Babu", a fan fiction called "Dragon Babu: King Yuyan" appeared in reality. Of course, the person who created it was not Li Shushan himself, but Li Shushan Let Alice, the magical artificial intelligence, describe through the novel the story of how his many thoughts incarnated into millions and descended into the world to help him practice.

In the process of tutoring Wang Yuyan, Li Shushan became more and more like a competent "grandfather of cheats" because of his own strength and vision.

All in all, in the world of "Tian Long Ba Bu", Wang Yuyan became a generation of peerless genius. In the end, she was one against three. The three brothers Xiao Feng, Xu Zhu, and Duan Yu were no match for her. This shows that Li Shushan's idea , what a great job.

The more Wang Yuyan looks like a protagonist, the faster Li Shushan's cultivation will speed up. And how can there be only one "Wang Yuyan" in this world?

Li Shushan is not only the incarnation of a cheating grandfather, he is also good at pretending to be various systems and cheats. He would not cheat the protagonists he chose. He just observes these potential protagonists in this way. , just to confirm his path.

Don’t misunderstand that those useless protagonists have no potential. In fact, it’s just the opposite. The more useless the protagonists are, the more ruthless they are. After returning to genius through the golden finger of Li Shushan, they all regard Li Shushan as their most important thing. trump card.

While these protagonists are conscientiously fighting monsters and upgrading, pretending to be cool, etc., they are actually promoting Li Shushan's cultivation in reality!

So this is the real reason why Li Shushan cultivates so quickly. "Enlightenment" is just a superficial phenomenon. Many protagonists in the world are working for Li Shushan. This is the most terrifying thing!

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [Fantasy about waking up in a dream] for the 200 reward~~~

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