The more you walk, the more you will be in trouble.

"System, can you give me a gift that will make my mother happy?"


The system did not respond, and Li Xian licked his dry lips.

Well, this system is aloof, and not responding is the norm. If it really responds, Li Xian will find it magical.

After taking a deep breath, Li Xian began to walk on the treadmill, and when he felt that it was almost done, he started running.

This time Li Xian ran longer, without stopping for a moment, and his speed was not low. He ran for 40 minutes.

"12 kilometers! Breaking my limit."

Li Xian stopped, drank water, wiped his sweat, and rested for a while. When he was almost done resting, he silently signed in in his heart.

[Sign in completed]

[Basic reward of 4,000 yuan]

[Sign in reward: Congratulations on winning Huayuan Dayi Villa-Qingteng Pavilion, which can be designated as the property of a direct relative. ]

Hmm? It sounds like a house from the name?

Li Xian took out his mobile phone and searched Baidu. When he saw the content of Baidu clearly, Li Xian felt his breath stagnate.

Damn, a luxury villa worth 260 million yuan, and it is one of the top ten luxury villas in Asia.

"System, I really love you!"

After flipping through the photos for a while, Li Xian also had some understanding of this luxury house.

"System, you are so considerate."

Li Xian, who calmed down, quickly noticed the explanation behind the system that family members can be designated.

So the system knows what I am thinking?

"Hehe, there is no response from the mouth, but the body is quite honest."


"System, this house will be in the name of my mother Huang Lixia."

[Selected, select the file transfer address]

"In my hand."

As Li Xian finished speaking, the familiar blue light printed out, the red house title, and some purchase agreement certificates and the like.

Spreading out the house title, it was indeed written with his mother's name.

Holding the house title in his hand, Li Xian pointed his index finger at his temple and saluted, "Love you, mom!"

Opening the door of the gym, he unexpectedly found that his parents were sitting on the sofa.

"Mom and Dad, why are you sitting here?"

Li Xian picked up the phone and found that it was almost 1 o'clock.

"I couldn't sleep at night and planned to see the night view. I found that you were in the gym, so I guessed it should be you. You are the only one who has the habit of exercising."

Huang Lixia's eyes were full of worry. Who would run at night for no reason?

How could she not know about her own son? There are things that are kept secret, unless it is something particularly difficult, then it is possible to tell the family.

"You are so good at keeping secrets. It's a waste. Did you encounter something at work?"

Li Xian felt warm in his heart at his mother's warm greetings.

He sat on the sofa and took out the documents in his hand, "I didn't encounter any difficulties at work, but the things I wanted were only delivered today. The housekeeper just brought them up."

As he said, Li Xian handed the red book in his hand to his mother.

"What is this? House?"

The red book reminded her of the real estate certificate at the first time.

"What, real estate again?" Li Dafu was originally very sleepy, but when he heard that it was a real estate certificate, he instantly became energetic.

Li Dafu approached his wife and urged, "Wife, open it and take a look."

"Hmm~" Huang Lixia opened the house book and began to slowly read the information on it, "Huayuan, Dayi Villa... Qingteng Pavilion? My house?"

Huang Lixia raised her head and looked at her son with disbelief.

Li Xian nodded. He had been installing it these past two days and was very skilled.

"Oh my god, more than 3,000 square meters? Such a big house?" Li Dafu looked up and looked at Li Xian in disbelief.

"It took some time to transfer the information, so it was a little slow to send the house to my mother. Don't go home tomorrow. Take some time to see that luxurious house. Hehe."

"Son, what about you? Aren't you going with me?"

"I have classes tomorrow, 8 in the morning. You guys can play by yourselves. I'm going to sleep."

Li Xian yawned, got up and walked back to the room with a step that didn't recognize any relatives.

I installed it again today, hahahaha.

Looking at her son's back, Huang Lixia grinned, "This kid."

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Li Xian was awakened by his sister's knocking on the door.

"Li Jiaxuan, you'd better find a good reason for me not to beat you!"

When Li Xian opened the door angrily, he saw Li Jiaxuan's smile frozen on her face.


Seeing that her brother seemed particularly angry, Li Jiaxuan made a face, turned around quickly, and stepped on her slippers.

"Mom called you to have breakfast, you don't have to go to class??!"

When she arrived at the restaurant, Li Jiaxuan's naughty face immediately became aggrieved, hugged Huang Lixia and said, "Mom, did you hear me? I called my brother to get up, but he was still mean to me. Humph, so annoying."

"Are you sure you really want to call your brother to get up? Not because your brother gave me a house?"

"Slightly~" Li Jiaxuan stuck out her tongue and quickly took the dish of braised salted fish from her mother.

"Mom, I'll put this dish on the table. You should wake up your sister and eat. You're all so lazy, aren't you, Dad!"

Li Dafu was wearing an apron and carrying the cooked porridge, saying, "Your brother was still working out in the gym at 1 o'clock last night. I guess he encountered troubles at work. You're still trying to get in the way?"

Li Jiaxuan was instantly depressed by her father's words. Did her brother work so hard? Then it seemed that she did something wrong. It was all her fault. She was too curious.

"I don't know. I was excited when I heard about the villa. I wanted to ask my eldest brother."

"You can go to see the villa anytime. You have to go to class in the morning. Hurry up and finish your meal and go back to school!"

Li Jiaxuan originally wanted to ask her parents to come forward and ask for leave from the instructor. As a result, her father predicted her prediction and directly refused.

But she suddenly thought of something else. If she went back to school by herself, could she drive back to school? That's a supercar!

It must be said that the children of the old Li family are very uniform and love to show themselves.

"Then I'll drive back, hehe."

At this time, Li Jiaxuan was so grateful that her father forced her to take the driver's license test during the summer vacation, saying that her brother and sister took the driver's license test after graduating from high school.

At that time, I didn't know how upset I was when the coach was so fierce.

As a result, it's good now. Not long after getting the driver's license, I can drive a supercar.

"We will send you back. It's not long since you got the driver's license. What car do you drive? If you want to drive, Dad's Camry will give you practice."

"That's right, it's not even half a year since you got the driver's license. You haven't even passed the internship period, and have you touched the steering wheel in these few months? Give you a luxury car worth millions to practice, is it a waste of money?"

Li Dafu and his wife took turns to reject their little daughter's request.

Li Jiaxuan grabbed the dining table with both hands, rested her chin on the table, and looked at her parents aggrievedly.

"Dad~Mom~Just let me drive~"

Huang Lixia extended her index finger and tapped Li Jiaxuan's forehead lightly, "I don't know what you're thinking?"

"I just want to show off!" Li Xian, who had just washed up, took over the conversation and threw another key to his sister.

"That Lamborghini is more than 8 million yuan. It's a bit extravagant to let you practice. Here, this Porsche 911 is not expensive. It's only more than 3.8 million yuan, two and a half Lamborghinis."

"Son, let Xiaoxuan take the car back. Her school is not far behind the community. It was not so close when she was in high school. Why drive a car? Your dad will take her to school later."

After saying that, Huang Lixia directly confiscated the car keys from Li Jiaxuan's hand.

"Ah, I can't even drive a 911? Woo woo. Brother~ help your sister."

Li Xian shrugged, "Hehehe."

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