After all, the two of them were in a mess.

Li Jiaxuan's coquetry method still didn't work in the end.

In the end, Li Dafu drove her back to school. Seeing that coquetry didn't work, Li Jiaxuan could only tell her to wait until she was free after class before going to see the villa.

Of course, she agreed so readily because Li Dafu drove the Maybach to take her to class.

And Li Xian drove Li Dafu's car away.

The reason was also very simple, that is, he didn't want to drive those ostentatious cars back.

In fact, only Li Xian knew what the reason was.

And the eldest sister Li Jiaxin didn't choose to drive, and she didn't have classes in the morning, so she asked her father to take her sister to class and take her back to school.

She also wanted to keep a low profile and didn't want to drive a luxury car worth millions back to school for the time being.

Li Jiaxin had heard more than once that many seniors who had already landed were rejected for various reasons during the public announcement period, all of whom were reported.

It's better to keep a low profile now. When things get clear, you can drive any car you want.

When Li Dafu drove Li Jiaxin and her sister back to school, Li Xian drove his father's Camry back to school.

He almost arrived at the classroom on time.

His roommates had already occupied a seat for him.

When he saw Xu Junjie greet him, Li Xian thought this guy was going to scold him.

They must be full of anger when they disappeared for two days on the weekend, right?

But Xu Junjie was as gentle as a maid. He first handed him bread and soy milk, and then pinched his arm a few times.

"Oh, Mr. Li. Where did you find the shipping channel? Do you know how much we have earned in the past two days?

Speaking of this, even Han Cuiting and the other four people sitting in front of them turned their heads and looked at Li Xian expectantly.

Okay, seeing your expectant expressions, Li Xian is also happy to be the supporting actor.

"Oh? How much did you sell? Could it be a few thousand yuan?"


Xu Junjie smiled coldly, he raised his head and looked at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle, looking calm and composed.

"It's small, the pattern is small."

While speaking, he stretched out three fingers and knocked on the table.

"Wow, it's really amazing. Could it be 30,000?"

Xu Junjie exhaled a large breath from his nostrils, his face full of pride, but he spoke very modestly, "Hey, it's the result of everyone's hard work. Everyone has been busy these days."

"Look at you. "Ye Dairu laughed and mocked in front.

They were really busy these two days. In order to pack these express deliveries, except for sleeping and eating, the seven of them almost stayed in the small classroom these two days. Even Mo Fan, who loved playing games the most, did not log in to the game these two days, but ran back and forth with Xu Junjie and Huang Fucai.

But they were also happy. In two days, they sold more than 30,000 yuan of clothes.

After deducting the cost, they made more than 9,000 yuan in these two days.

Although if divided equally among eight people, it would be less than 1,000 yuan.

But this has given them hope.

But now a new problem is also in front of them.

That is, the funds on the books have Not much.

The money for opening the store is all stored in a store. In addition to Li Xian's more than 50,000 yuan, there is also their money, which adds up to about 60,000 yuan.

In order to prepare for the goods, they have accumulated more than 30,000 goods in the past two days. At the same time, they took out 10,000 yuan to cooperate with the express delivery point in the school. When the time comes, they will come directly to the classroom to receive the express delivery, and they don't need to run directly, plus the various expenses of opening the store.

Han Cuiting recorded every item, saved it on the computer, and sent a copy to Li Xian.

The last 10,000 yuan on the account will not last too long if there is no accident.

"It will take about 10 working days to collect the money. Our 10,000 yuan will not last too long. If our shipment volume can be maintained, this amount of money may not last for more than 10 days." Xu Junjie took out his notebook and wrote a string of numbers on it.

"We can continue to increase the money, but this involves the issue of how to distribute it. If we quarrel because of uneven distribution, it will be bad. "

Xu Junjie's analysis was very accurate. It can only be said that he is worthy of being a businessman in his family. He has mentioned all the possible angles of problems.

Han Cuiting saw that the class had not started yet, so she mentioned, "Then we should first establish a fair distribution principle based on money. As for the workload, everyone's proportion is different. Now we

It's still a small workshop, so there's no point in talking too much. "

After all, they are still working for Li Xian and his friends.

Even at the beginning, the girls just wanted to help Yi Taiying make connections, and they were ready to work for free.

But as they worked, they found that the orders were so good that even the seven of them couldn't handle it.

Now, Yi Taiying didn't sell it, and the three of them lost money.

And they unexpectedly found that Taobao seemed to be really feasible, selling 30,000 yuan in just two days.

They were tempted by the 30% profit.

Xu Junjie's family is in business, so he can naturally detect the changes in the girls' hearts.

Now that their online store has just started, some problems are better solved immediately, rather than leaving them until the end and thinking about repairing them.

Xu Junjie's original plan was to let them participate and divide the final share according to their investment money. Hong.

But the biggest investment in this store is Li Xian, so he has been waiting for Li Xian to come back.

Xu Junjie briefly talked about it, and Li Xian understood what he meant.

To be honest, at the beginning he did want to open an online store to find a visible source of funds to convince his parents.

But now the situation is different, his parents seem to have been convinced by him.

Then he looked down on the income of this online store.

Every day, he runs a lap by himself, and he has a guaranteed income of 4,000 yuan. There are also rewards for signing in, and the value is immeasurable.

Li Xian couldn't help but tell his roommates that he was a billionaire, so let's just show off.

"Ahem~" Li Xian cleared his throat and looked at the people present and said, "At present, we are not a small fight, but I don't plan to invest any more money for the time being. You can continue to add money, and then divide the shares according to the income?"

Xu Junjie looked at Li Xian with some doubts. "This? You don't continue to invest? "

Li Xian spread his hands, "Please, I have invested 50,000 yuan, I have no money left, I will wait for dividends."

Xu Junjie took a deep look at Li Xian, he felt that Li Xian had changed too fast during this period.

And he felt that this guy's temperament was changing, the feeling of his gestures made him very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

But he also knew about Li Xian's family, ordinary, his parents dared to give him 50,000 yuan to start a business, and it was very likely that it was the maximum amount he could take out.

"Well, since you said so, let's distribute stocks according to the money everyone raised. Of course, this is not the point. It is better to issue more shares according to everyone's work ability. "

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