What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 103 The Relics of the Human Alliance (Please subscribe)

"Quick, speed up."

"Complete weapons and ammunition inspection."

"Now is the time to test you."

"The first team goes to drill rig No. 4, and the others go to drill rig No. 5."

"Who are you? Why are you wandering here? Report to your company immediately and don't wander around."

"Attention everyone, check your communication equipment. There may be sources of interference in the underground environment. Try to follow the team and don't stay away from the communication soldiers, otherwise you will get lost in the complex tunnel network."

Preparations for the war were in full swing.

before the official war begins.

The army is completing its final overhaul work.

The roar of war engines.

The arc light ejected from the engine port made everything around it pale.

The drone swarm is connected to the controller, who conducts test flights and adjusts the channel signal.

The swarm detector is also conducting final data monitoring.

Make sure they can map the entire tunnel network using scanning devices.

The safety pins were removed from each dangerous warhead.

Sometimes, the simpler things are, the safer they are.

Unless the safety pin is pulled out, missiles and the like cannot detonate even if commands are entered.

The security of the arsenal is guaranteed to the greatest extent.

People's livelihood fields will pursue a flashy high-tech feel.

The military just wants the stuff it uses to be reliable enough.

The monster-like huge fighter plane took off under the guidance of the pilot.

"Your Majesty is here."

I don’t know who shouted this sentence.

The busy people subconsciously looked at the location mentioned by the other party.

The expression of surprise slowly turned into excitement.

They all saw the Emperor surrounded by imperial guards.

The guards were unusually tall, holding halberds and wearing golden battle armor.

The whole body was heavily armed.

It looks noble and should not be offended.

But when the emperor was among them, the grace of these noble guards was suppressed.

He strolled over.

The strength and will shown in every gesture took people's breath away.

"His Majesty."

"His Majesty."

Those people saluted one after another.

Place your fist on your heart.

It means giving everything including life.

Qin Zheng nodded.

"No need to be polite."

Leaving these words behind, he left under the protection of the guards.

Traveling in a hurry.

Qin Zheng left.

But those people remained excited.

"Your Majesty's pale golden eyes are so beautiful."

Meng Yi, a newly recruited soldier, said excitedly.

He was wearing the uniform of the 2nd Infantry Regiment.

The epaulettes on his shoulders indicated that he belonged to the 3rd Company, 3rd Squadron, 2nd Infantry Regiment.

"Light gold? Isn't it black??" A companion next to him said in surprise: "Did you go too far looking for women in the bar last night? I told you to control yourself, young man. Young people should Fight more, refuse entertainment, and refuse women."

Before Meng Wu had time to answer, someone next to him interrupted.

"Have you ever heard of a saying?? If you were greedy for enjoyment when you were young, always indulged yourself, indulged in eating, drinking, having fun, and women's entertainment, when you get older you will know that life like that is so damn exciting!!"


Meng Wu ignored his mischievous companions.

He looked surprised and muttered to himself. .


What he clearly saw were pale golden eyes.

Why do you say it's black? !

Meng Wu did not refute.

He knew that he was a little different from ordinary people.

When he was very young, he was able to levitate knives and forks with his telekinesis and bend them.

It's just that he hid it well, fearing that others would mistake him for the curse of subspace and stay away from him.

Some psykers can indeed do well with their talents.

But some are so miserable that they are even regarded as disaster stars.

After all, psykers can really cause disaster.

When he signed up for the Imperial Army, the doctors who examined him said he was a potential telekinetic psyker.

If trained at a young age, he might be able to become a powerful psyker.

It's a pity that I missed it.

"Why are you dazed? Work! You don't want to be scolded! There will be a war later. Why don't you check those things?"

The companion next to him pushed Meng Wu's shoulder and motioned for him to do things quickly.

Next to them were neatly arranged boxes of energy cells.

All they have to do is check and then load these items onto the strategic supplies vehicle.

Meng Wu shook his head to stop himself from thinking.

Just control the robotic arm and continue working.

Qin Zheng crossed the crowd all the way.

Surrounded by the imperial guards, they walked to the temporary headquarters where Bai Qi, Wang Ben and others were located.

Several people came over to greet their lord.

Wang Ben was not wearing a helmet at this time.

The heavy power armor on his body buzzed.

The servos inside responded to his every movement.

Qin Zheng showed a smile like a spring breeze.

"How are you preparing?"

"Your Majesty, the First Legion is always ready."

Wang Ben's voice is powerful.

"We are ready." Bai Qi's voice was gentle and gentle, making it easy for people to let down their guard.

Maybe it has something to do with the environment in which he grew up.

An unruly slave would hardly survive to adulthood.

You must look harmless to humans and animals in order to live safely.

Stormtrooper enhancement work is still ongoing.

The First Legion was officially established not long ago.

At present, there are thousands of legion soldiers who have completed strengthening and obtained weapons and equipment.

The commander of the regiment is Wang Ben.

Qin Zheng had plans to train Bai Qi to become the commander of the Second Army.

But it would still take some time for the Second Corps to be established.

Productivity is not so easy to release.

Supporting a group of superhuman modified humans requires a lot of resources.

Obtaining the entire Liberty City will certainly increase the resources.

But the expenses are also high.

In addition, the continuous upgrades of power armor and legion warriors' strengthening surgeries also require a large amount of resources.

Qin Zheng was unable to spend more resources to rapidly expand his army.

Every P Society war criminal knows that fighting is fun.

The technology tree can be climbed, and raising an army is really expensive.

Now, Bai Qi only has about a company of storm warriors in his hands, which can be regarded as the prototype of the second army.

"The Corps is also ready." David also said.

Legion is an organization unique to Stormtroopers.

An army formed by ordinary people is generally called a corps.

David was in charge of the 1st Infantry Regiment.

Brian was in charge of the 2nd Infantry Regiment.

Johnny was in charge of the 3rd Infantry Regiment.

Others also have positions.

Qin Zheng looked around at his generals.

In this position, they are still very immature.

Unable to fulfill one's role well.

Any job requires a proficiency period.

Even being a general is no exception.

"Then let's go to war." Qin Zheng's voice was firm, "Those enemies will have nowhere to hide, and the empire's anger will destroy them."

Qin Zheng turned around, opened the public channel for military communications, and addressed his troops.

"My warriors, the time for war has come. For the rise of the empire and the revival of mankind, we must destroy all hateful enemies."

Qin Zheng's voice has extraordinary magic power.

Inspiring those soldiers.

They responded to their lord with the same cry.

"For the Empire, for humanity."

"For the Empire, for humanity."

"For the Empire, for humanity."

Countless voices gathered together.

drowned out the rumble of war engines.

Their faces were red and they wished they could go to the battlefield right now.

Because they know what they are fighting for.

It’s about fighting for your future.

Fighting for race.

Seeing that the time has come.

Qin Zheng roared and issued orders to the army.

"Start the war."

The battle on the ground is not worth mentioning.

It was quickly and neatly resolved.

The real highlight is underground.

Even if the two camps are fighting among themselves and starting a war.

The cultists and gangs hiding underground did not suffer any losses.

On the contrary, many people are attracted to the Orok District because of its safety and the fact that it will not be bombed.

Let the power of those gangs and churches expand.

War underground is far more difficult than war above ground.

The underside of the O'Rourke mining area has been hollowed out.

The tunnels are intricately constructed of metal and concrete.

Intertwined with each other.

The terrain alone is a big test.

The tunnel was not empty either.

There are some important tunnel nodes and traces of man-made structures.

The swarm detector quickly returned first-hand information.

Inside the tunnel nodes, there are remaining trading posts, sheds, workshops, and crumbling lifting frames.

They are scattered in the abandoned tunnels.

Waiting for time to completely corrode it.

Rusty iron fences and trailing cables are everywhere.

When this mining area was still in operation, people from all over the world tried their best to find their own wealth in this huge mining area.

Some rare metals and gems can fetch unimaginably high prices.

Some lucky people dug up rare minerals and bought them at high prices. From then on, they had no worries about food and clothing.

At least that's what the news media said at the time.

But considering that they are controlled by certain plutocrats, the authenticity of these words still needs to be considered.

The fate of most people is that they get sick due to substandard mining work, and in the end they have no money for treatment, leading to tragic deaths on the streets.

The corpses were taken to food processing plants and made into delicious nutrition bars.

By this era, the mining areas had been completely abandoned, and those who came in pursuit of wealth had left.

Most gambling stalls and sweatshops have closed.

But there is still a large population remaining here.

Farmers and rat herders who cultivate fungal food crops still survive in the dark mines.

These foods are quite popular.

Which serious person eats nutritional bars every day?

From time to time I have to get some natural food to try.

Complex tunnels and underground spaces form important node gathering places.

People rely on gathering places to survive.

The sheer violence of the gathering is as uncanny as it is commonplace.

Only the primitive law of the weak and the strong is followed here.

Dark, cruel.

The atrocities were so appalling that they could turn even the strongest-willed man into a gibbering lunatic.

The Shady Bar is a bar located at a tunnel node.

This tunnel node has a lot of space.

People repaired the remaining buildings and lived here.

They grow some psychoactive drugs that can make people feel high.

It is said that after taking it, one can enjoy bliss in hallucinations.

Selling very well.

Sufficient to maintain the normal development of a gathering place

The decoration of the dark bar is very shabby, but the business is extremely good.

Because this is a rare safe zone.

Intimidated by the boss's terrifying size, which is strong enough to strangle a huge crustacean worm alive.

People tacitly view bars as a place where trouble is not allowed.

The bar is very noisy every day.

The bored people chatted about various things and exchanged relevant information.

For example, where cannibals appear, where do new mutants appear, who is the speaker, what rules are established, etc.

Sometimes, they also talk about news coming from the surface.

"I heard that the new empire is going to completely destroy us."

In the bar, a group of drunken drinkers were drinking and talking about what happened during this time.

They are treasure hunters who wander the dark tunnels in search of riches.

There are some mines that have research institutes or secret bases left over from ancient times. If they find them, find treasures and escape from dangerous traps, it means that a better life is beckoning to them.

"Destroy Orlok?? He must have drunk too much! In this kind of terrain, anyone who comes here will die."

The other man chuckled.

"Those chaebols used to say that too," another man added.

"Haha, in the end they retreated in despair."

"No one can even think about being able to completely eliminate Orok. Even the major families and gangs here and the cultists can't fully understand the distribution of the mines. Do you think they can really find this place? I'm afraid Just after you came in, you plunged into a nest of whipping worms and died?"

"Maybe it will become a snack for those carnivores."


"But I'm still a little worried. I heard that the Drew District has been destroyed and their ruler was killed by the so-called emperor of the empire."

This sentence instantly plunged the lively discussion into deathly silence.

The lower-class district of Drew District once defeated the plutocratic coalition forces to a pulp, and never dared to use troops again.

Now it has been completely destroyed.

It shows that the strength of this empire is quite good.

Until a man with short blond hair said disdainfully: "So what? No matter how powerful those guys are on the frontal battlefield, can they still make trouble in the complicated tunnels? It's just an empire, it's ridiculous."

The young man's words made the quiet people smile playfully again.

yes! !

If O'Rourke had been captured so easily, those plutocrats would have done it long ago.

Some people have already unified and become the emperor of the country.

The most powerful beings in Orlok are not those mutant species, nor those families.

But Orlok himself.

Every tunnel leading underground hides something terrible.

Biochemical monsters, summoned ghosts that are still wandering today, monsters blessed and cursed by subspace.

Only seasoned adventurers can enter the depths.

Otherwise it's a dead end.

"It's hard to say anything else. If those people can break in, I will perform a sexy striptease for you on the spot."

The man who said this was dressed like a cowboy.

While talking, she started to twist like the dancers in the bar.

The words just fell.

The bar shook suddenly and violently.

Dust was flying.

The lumen flickered.

Several dancers looked around with uneasy expressions, like frightened rabbits.

"what's going on?"

"I do not know either??"

The drinkers also looked confused.

Don't know what happened! !

People fled the bar.

The shaking became stronger and stronger.

Something huge was approaching them.

A loud sound spread along the rocks.

Like a terrifying monster.

"What is the sound??" Someone asked in confusion: "What can make such a big noise!!"

"It sounded like a drilling sound."

"Drilling holes? Who is mining?? Aren't those gangs asking people to dig?"

"I heard that there is a world-destroying monster sleeping deep in the mine. Maybe it's him."

No one knows what's going on.

The sound became stronger and stronger.

In full view of everyone, a conical drill drilled in diagonally.

The thing's shell left burns and bruises as it passed through the planet's bedrock.

Its sides were filled with caked dust.

A gear emblem is particularly conspicuous on the exposed armor flank.

A fire is burning.

Several guys who had been to the ground widened their eyes and showed frightened expressions.

"Empire." Someone shouted in horror.

Everyone who had been smiling playfully just now showed frightened expressions when they heard this.

I thought the empire would be trapped by complicated tunnels.

But who would have thought that the other party would not play according to the routine! ! !

Directly use a large earth drill to violently break open the tunnel.

So cruel.

So violent.

The drinkers felt like shit, shit! !

That empire is real! !

The drilling machine penetrated the rock layer, retracted a certain distance, and then ejected several bombs that flashed with rapid light.


Someone yelled.

Everyone fled towards the bunker.

boom! boom! boom!

The earth shook.

It seems like the whole world is going to be destroyed.

If the mine hadn't been supported by pillars made of quick-drying concrete everywhere, it would have caused a series of collapses.

A powerful explosion in a confined space will create a shock wave that is enough to completely crush a person.

By the time the explosion subsided, everything was in ruins.

The mine tunnels also collapsed a lot.

A man coughed and crawled out of the pit where he was hiding in disgrace.

As soon as he looked up, he saw a pair of shiny alloy boots.

Looking up a little, the owner of the boots also appeared in his eyes.

Standing before him was an Imperial soldier in full combat fatigues.

The head is also wearing a fully enclosed helmet.

Can't see clearly what the other person looks like.

The laser gun in the opponent's hand was pointed at his head, with his hand on the trigger.

As long as the opponent pulls the trigger, a hole will be made in his head.

thump! !

People who have been at the bottom for many years have always regarded the saying that those who understand current affairs are heroes.

"Are you soldiers of the empire?! I finally waited for you. I am a good citizen who yearns for the empire. I think about it day and night, hoping during the day and at night. I just hope that the king will come and save me. I am in water and fire. Now that you are finally here, I am willing to sacrifice everything for the empire, and the great emperor will live forever."

"How about I do another striptease for the gentlemen, just for entertainment, I just hope that the gentlemen can spare my life."

The survivors who had just crawled out saw the man kneeling down about to take off his clothes and perform, and then saw the guns in the hands of the imperial soldiers.

They also knelt down one after another.

Shouting that he would sacrifice everything for the empire.

Where is the laughter and chatter just now, mocking the children of the empire for not knowing whether to live or die, and that they will all be destroyed when they come.

The first man to surrender was about to lift up his clothes when he performed an impromptu striptease.

The silent soldiers spoke.

"We don't need a striptease. For those of you who understand the terrain structure of the tunnel, the meritorious ones will be treated well, and the others will be included as prisoners of war."

Don't do a striptease yourself when you see each other.

The man showed a hint of disappointment.

But as soon as he heard what the other person said, he raised his hand enthusiastically.

"I, I, I. I have been here for ten years and I know the neighborhood well."

In addition to the men, several more people raised their hands one after another.

Anyone could see that the chaos that once was O'Rourke might really be coming to an end.

The Imperial soldiers were divided into small groups.

Seize tunnel after tunnel, consolidate the defense line, and completely stifle the enemy's resistance.

Mutants with severe mutations will be completely exterminated.

After normal human beings pass the inspection, those who pass are allowed to surrender.

Those who fail to meet the standards will be executed on the spot.

Bai Qi and his warriors were advancing rapidly.

He could feel Qin Zheng's cultivation of him.

Many people said that he was a candidate to command the Second Army.

Such honor and status are not available to everyone.

The reason why he ran so deep was that Bai Qi also wanted to make some achievements as soon as possible.

Let others know that he has this ability, and then he will be valued.

It's not because he and Qin Zheng were the first to get this position.

The vampire fang was reshaped, and Bai Qi named it death.

Every killed creature will sacrifice part of its life force to Bai Qi.

The more you kill, the greater the risk, as you can easily be controlled by the sword in reverse.

But if used well, it can be a big killer on the battlefield.

The underground space is very vast.

The original people hollowed out the place and built various buildings inside to provide services to the miners.

After the mining area was abandoned.

The owners of those buildings also chose to leave.

The exquisite buildings also fell into disuse as economic activities stagnated, becoming desolate and dilapidated.

It was humid and stuffy inside the tunnel.

The air moves very slowly.

Relying on the ventilation system left over from the past to replace the air.

Those systems were old and running like an old cow panting.

Seeing the appearance of those ventilation systems, Bai Qi was worried that one day these old machines would roll their electronic prosthetic eyes, kick off their legs, and go to the Cyber ​​Paradise.

Eerie whispers echoed in the air, like countless ghosts shouting.

Occasionally, you will see some luminous spirits wandering around.

They are filled with resentment.

When it sees a living person, it screams and roars, making threatening sounds like wild animals.

Bai Qi is not afraid of them.

As long as there is no fear, a purely spiritual ghost cannot harm a living person.

No matter how powerful the psychic energy is, it must have a realistic anchor point before it can be released.

Those who have bodies and can harm Storm Warriors are generally not their opponents.

Unless it's like the Corruption Zone, the real world has been distorted by the rules of subspace.

Only those weird creatures can ignore the laws of physics and harm ordinary people.

This is why the Corruption Zone is uninhabited! !

Those weird creatures are so shameless that they can hurt others, but others cannot hurt them.

There are many dangers in the tunnel, so in order to ensure the success of this operation.

Bai Qi and other legion soldiers responsible for the assault all wore thick heavy shield armor - ZD03 type power armor.

This is the latest developed power armor.

Heavy shield power armor is specially designed for high-intensity assaults.

The cost is huge, and the value of a set of power armor is jaw-dropping.

The average person’s life savings may not be able to afford even one of these parts.

Layers of thick plate armor build up an exaggeratedly huge body.

Transform the Legionnaire into a hulking, slow, unstoppable humanoid tank.

Warriors who choose heavy shield-type power armor voluntarily abandon speed, flexibility, agility and mobility.

In return, they were allowed to defy all ballistic weapons on the battlefield.

The power armor is embedded with a high-strength single-sided shield projector.

There are many types of shields.

Each has advantages and disadvantages.

The single-sided shield projector projects a powerful force field in front of the warrior, weakening attacks from energy and kinetic weapons.

The disadvantage is that this shield is not comprehensive, but only one side.

All the way deep.

As a pioneer, Bai Qi eliminated some gangs in powerful gathering places along the way, as well as those wandering mutant beasts.

Soon, he arrived at a natural underground canyon crack.

This place is controlled by a gang member.

It is a very important tunnel node.

Numerous arches made of granite and volcanic rock connect the steep sides.

Such underground canyons and cracks are the legacy of crustal movement.

The enemy leader should have been in the army.

The placement of firepower points is very clever.

It's a pity that they are facing the Empire.

Bai Qi and others were wearing heavy shield-type power armor.

Stepping forward, we walked onto the bridge connecting the steep cliffs on both sides.

The heavy body easily crushed the gravel on the ground.

Countless bullets surged towards him.

However, faced with the latest special armor created by the empire.

No matter how many screaming bullets and flashing beams, it was all in vain.

The attackers walked into the hail of bullets with their heads held high.

It’s as if they are just moving against the wind.

These ferocious firepower is nothing to these assault warriors.

Bai Qi charged against the hail of bullets.

After being strengthened, his strength and senses were greatly improved.

Coupled with his innate psychic power, they are like killing gods on the battlefield.

Legionnaires generally use drones for remote output.

But the tunnel environment is too narrow in some places.

They can only fire with their equipped blasters.

Blasters and heavy weapons built into the armor poured firepower toward the other side of the abyss.

Hurl blazing lasers and explosive munitions at the thick fortresses made of quick-drying concrete.

Cleverly concealed fire points and fortifications exploded.

The stiff and twisted body immediately rolled down.

Rolling down the abyss along with the gravel.

They penetrated the enemy's defenses.

Those who dared to resist were killed.

The smell of blood and the unique smell of machine oil from implanted prosthetics lingered in the air.

Very few bodies are intact.

All attempts by the enemy to halt the Empire's advance failed.

Some enemies chose to fight to the death and eventually got what they wanted.

Some enemies chose to kneel before the Empire's legionnaires.

Bai Qi walked into a palace that was blown to pieces.

This is the best place to fight.

Thirty rebels were killed.

The remaining ones lost the courage to continue fighting and chose to surrender.

There are traces of sacrifice here.

Numerous bones were piled up.

There are also various kinds of incense candles used for sacrifices and stone slabs engraved with strange runes.

Those weird runes make people feel uneasy.

They knelt before the gods of the warp.

This thought made Bai Qi disgusted.

Gods are useless.

Several gang members knelt on the ground and shivered.

An old man wrapped in a ragged robe stared at these terrifying demons with horrified eyes.

He didn't understand why the gods who enjoyed the sacrifice didn't protect them and allowed these terrible guys to take away their lives.

"Destroy these things." Bai Qi said to the people next to him: "The new empire does not need these things from the old era."

Bai Qi's words made those who surrendered make painful sounds.

This palace is their spiritual pillar.

It is their protective layer against the darkness and horrors.

"Please don't do that." The old man begged: "We have surrendered. Offending the gods will be punished. After our death, our souls will not be able to find peace and will not be accepted."


Bai Qi took off his mask and revealed his face.

"Everything, including the souls, of all the people of the empire belongs to the emperor. Your god is a shameful thief, and you still want to keep it??"

"This this!"

The old man's body shook even more when he saw the huge muzzle shining with arc light.

So do other believers.

Bai Qi's men destroyed the so-called palace and set it on fire.

Somehow, as a psychic, Bai Qi could vaguely notice some eyes falling on him.

But it disappeared quickly.

The emperor protects his subjects.

After all this was over, Bai Qi asked people to take these people out and continue to conquer the next place.

Qin Zheng and his guards fought in the deepest part of the tunnel.

He faced the strongest enemies head-on.

His powerful combat power makes him fearless of all enemies.

The flaming sword in his hand kept swinging.

Every blow will completely kill a monster with powerful vitality.

At this time, he was fighting with a terrifying, octopus-like monster.

The guards gathered around him and were also struggling to kill the monsters.

Under their feet were countless monster remains.

They are all broken and dilapidated.

Ashes hung in the air.

While sneezing, Qin Zheng suddenly sneezed.

He clearly felt a malicious gaze falling on him.

The feeling was exactly the same as when I was hated by Big Eyeball.

Have you been hated by someone again? !

Qin Zheng said to himself.

The gods of the Warp are real.

Those guys are like arrogant goddesses who have been pampered since childhood.

Working hard to make sacrifices and providing delicious food and drink to them may not necessarily attract attention.

But if you slap them hard twice, they will remember you.

Qin Zheng didn't care about this.

There are many warp beings who hate him.

Please take a number and queue up for revenge.

He took back his mind.

Blocked the bone spurs ejected by the enemy.

Flames also flew out.

Qin Zheng rushed forward, seized an opportunity, raised his sword and cut off one of the opponent's tentacles.

The monster let out a painful cry.

Seeing the madness of those golden-armored humans, the monster showed a look of fear.

It fled in the direction of its lair.

"Catch up." Qin Zheng waved his hand, signaling his men to continue the pursuit.

Kindness to monsters is cruelty to humans.

Only complete death can be regarded as closure.

The monster's lair is in the deepest part of the tunnel.

Qin Zheng and others pursued them all the way, and they passed through a rusted iron gate.

Entered a damp and cold stone hall.

This is an underground fault space.

Here you can vaguely see the remaining traces of human life in the past.

Some abandoned machinery is covered with traces of monsters.

There was also a pile of bones, both human and other monsters.

This is the lair of the octopus-like monster.

Qin Zheng and others chased him all the way to the lair.

The monster kept roaring at Qin Zheng and others.

I don’t understand why these guys are chasing after them after they have gained their own territory.

Several smaller monsters also crawled out of their nests, baring their fangs and roaring at Qin Zheng and others.

What a loving monster family.

They can still be so united in the face of a life and death crisis.

Qin Zheng was a little moved.

"Execute them all."

Qin Zheng issued orders to the imperial guards.

The plan is to let the whole family go to subspace to report.

Another tunnel.

The 2nd Infantry Regiment was cleaning up the remaining enemy forces.

Several treasure hunters and mercenaries who have been underground for many years are their guides.

Their goal is to eliminate everything that threatens humanity.

Regardless of whether they are living or dead, as long as they pose a threat to human beings, they must be eliminated.

Dangerous areas that were once considered inaccessible.

Now they are all broken down one by one.

Those monsters that had made countless explorers change their minds after hearing about them have also become corpses.

A roar of pain echoed in the tunnel.

The entire tunnel shook.

Dust fell rustling down.

"Hang on, he's going to die," Johnny yelled, holding a laser pulse sword.

Even if ordinary people put on combat uniforms, it is difficult to compare with legionnaires.

There is no way to crush all enemies like them.

You can only slowly wear the opponent to death.

Many soldiers were shooting while avoiding the monster's attacks.

Long-range fire teams continued to target and bombard it.

The monster's screams became even more shrill.

Meng Wu was lying in a deep pit only twelve meters away from the monster, operating a gravity gun.

Follow the instructions learned in the training course.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry."

Meng Wu looked at the progress bar and kept shouting in his heart.

The progress bar reaches 100%.

The gravity gun in his hand made a pleasant sound, as if the soul of the gun was satisfied.

Meng Wu smiled.

He got up.

Now facing monsters at close range, Meng Wu also felt a little timid.

There are really not many people who can endure that ferocious look.

After locking on the monster, he pulled the trigger.

A gravity ring erupted from the muzzle.

It expanded rapidly in the air, eventually reaching the same size as the entire monster.

Under the crushing force of this gravity, the monster let out bursts of painful roars.

The sound of wailing continued to sound.

The flesh and blood were squeezed into paste, and the hard bones were shattered.

When the gravity halo disappeared, the monster was already lying on the ground motionless.

Another battle is over.

"Good boy, it's really good."

Brian came over and patted Meng Wu on the shoulder.

commended him for his heroic actions.

Then ordered to continue towards the next target location.

Neigu and others who were originally responsible for leading the way were dumbfounded as they watched the monster being beaten to pieces by the gravity gun.

Their hearts are exactly the same.

"Fuck! (ΩДΩ)"

"Fuck!! (ΩДΩ)"


Today is probably the day when Neigu and others have said the most "f*ck" and been shocked.

As for why they are always described as “fuck”, it’s simply because I didn’t study well when I was young.

Lack of vocabulary.

The strength of the imperial army is too terrifying.

To be honest, Neigu and others felt a little numb when they saw it.

The once restricted area has been flattened! !

Those terrifying monsters were also killed one after another.

What is cruelty! !

This is called cruelty! !

"How about we discuss it and perform a striptease for the emperor or something, otherwise I'm afraid that by then, we will all be sent to do hard labor."

"Neigu, why don't you say anything about striptease? Do you just want to do a striptease for others and show off your eight-pack abs?"

"Fart, am I that kind of person?? I am the iron-blooded man of Neigu."

"I don't know who was drunk and said that labor and management like to do stripteases. What's wrong? Did it offend you?"

Another companion, who was also responsible for leading the way, whispered.

Neigu's face suddenly turned red.

He muttered something about the innocence of hobbies.

People all laughed.

"Don't make any noise, this is not an outing."

Meng Wu looked at the laughing people and scolded them, asking them to show them the way.

He performed very well in this war.

There is a high probability that you can be promoted.

Now the empire is in dire straits and many military establishments are not perfect. It is the best time to climb up.

That monster looks a bit like an octopus.

Under the siege of Qin Zheng and the imperial guards, he quickly fell.

All the little monsters were also killed.

Before dying, the octopus monster let out a painful wail.

The fear of death showed in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, there is something here." A guard whispered.

Qin Zheng walked over and found a magnificent metal gate.

Tall and thick, embedded in the rock formations above.

It was perfect, and there was no keyhole or door lock to be found.

It's as if the person who built this door never thought about letting this door be opened.

The material of the door is very special.

Can block spiritual perception and precognition abilities.

Qin Zheng thought it was left over from those plutocrats.

Checked it out.

He saw the emblem of the Alliance of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind.

There were also corpses in rotten uniforms scattered in front of the gate.

Judging from the emblem on the uniform, he is also a member of the Alliance of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind.

They had died here before, not by the monster Qin Zheng killed.

Obviously, this is a remnant of the Human Alliance.

"Collect it and see if there's anything we can use."

Qin Zheng had no idea of ​​opening that door.

It is better to be less curious in this era.

Qin Zheng is very powerful.

But the people under him are average.

If something extraordinary is released.

That's not a good idea.

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