What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 104 The Old Ones (please subscribe)

Qin Zheng and his guards rummaged through the piles of bones scattered everywhere for a long time.

Many things have been destroyed by time and poor storage.

Even the uniforms those people were wearing.

It also decayed in the damp and cold environment.

All of them shattered at the slightest touch.

The power of time is ultimately irresistible.

But after searching carefully, I still found something.

Qin Zheng found a blue cube crystal with sharp edges.

The surface is gloomy, and it feels quite heavy when you pick it up.

There is an incredibly complex pattern inside the crystal clear crystal.

This seems to be something that cannot be formed in nature.

It should be a technological creation of the Human Alliance.

"Scan it."

Qin Zheng looked at it.

It was handed over to a guard equipped with a high-precision scanning instrument.

Let him scan it.

See if you can find out any useful information.

Green light flashed across the surface of the crystal.

The detector built into the golden armor is inputting data into the computing core.

This process causes the core program to overload.

There was a buzzing sound coming from the expensive golden armor.

"Your Majesty, there is information in it, but it is all encrypted."

The guard in charge of scanning shook his head.

This sentence made Qin Zheng stunned for a moment.

He took the blue cube crystal from the other party's hand again.

His eyes showed scrutiny.

He tried to use this thing as an anchor.

Go and see what happened in the past.

All that can be seen is a gray patch.

There were also some screams and cries.

Just like that iron door.

The past about this thing has been blocked.

Can't see the specific details clearly.

"It seems like there must be a story in there that we don't know about."

Qin Zheng looked at the blue cube in his hand.

His eyes became slightly serious.

"Put this thing away. When you get back, let Buttermos and others crack the code and see what is recorded in it."

Qin Zheng couldn't get the answer, so he once again handed over the cube crystal to his guards for safekeeping.

The guard silently took the crystal and put it into his own reserve slot.

This is designed to hold some precious things or nutritional medicines.

After confirming that the search was complete, Qin Zheng turned around and walked outside.

Put that aside for now.

The most important thing now is to solve the problem in Orok District.

Drive away all weird creatures, cultists and gang members.

Mine the minerals here again.

As for this mysterious door, just arrange for someone to be on duty when the time comes.

No one is allowed to open or approach.

If the situation is not right, Qin Zheng will have people fill it up with quick-drying cement.

Qin Zheng and others left the dark underground space.

The bodies and bones of the monster family were left behind.

Qin Zheng led the guards into the tunnel again and quickly found his next target.

The sound of fighting came again from the dark tunnel.

Explosive fires appeared from time to time.

Light up the dark tunnel.

Tunnel World in the Orlok District.

Human life is as lowly as the weeds on the roadside.

No more valuable than a gun or a bullet.

It's normal to kill someone for a pair of beautiful boots.

Respecting life is a matter of orderly society.

In a chaotic world, madness and cruelty are the mainstream.

The deeper you go into the tunnel, the more horrifying you see.

The Drew Sector is a horror corrupted by the Warp.

The O'Rourke District is the horror of the decay of human nature.

The walls along the way are littered with blasphemous runes.

White skeletons can be seen everywhere.

The heads of the deceased were placed on wooden stakes.

Occasionally, airflow would pass through the hollow eye sockets, making a whirring sound.

The soldiers of the empire even discovered a cauldron for cooking humans in the cannibal camp.

Of course, in this day and age, cannibalism is nothing to be ashamed of.

Food processing plants don’t know how many bodies were thrown away.

But boiling it naked like this still makes people feel disgusting and terrifying.

Meng Wu followed the main force of the Corps all the way deep.

Several mercenaries and adventurers who have lived here for a long time are their guides.

"Have we reached a depth of three thousand meters? Do we still want to go deeper?"

Neigu looked at the data displayed on the instrument in his hand.

Now they are more than three thousand meters underground.

At this depth, almost no gang members can be seen.

Only cultists would be crazy enough to go to such depths.

"Just keep walking. Our task is to completely clean up the Orok area, and then the Ministry of Interior will coordinate the re-extraction of minerals."

Mengwu glanced at Neigu and explained to him the combat mission of their trip.

Normally, Neygu would have blurted out the words right away.

How much did you drink! !

My mind is so confused.

How dare you say such big words! !

It's just that things are a little different today.

The Imperial soldiers all have guns in their hands.

The energy arc at the muzzle of the gun sizzled.

If he was shot, he would probably have to invite all the friends in the gathering place to eat and drink, and bury him in the ground.

The ground suddenly shook.

A rapid alarm sounds on the detector.

"There are a lot of life forms approaching us."

A soldier looked at the detector with a red light flashing in his hand.

The readings above are rising rapidly.

"Get ready for battle." Brian, the leader of the corps, shouted loudly: "Charge heavy weapons, hurry up."

The ground was shaking violently.

Makes you unsteady on your feet.

The faces of Neigu and others were frighteningly pale.

Only one creature can make such a big movement.

That's the swarm of whipworms.

It is a mutated creature that lives underground.

Able to travel underground at extremely fast speeds.

"Give us a gun." Neigu asked tremblingly to Mengwu next to him.

Meng Wu turned his head and looked at each other.

"What do you want to do?"

"We can also help you fight. When encountering whipping worms in such an environment, a weapon can make people feel at ease." Neigu said: "I hope you can understand this need."

Meng Wu said no more.

After a while.

Another soldier came over.

Hand a few laser guns and a few high-explosive grenades to a few people.


Neigu and others said thank you when they took the guns.

The Empire's guns are all new.

There is also the empire's unique fire emblem on it.

Much better than the crap they use.

The shaking on the surface is getting stronger and stronger.

Just like a beautiful young woman, she finally reaches the peak, gushing out, strong and powerful.

The ground was drilled.

A monster that resembled an earthworm, but was covered with a thick biological carapace and had no eyes, appeared in front of everyone.

The entire head is conical when closed, with layers of hard carapace piled up on the head.

When opened, the head is divided into six parts, revealing the sharp and dense teeth inside.

Countless thumb-sized, tough, stinging tentacles protrude from the mouth, like whips.

The body is very large.

The height above the ground alone is five to six meters, and the diameter of the body is up to one meter.

When roaring.

A fishy smell also came out.

"Oh my god, it's really a whipping worm. With such a size, at least it's complete." Neygu sounded horrified.

The same goes for other guides.

The central nervous system of whipworms is not located in the head.

Even if the head is blown off, the opponent can escape and recover quickly.

Encountering these mutated worms is definitely a nightmare for adventurers and mercenaries.

The single-headed whipworm is not the scariest thing about the tunnel.

What's even more terrible is that they are group creatures

There is a complete big guy.

It means there are more small worms underground.

Wherever they appear, adventurers must take a detour.

The ground continues to be drilled, and more whipworms emerge from the ground.

They vary in size, but the fangs in their mouths, the thick carapace covering their bodies, and the tentacles inside their mouths also have venomous stings, all showing that they are equally troublesome.

Imperial soldiers opened fire.

Ruby-like beams of light passed through the air, making a sharp sound.

Several soldiers were armed with flamethrowers.

When they pulled the trigger, fuel shot out from the high-pressure reserve tank.

The fire dragons roared, sweeping away everything in their path.

Flagellation worms are very resilient.

The biological carapace on the body is also very hard.

But they still belong to the category of living things.

Encountered such a dense and powerful attack.

Their bodies cannot bear it either.

They were quickly fried into pieces and burned to char.

But the danger did not end just like that.

If only this were the case, it would not be enough to make the whipworm one of the most feared creatures among adventurers.


Screams came.

An Imperial soldier fell to the ground.

He was knocked to the ground.

In his place, a whipworm emerged and bit into his lower body.

The sharp teeth are like steel needles.

Even the tough combat protective clothing was overwhelmed by the brutal squeezing and chewing.

There was a series of urgent warnings.

Neygu was closest to the soldier and had the fastest reaction speed.

He fired into the opponent's torso.

The whipworm makes a pained sound.

Abandon entangled prey.

He retreated toward the ground.

The soldier's lower body was in terrible shape.

The protective clothing has been bitten through, and the flesh and blood has been opened, revealing the dense white bones inside, which is very oozing.

The soldier howled in pain.

Neigu and two other Imperial soldiers dragged him to safety.

The medical soldiers used the medicines and equipment they carried to treat the wounds to avoid further deterioration.

But after a while, another soldier also screamed.

Same experience as the previous one.

"Why don't you tell your superiors, let's withdraw first. These whipping worms usually appear in groups, and they hide underground, so they are very difficult to deal with." Neygu once again faced the soldiers next to him. said.

"That's right, you don't carry biological and chemical poison gas weapons. If there is corrosive poison gas, it can still be solved."

"If you continue to fight, you will only die in vain. Whipping worms usually stay in groups, and they can still survive even if they are blown into several pieces."

Several adventurers and mercenaries also spoke.

I hope to retreat first and come back to deal with them when I have suitable weapons.

Brian heard these words too.

These whipping worms can be really tough.

It's really useless to dwell on it.

Evacuate first and let the wounded soldiers return to the ground for treatment.

Then use biological and chemical weapons to deal with these ghosts hiding underground.

Just as he was about to order a retreat, a bright light appeared deep in the tunnel.

When Brian was confused, a guard wearing golden armor came out of the darkness.

Their weapons were stained with blood, and they had obviously experienced a hard battle.

The Emperor of the Empire was also among them.

They fought their way to the depths of the earth.

Killed countless enemies.

After slaughtering those powerful mutated creatures underground.

Qin Zheng planned to return to the surface to do other things.

Those slightly more powerful mutated creatures were executed.

Leave the rest of the minions to the people under your command.

Unexpectedly, when I came up, I heard the sounds of fighting.

Walking over to take a look, I happened to meet the Second Infantry Regiment led by Brian.

The huge whipworm was still roaring.

The scalp-numbing sound echoed in the tunnel, especially penetrating.

"Your Majesty, don't come over. These things are difficult to deal with."

Brian issued a warning to Qin Zheng.

"This imperial emperor's outfit is so handsome."

Neigu could also see the emperor being protected by the imperial guards.

The other person's face is very handsome. Once you take one look at it, you will never forget it again.

Those completely dark pupils had a different kind of noble temperament.

Qin Zheng didn't pay attention to Brian's warning.

Under the protection of the guards, he walked directly towards them, ignoring the roaring whipping worms.

Neigu and others' eyes widened.



Is the emperor of this empire so stubborn? !

People have said that we can’t pass through here, so we have to pass through here.

See that whipping worm with exposed teeth and poisonous tentacles! !

Those teeth, that figure, even if it's wearing armor, it can break a piece of it for you.

Gaga ruthlessly.

If he was dragged to the ground, it would really be a dead end.

Invisible power spread from Qin Zheng's body.

The ground instantly shattered, and countless rubbles floated into the air.

This indescribable terrifying power makes people tremble subconsciously.

Those whipping worms were all pulled out of the ground by the invisible force.

Neygu: “(ω)!”

The other adventurers also widened their eyes.



This power must be against the rules! !

Meng Wu and other imperial soldiers looked excited.

They knew from various sources that the emperor of the empire was a god walking in the world.

Those soldiers who fought against him said that they had witnessed the Emperor of the Empire, covered in flames, kill the powerful beast master.

Powerful psykers with mystical powers were vocal about their use of warp vision to gaze upon the Emperor.

I saw a fire that was hot enough to burn everything to ashes.

Under everyone's gaze, Qin Zheng and his guards walked slowly towards Brian and others.

Those suspended in the air with the gravel, the whipping worms twisted their huge bodies, but they could do nothing.

Flames burst out with a roar.

Soon their entire bodies were covered.

Just burning in the air.

Until it finally turned into ashes and drifted away.

When everything was over, the suspended gravel fell again.

This scene is like a miracle.

If there wasn't a pile of rubble that could prove what happened just now.

Neygudu felt that he was dreaming.

The other adventurers couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

"It seems that you have encountered some difficulties." Qin Zheng walked up to Brian and smiled with a hint of humor.

"Your Majesty is laughing." Brian opened his mask and said with some embarrassment.

"Next time you go on an expedition, remember to prepare good logistics and prepare different types of weapons." Qin Zheng patted Brian on the shoulder and walked towards the injured soldiers.

He saw his master approaching.

Several injured soldiers endured the pain and saluted him.

"His Majesty."

"His Majesty."

"No need to be polite." Qin Zheng looked down at the injured soldiers, stretched out a hand, and said, "I will give you health, and the pain will be far away from you."

Flames with golden lines emerged from Qin Zheng's hands.

Covering the injured soldiers.

Under the broken combat uniform.

The bloody body slowly returned to normal.

The fragments pierced into the body were directly expelled by the wriggling flesh and blood.

The bones become as intact as ever.

Just the blink of an eye.

The injured soldiers have recovered as before;,

Even the broken protective clothing has turned into the brand new look it had just left the factory.




It is difficult for Neygu and his companions to describe their mood at this moment in words.

"Grandma, what did I see!! This is a real god." A person next to him said to himself subconsciously.

So did the other soldiers.

Seeing such miracles, they were extremely shocked.

The gaze he looked at Qin Zheng became more and more fanatical.

"Your Majesty is immortal."

A soldier in the team opened his mask.

His face was flushed and he looked excited.

He raised his arms and shouted.

"Your Majesty is immortal."

Others also chanted.

"Your Majesty is immortal."

Meng Wu was also very excited.

The crowd shouted together.

"The empire will be immortal, humanity will be immortal, and you will be remembered by future generations."

Qin Zheng turned his head to look at the fanatical soldiers and responded with a smile.

The changes in the fire made him very motivated to do these actions to gain fans.

If these people are loyal enough and fanatical enough about him.

The flames from the firewood they represent will turn golden.

Qin Zheng tested it.

The power of these flames will be greatly increased when damaging the enemy.

After a short stay, Qin Zheng and his guards left and returned to the surface.

Only the soldiers with fanatical faces and Neigu and others with shocked faces were left.

"It's really amazing."

Neigu watched those golden figures disappear at the end of the tunnel, still mumbling to himself.

"Stop marveling, you have to get on with your work."

A person next to him poked Neigu's waist, signaling him to recover quickly.

"Keep moving forward." Brian ordered: "We have to continue our in-depth sweeps to completely eliminate all hidden dangers in O'Rourke."

After leaving Brian and others, Qin Zheng returned to the surface.

The battle is basically over.

The gang members hiding inside were helpless against the Empire's powerful firepower.

There are only two endings for them.

Either surrender or be killed.

Those powerful beings were either killed by the Storm Warriors, or were crushed to ashes by Qin Zheng in the true sense.

All that's left is some finishing work.

Staying down here is just a waste of time.

As the Emperor of the Empire, his time is precious.

In most cases, it is not enough.

There are a lot of government affairs waiting for him to do.

He also had to watch the struggle between the two camps.

If they don't fight fiercely enough, they secretly help escalate the situation.

They must not be allowed time to think.

Qin Zheng, who returned to the ground, immediately contacted Bartmos.

Let him analyze the information inside the blue cube crystal.

Look at what those Human Alliance people left behind.

There may be information behind the door in the crystal.

When Qin Zheng arrived on the surface.

It was mid-afternoon and the sun was getting extremely hot.

The slightly scarlet sun hung in the middle of the sky.

The ground battle in the O'Rourke district ended quickly.

But the surrounding high walls and buildings are still covered with flame scorch marks and smooth craters.

That's what war is like.

No matter how small the scale, no matter how fast it ends, it is synonymous with destruction.

Some vaults and towers are in even worse condition.

The messy plaster walls look like peeling snake skin.

Broken and missing windows are like empty eye sockets.

A billowing heat wave is rolling across the city.

Pedestrians on the street have a tendency to survive after disaster and are at a loss to deal with the empire.

O'Rourke's troubled history was brought to an end.

The order of the empire is about to come here.

Officials appointed by the empire are already active in the messy ruins.

The O'Rourke District will be evaluated according to the previously established process.

Some architects were recruited.

It was commissioned by the Ministry of Interior to rebuild the entire Orok district and restore it to its former prosperity.

Engineering vehicles were also dropped into the Orok area.

Demolition walkers, which rely on two mechanical legs to walk, are orderly demolishing unnecessary ruins.

A large number of transport planes roared down, bringing workers and materials.

The appearance of Qin Zheng quickly attracted people's attention.

An official who was scolding his erring subordinates trotted over.

There was an indescribable expression of shocked joy and excitement on his face.

"His Majesty."

Qin Zheng turned his head and looked over.

It was discovered that it was Li Si who had been promoted not long ago.

Now holds some positions in the Ministry of Justice.

The ability is pretty good.

He is a rare talent.

This time he was assigned here to restore order in the Orok District.

Qin Zheng nodded.

"How is order being restored?"

"It only takes three days at most to resume production and life on the ground. As for underground, there is no definite news yet, but if everything goes well, mining activities in the Orok mining area can be restarted within a month."

"Very good, keep working hard." Qin Zheng had no intention of further understanding.

Some things still have to be left to the people below.

Worrying about everything will only make you die of overwork.

After being praised by Qin Zheng, Li Si had an uncontrollable smile on his face.

He didn't look like a cruel official like when he scolded his subordinates who made mistakes just now.

"Is Your Majesty going to leave? Or will you continue to patrol?"

Li Si asked carefully.

"Ready to leave." Qin Zheng said: "The battle here is over. I have other things to do."

"Okay, I will contact the vehicle for His Majesty immediately."

Li Si is thoughtful.

Don't miss any opportunity to express yourself.

Qin Zheng glanced at Li Si.


He could naturally see Li Si's little plan.

But this is normal.

As long as he can get the attention of the emperor, he can definitely be said to be prosperous in the future.

"I'm interested, but everything has been arranged."

Qin Zheng did not expose the other party's little thoughts.

It is impossible to require a person to be absolutely upright.

Everyone will become smooth because of survival and interests.

Li Si wanted to say something else.

The roar of anti-gravity engines came from the sky.

A transport boat twenty-five meters long and six meters high was slowly landing.

The propulsion engine port at the bottom emitted a faint blue light, kicking up the dust on the ground.

The transport boat landed slowly.

Huge mechanical legs protrude from the bottom amid the whine of hydraulics.

After the transport boat came to a stop, the hydraulic regulator sprayed out a large amount of exhaust gas.

Under the roar of high-pressure gas.

The hatch covered with thick armor plates opened.

The boarding ladder stretched out from the cabin and landed right in front of Qin Zheng.

Li Si watched Qin Zheng and his guards walk up.

When the hatch closed, the transport boat took off and turned into a black dot in the sky.

He then returned to his post.

What failed to show successfully?

Li Si was still very happy.

At least the emperor showed no disgust towards him.

He also brushed his face hard.

Li Si is not the kind of person to flatter.

But this world is cruel.

No matter how talented you are, you still have to have a chance to perform and gain recognition.

The aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley.

But what if no one walks in that alley? ?

How far can the fragrance float?

Qin Zheng returned to the capital area.

Give the blue crystal cube to Bartmos for inspection and ask him to find a way to read the relevant information inside.

The data within the crystal has been encrypted.

This is a very old technology.

Bartmos used the computing matrix of Dadu District and used powerful computing power to simulate reverse analysis.

It took a lot of time to decrypt part of the information.

The Imperial Council Hall is a tall building second only to the airport and taller than any other building.

It was built near the Imperial Forum.

Covered by a thousand-meter-high dome, it is an engineering marvel.

The empire is constantly recruiting talented people.

Continuously fill this tall building to ensure the normal operation of the empire.

As soon as you walk in, you will see a large number of officials wearing the uniforms of the new empire.

They were in a hurry.

Datapad in hand.

Or some important documents recorded on paper.

Assistants or servants follow behind them.

Qin Zheng's throne is placed on the highest tower.

It was also where he and other senior officials held meetings.

Symbols of authority are important things.

The emperor must be supreme.

Only in this way can everyone be willing to look up to you.

War banners hung in the throne room.

Most of them represent legion and regiment numbers.

The most conspicuous among them is the flaming banner of the Empire.

A background as bright as blood.

A flame as bright as gold.

The two form a sharp contrast.

Qin Zheng was sitting on his throne, overlooking everyone.

Two imperial guards wearing golden armor stood on either side of him.

They held their halberds and were silent.

Just like that he was fulfilling his duty as a guard.

Bartmos stood in front of a specially crafted decoding mechanism.

The device looks like a round ball with one quarter cut off.

Neat and smooth, with a silvery white color overall.

The projection interface used for control was suspended in front of Buttermos.

"Even with the most advanced decoding algorithm at our disposal, it is difficult to crack the encryption left by the Human Alliance. There is a huge gap in technological level between us and the opponent. Even if I used the largest computing matrix in Liberty City, I could only barely break it open. A hole has been opened. So far, only a small part has been analyzed, which are some research materials and records about the Human Alliance."

Buttermos said as he inserted the blue crystal cube into a specific groove.

"The information inside has a special code, and it can only be played using this crystal. Even if it is recorded, what appears is garbled and severely distorted. People in the Human Alliance obviously value this information very much and are unwilling to be exposed to a large scale. spread."

Adjusted the frequency.

The analytical device made a buzzing sound.

The indicator light flickered and took a moment to stabilize.

The crystal glows.

Thin luminous lines that looked like static electricity intertwined in the air.

In the dim hall, a giant sphere formed.

Bartmos's fingers worked quickly on the projection interface.

The sphere unfolded, forming a sheet shape.

It turns into a giant screen suspended in mid-air.

Pitch black and nothing.

Only some vague things are looming.

Then a silhouette appears within the screen display.

It was a female face.

Dressed in the garb of a scholar.

Looks extraordinary.

The other party seems to be making some kind of record.

"This crisis is gradually showing its fangs, telling humans that the universe is always worthy of awe. We can no longer contact the other side of the solar system. Our observation instruments can see only darkness. The storm has blocked all sight. We are lost. On the way home. May our mother of mankind be able to survive this disaster smoothly. The construction of the Sky-Mending Shelter in the Regulus Galaxy has come to an end for the time being. We have completed all the basic frameworks and put the human Technical knowledge and famous works of art have been put in, and I hope everything goes smoothly.”

Qin Zheng frowned slightly.

The Butian Sanctuary that the woman was talking about should be the base that the two camps got even after they broke up with each other.

In other words, the planet where Qin Zheng is located is not the earth.

But a certain colonial planet in the Regulus Galaxy.

The Regulus galaxy is also called the Leo A star.

It is one of the brightest stars that can be observed with the naked eye at night from Earth.

Brightness ranks 21st.

It is a blue-white star.

If Qin Zheng's memory is correct.

The Regulus galaxy should be a binary star system! !

Why is there only one sun? ?

Qin Zheng suppressed the doubts in his heart.

All this may be related to the large-scale space-time disaster caused by the Evernight Crisis.

"I discussed it with a few other people. The work of the Sky Mending Project is basically completed. There is still a little time. Why not study the sealed Old Dominators in the colonial planet? Maybe we can get some information from them. The secrets of subspace. Considering the dangers of those things, and the laws of the Human Alliance that do not allow private research on those things. All information will be encrypted at the highest level. The research data needs to be preserved, but it must be ensured that it will not be Innocent people found out.”

"Those things are not something ordinary people can get their hands on, and they are likely to cause a series of crises and corruption. If we were discovered in the past, we would have faced life imprisonment. The Human Alliance is too busy to take care of itself now, and no one will probably care about us. Research. I don’t know whether this information will be lost or whether you kept intact historical records when you discovered this information. For the sake of safety, I will describe the research process this time in detail."

"The name of the Old Ones comes from the primitive era of mankind, that is, the era before humans walked out of the earth. At that time, some people had already come into contact with those indescribable things. People at that time thought it was nonsense and regarded it as nonsense. for jokes and common literature.”

"According to some information, those guys were once the masters of the universe. Their race once ruled the starry sky and had a brilliant civilization, and then was destroyed by the subspace storm and declined. According to their description, the eternal night crisis may be periodic. , it will erupt every once in a while, just like the ebb and flow of the tide, it is some kind of special cleaning mechanism,"

"The Eternal Night Storm has cursed every survivor, turning them into the monsters they once hated, and becoming cancers caught between reality and illusion. It was them before, and now it is humans' turn."

Having said this.

The screen went black.

It lights up again after a few seconds.

"Today we have obtained some research results. For the record, the Old One has been sleeping in that weird space for an unknown number of years. As long as we don't wake it up, there won't be much risk. We'll check I found some pretty good things among the family members' bones scattered around. Their wings have a very special structure, which is obviously caused by late genetic intervention. Preliminary estimates are that they can use their wings to fly quickly through subspace between stars, which is a small feat. The results. I entered them all into the data crystal, I hope it can be helpful to you."

After the woman in the projection finished speaking, she also showed some pictures of skeletons and data.

The screen went black again, then lit up.

The woman's face looked even more tired.

His eyes were red, and he had obviously cried.

But he still tried his best to look strong.

"We have achieved some staged results. We analyzed some structural tissues obtained from the old rulers, which fully proved that they were corrupted creations. However, we also discovered some special things. According to the traceability method, we It is judged that this old ruler lived for a long time before being corrupted. It is very likely that it is the immortal of their race. We have some bad guesses. Some rumors before the union, these monsters It is very likely that it is an alternative, a creature that has abandoned its race and wants to become a god. Regarding the research of the Old Dominators, we had some quarrels. It may be that the corruption has already begun. The place where it first started was not flesh and blood, but Our hearts.”

It flickered for a moment and then switched to the next video.

The woman looked a little dazed.

It seemed like he had suffered a big blow.

"It was a mistake to study those things. The Old Ones have awakened characteristics because of our actions. There is a reason why the Alliance established such taboo rules. The awakening Old Ones will kill everyone on this planet. Many people have chosen to commit suicide. They cannot bear the influence of the past and are afraid of their own corruption, so they choose to commit suicide. I can't hold it anymore, those things are calling me, the corruption will start from the soul, and then we The flesh and blood body. The research was still abandoned. We planned to use the old materials that blocked the other side to build a door and completely imprison the other party inside. That door can cut off the connection between that mysterious space and reality. I gave I installed a venom injection device myself, and set it to require manual reset every once in a while. If my sanity collapses and I fail to reset it in time, the toxin will be injected into my body."

"I put all the research results during this period in the data crystal, as well as some information about the shelter of the Mendian Project. I can have a premonition that something is wrong. This time may be my last mission. Those who follow us The members of the engineering team are already explaining their own affairs. We all know that there is no way we can survive in front of the awakened Old Ones. Even if it does not attack us, we will be corrupted and become irrational monsters."

"Human beings are ultimately small in the face of the long time and the vast universe. Our technology, our art, everything seems ridiculous and pitiful. I don't know if there will be latecomers, maybe human beings will be here Let them be completely wiped out in a storm, leaving only those who are cruel and will do whatever it takes to become gods."

After playing this section, the projection screen went completely black.

It never lights up again.

Obviously, this is the only information analyzed.

Needless to say, Qin Zheng also knew the outcome.

The data crystal was found from the pile of corpses.

It can be said that if you don’t seek death, you won’t die! !

"Continue to analyze and see if we can find information about the shelter."

Qin Zheng also extracted some key factors from the words left by female scholars.

Project Mending, Shelter.

Obviously, these scholars came to this planet much earlier than those plutocratic families.

The underground palace that the two camps are fighting for now is the shelter in the Sky Mending Project.

Qin Zheng's heart was also a little hot.

It is said that the technology of the Human Alliance and a large number of weapons and equipment are hidden inside.

Don't look at the current chaebols, they are all superior.

On the big stage of the Human Alliance, they are just a group of small characters after all.

At most, there are a few entrepreneurs.

It is impossible to grasp real strategic resources.

It is estimated that they are not qualified to get involved in those human trump cards.

There are real cutting-edge weapons in the underground palace.

What's inside is enough to change the world.

If only he could get the knowledge inheritance and weapons and equipment in the underground palace.

The speed of rebuilding the civilization system will be faster.

It’s more confident to walk towards the stars

The crystal may hide the way to open the sanctuary.

There has to be some backdoor! !

How many permissions do you have? !

What if something unexpected happens? !

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It’s the end of the month, brothers, let’s count the votes, there will be more updates tonight

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