What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 318 Qin Zheng’s identity (please subscribe)

Valyrian fell into silence for a brief moment, as if he was organizing his words. After a while, he slowly spoke and continued.

"No one knows exactly when the battle of mankind against the corrupted subspace began. In countless cosmic epochs, many historical truths have long been submerged and no one knows. Even the multiverse empire cannot conquer the entire multiverse. Understand the situation, even if they master time technology, the best they can do is to go back to the moment when the universe was born."

"The existence of time-travelers is not an isolated case, it has even become a norm in the multiverse, like some kind of mechanism to promote the development of civilization. Travelers from different universes, with different thoughts and concepts, bring new things to the unchanging world. To change, promote the integration and development of civilizations, and make the rules of the universe more perfect."

"Those ancient omniscient beings have noticed them very early, supported them through various means, and used them to spread their influence, thus harvesting different universes. The multiverse empire also cultivates its own traversers, and those scholars transfer knowledge The auxiliary systems and various advanced technological equipment created with various advanced technologies are implanted into the small universes that drift at will, and are randomly thrown into the subspace. Those souls with lofty beliefs in their hearts are selected and allowed to roam in various indigenous universes. Promote the development of human civilization.”

"During this process, scholars discovered something. This was not only done by them, but also by the longer-standing human civilization. When the civilization was destroyed, they unconditionally spread their legacy to the heavens. All the worlds are just to preserve one fire after another. After the time travelers obtain these fires, they will work hard to establish civilizations in each indigenous universe and protect the people. Those time travelers who choose to inherit the legacy and are willing to build the human race will be regarded as As a qualified time traveler, they can receive the resources and technology support of the empire. So far, many human civilizations in different universes have received gifts, separated from the local universe, and become part of the multiverse empire, allowing the flower of human civilization to flourish. Blooming brighter and brighter.”

"Unqualified time travelers are those who serve those who claim to be omniscient and omnipotent. They grovel and surrender to those ancient creatures in exchange for the power to dominate human civilization. Their existence has a great impact on mankind. The existence of civilization is useless, except for despicable intrigues, and they are trying their best to sell humans to those ancient existences in exchange for their own eternity."

"For this kind of people, the multiverse empire's attitude is to kill without mercy and will never tolerate them."

Qin Zheng listened to Valyrian's description. When the Human Alliance was destroyed, so many people chose to abandon humanity in exchange for the so-called immortality or the opportunity to become gods. Those time-travelers who thought they were the protagonists did that Things that are anti-human are not surprising at all.

Thinking of this, Qin Zheng used the other party's conditions to evaluate himself. He was somewhere between qualified and unqualified.

But he didn't care much about this result, because he didn't have much expectations for the multiverse empire. Judging from the contents of the battle log, the other party was in a lot of trouble, and it was very far away from his own universe.

Although the Galactic Empire is weak now, its potential cannot be underestimated. If nothing goes wrong, the Ether Phase Engine is successfully completed, and a new round of evolution is completed, there will definitely be a chance to step out of the native universe and become a multiverse-level civilization in the future.

When the time comes for expansion, you may not know who will absorb whom! !

"You ask so many questions, is it possible that you are also a time traveler?"

Valyrian asked as he looked at Qin Zheng in front of him. The aura on him was very similar to that of his fragmented master, especially when he was shrouded in light, they were exactly the same.

The ruler of the multiverse empire, the Thirteenth Son, once said that the emperor was just a fragment of another more powerful existence, involving the last great era of the multiverse, the era of extraordinary practice that worshiped practice and individual power.

At that time, there was no technology in the multiverse. All living beings pursued extraordinary cultivation. The concept of civilization was very weak. At most, there were races bound by interests.

For the sake of spiritual practice, absurd things such as fathers and sons killing each other, mothers and daughters sharing the same husband, and even eighteen generations of women sharing the same husband were once considered normal, because in such a world, law and morality have no meaning, and strength is everything.

It once reached a point where everything was inferior and only cultivation was high. As long as there is strength, everything is right.

The end of the road to truth through cultivation is the so-called omniscience and omnipotence, which means knowing all the truths. At the end, some people will take the path of science and technology.

Technology is different from transcendence. Technology requires the joint efforts of many people, so the concept of civilization is enhanced, which later leads to chaos and wars that affect many universes.

The horrific war resulted in boundless killings, caused the originally controllable corruption to spiral out of control, and turned the multiverse into the chaos it is today.

Of course, this is only what Valyrian learned from those scholars. No one knows what the real situation is, because too much time has passed, so long that even the universe has been destroyed and reborn countless times.

The man standing in front of him may be another fragment of that person's existence. Let the other person merge with the collected fragments of the emperor. What comes back is definitely not the emperor, but that person.

Qin Zheng looked at this visitor from another world, smiled, and did not give him an answer, "Don't let the conversation between you and me leak out. During this period of recovery, you can walk around and learn about the Galaxy Empire. Wait for a while After some time, my scholars have completed the reverse analysis and mastered the relevant technology, and will return your ship to you. At that time, if you want to leave and need crew members, I will also help you select some elites for you. Continue your journey through the universe.”

After saying this, Qin Zheng left. He had almost everything he wanted to know. As for keeping the other party or killing the other party to ensure that the existence of the Galactic Empire is not known to the multiverse empire, it is unnecessary.

The multiverse empire is a retreat that is not a retreat. Although they are entangled by more powerful enemies, they are also a real multiverse civilization.

As long as you master the technology of cosmic travel, even if you lose completely one day, the remaining people in the Galactic Empire can still escape and seek asylum.

If they die, they can find a ruler to lead them on the road ahead.

Valyrian didn't get the answer to his question, but he didn't really care. Everyone had secrets, and there was no need to get answers to everything.

When he could walk, he left the medical room and limped inside the huge Celestial Class battleship.

Seeing those fanatical believers, engineers and technicians implanting mechanical prosthetics, as well as those storm warriors wearing heavy armor and golden armored guards, he once wondered if he had returned to his homeland.

This Galactic Empire is too similar to the Human Empire, the only difference is that they do not use flesh and blood brains to act as cogitators, and even allow omnics to continue to stay in their world.

Perhaps because of orders, no one wanted to talk to Valyrian, but a woman in an officer's uniform gave him a datapad so that he could use the Internet to learn about the Galactic Empire.

Valyrian has no arrogant ideas. He has witnessed the rise of multiverse empires and knows exactly what a good leader can achieve.

He had seen Qin Zheng with his own eyes. To be honest, he was no worse than the Thirteenth Son who had just arrived in Terra. Given enough time, the Galactic Empire would become a multiverse-level civilization.

The expedition fleet sailed in subspace and arrived at a new galaxy five days later. It was unexpectedly discovered that this galaxy still maintained the technological level of the information age.

Those people showed enthusiasm for the arrival of the Galactic Empire. They expressed their loyalty to the Galactic Empire without hesitation and held a grand welcome ceremony.

During this grand welcome ceremony, the technical director, Tai Meng, accidentally discovered through scanning that a high-performance computing power matrix building from the Human Alliance period was hidden here. It was installed in a dimensional space and was well preserved. , when it was discovered, it was still as bright as new. What is even more surprising is that this computing power matrix building records a large number of project plans related to the end of the Human Alliance, including even Winston Leonard, the Human Alliance. The Supreme Leader's confessional speech, and his final video.

However, the confidentiality of these data is so high that it has never been seen before. Even if the Imperial Dream's computing power matrix is ​​used, it cannot be deciphered. Only those with real authority can obtain the information, otherwise even if it is cracked with force, It will also be destroyed instantly and cannot be restored.

In the end, they had no choice but to ask the God Emperor to take action.

Qin Zheng did not refuse. He thought it was just a small matter. However, when he approached the computing power matrix, he automatically obtained the highest authority, as if this high-performance computing power matrix building was prepared for him.

And this is exactly the case. This computing power matrix building is built with special materials, forming a blind spot of destiny. It cannot be predicted or predicted to see the truth inside, and can only see a false scene.

When this computing power matrix is ​​activated, its secrets can be seen.

At this moment, Qin Zheng finally understood the ins and outs of his journey. Nothing was isolated, and everything was bound by invisible threads.

If something seems strange and unreasonable to you, there is only one explanation: there is some kind of power, some kind of unknown web running somewhere that you don't understand.

When you understand this power, this network, you will suddenly understand that this is how it is.

Six thousand today, the writing is a bit sloppy, but it barely fits the idea when I first wrote it.

The multiverse is a bucket, and anything can be thrown into it.

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