What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 319 The end of the era of galactic gods and the origin of the King of Destruction (please su

Qin Zheng stood in the core control room of the magnificent computing matrix building. He could vaguely feel the vibrations from the roaring machinery under his feet. They were like the rhythm of life, and the machinery also had life. This life does not simply refer to the intelligent machine, but the life and will of the machine itself, which is the so-called spirit of the machine.

They were cheering for the arrival of Qin Zheng at this time, and had been silent for thousands of years, only to be restarted today.

Taimon and others waited outside with the ruler of this galaxy. Qin Zheng did not let them follow him in, just because the secrets hidden here were too amazing, no worse than the multiverse theory brought by Valyrian.

The multiverse that Valyrian told him only told Qin Zheng the limit that a civilization can reach. Conquering the galaxy is just a trivial beginning. Even conquering the universe is just a ticket to the multiverse.

That incident was indeed a bit shocking to Qin Zheng, but so be it. After all, the discussion of what is outside the universe has never stopped since humans had the Internet.

However, the secret hidden here is about Qin Zheng itself.

After thinking for a moment, Qin Zheng clicked on the projection screen and called up the information left by the top leaders of the Human Alliance.

During the human expedition, the various expeditionary armies of the empire also received some news about the supreme leaders, all about the various things they did in the final period.

The picture in the sky flickered for a moment, and the static-like beam of light jumped in the void, eventually forming a huge projection, in which appeared several men and women with extraordinary temperament, who looked like they had just entered middle age.

Each of them is an elite among the elites of the Human Alliance. They have first-rate family backgrounds, strategic minds, and absolute loyalty to humanity. He looks like a middle-aged man, but he no longer knows how long he has lived with the help of life-extending technology.

Qin Zheng glanced at the people inside. Although he had never seen them before, he identified them based on the photo information left in the underground palace database.

The person standing at the front of the video was Winston Leonard, and the others were behind him, including Xuanyuan Changge. They all remained silent with solemn expressions.

"Human civilization has encountered an unprecedented crisis and is only one step away from final destruction. We tried various methods, but the final outcome pointed to failure. But fate gave us a chance to choose, and we returned to Earth, An ancient prophecy was discovered from those ancient primitive ruins, about the prophecy of the God of Destruction. It sounds ridiculous, but we still choose to believe it. The prophecy that existed in the primitive era indicated that there is reincarnation in the universe, and The eternity of the gods destroys the meaning of reincarnation. If the old era does not end, the new era cannot begin. And there is a final existence in the subspace that symbolizes destruction. When it awakens, it means everything. Destruction, and then a new beginning. But the gods prevented its birth and prevented its own end, but destruction will not be destroyed, it will only wait patiently, waiting to one day ignite everything in the world."

Winston Leonard organized his words, and there was a trace of sadness and despair on his face. Humanity was so glorious in the past, but now, in order to continue civilization, they seek salvation from prophecies. How absurd it is. ah.

"Everything in the subspace is a symbol, an illusory meaning, an echo of a certain moment. Perhaps mankind can ignite the first fire of destruction at its own expense. This is already the most desperate method. Peace only exists in On the basis of being able to destroy each other, the galactic gods want human beings to be destroyed, so as to seize the countless lives and souls and feast on them. They don't care at all whether human beings are extinct or not. Human beings must be able to perish together with subspace. Only with the ability can humans be protected from the harm of evil gods.”

"This is a crazy plan. Originally, we had no chance of succeeding. Mortals cannot fight against the gods. However, where we found the prophecy, we got a piece of fire-like fragment, which unabashedly revealed The naked breath of destruction. If this fragment is fused together with millions of years of human will through ancient rituals, it may be possible to ignite the first fire of destruction and use the flesh, blood and soul of all humans to create a world that can reconcile with the subspace. Beings that destroy each other.”

"If this video can be seen, it means we have succeeded. If not, it means failure. Please don't blame us. No one knows whether this is right or wrong. But in the face of the collapse of the entire civilization, we have already There is no choice. A universe without humans loses the meaning of existence."

"We have committed an unforgivable crime, not only against human beings, but also against all races in the entire universe, and even the gods of the subspace. Let everything be reduced to ashes, let everything burn in flames, or human civilization will gain Redemption or utter destruction.”


Winston Leonard in the projection interface spoke word by word about the greatest of their many plans, which was to give mankind the opportunity to perish together with the subspace.

In order to avoid the destruction of civilization and genocide, the Human Alliance has promoted a series of plans, including Yajin strengthening, lighthouse, and extragalactic colonization and other projects.

However, these supreme leaders with wisdom, strategy and loyalty have long known that mankind's self-destruction is inevitable, stemming from human greed and the gaze of gods.

Humanity has shown its potential and completed the task of conquering the galaxy in a very short period of time with nothing. But such potential does not bring any appreciation, because no shepherd will not care whether his sheep defeats the tiger, they will only consider how much profit the sheep can bring to them.

All intelligent races in the galaxy, including humans, are just sheep.

There is no detachment at all in this universe, and there is no real freedom. There are only two endings for the civilization born among the stars.

One is to become a flock to be herded and harvested by predators, and the other is to strive to become a predator.

Humanity is obviously the former. The fragmentation of civilization and the killing of each other by ethnic groups have made the nine supreme leaders despair.

They finally chose to embark on a path of no return, using the prophecies and fragments left from the primitive era to awaken something, integrating it with the collective will of mankind for millions of years, and finally planted seeds in the subspace. .

And Qin Zheng is the luckiest tadpole in this fusion body. Out of countless human wills, he eventually became the main will of the fusion body.

Just like when breeding, countless tadpoles rush to their final destination, but in the end only one lucky one can be conceived and born.

Qin Zheng is a time traveler because he did come to this world in his previous life, but he is not a time traveler because he was originally a creature of this universe.

Qin Zheng is not only Qin Zheng, he is also the incarnation of human will in this universe, and he is also integrated with the fragments found in the original ruins. If there is nothing wrong, he is the wisp of the fire of destruction that was ignited, the one who seduced the The seed that symbolizes the birth of the existence of destruction.

The fire is a symbol of human will and destruction.

After understanding the truth of all this, Qin Zheng's eyes were extremely complex.

The guards stood beside him, but they did not react at all to what the top leaders of the Human Alliance said, because Qin Zheng's thinking controlled them, and they could not hear the words in the projection. Even if they heard it, they could not hear it. Will be forgotten immediately.

When the imperial guards were created, Qin Zheng had considered using them as containers of his own will and power, so controlling them was a very simple matter.

After learning that this matter might have something to do with him, Qin Zheng took control of them immediately.

Qin Zheng spent some time reviewing all the information and started to eliminate some key information about him, leaving only the introduction of different projects by the supreme leader of the Human Alliance.

It's better not to publicize how you were created, and just keep it to yourself.

After tampering with the key information, Qin Zheng checked the memories of humans in this galaxy and felt relieved after confirming that no one knew about it.

The data reserve is only available in this galaxy. This computing power matrix was supposed to be sent to the Earth. As a result, after the Evernight Crisis got out of control, several top leaders were forced to take refuge here. After confirming that they could not reach the Earth, they This computing power matrix building is placed here and protected using spatial dimension technology.

Even though the galaxy encountered some crises behind it, the hidden computing matrix was never discovered and remained until the arrival of the Imperial Expeditionary Force.

After confirming that nothing was missing, Qin Zheng released the control of the imperial guards.

Saladin and others showed some surprise at the sudden control of their bodies by the God Emperor, but that was all. They were absolutely loyal. Even if Qin Zheng wanted their lives, they would not hesitate at all.

"Let's go." Qin Zheng walked out of the main control room without staying too long, letting Taimon and others go in to receive the legacy of the Human Alliance.

The computing power matrix records the status of various projects at the end of the Human Alliance, as well as their coordinate locations. This made Taimon and others ecstatic, and they immediately sent people to recover the legacy according to the galaxies given by these projects.

Various projects formulated by the Human Alliance in order to save civilization were all done regardless of cost. Many of the projects studied were not yet mature at the time, or even only supported by ideas. After spending so many resources, some plans were made, or even completed. After researching, now everything is cheaper than the Galactic Empire.

Just like the Yajin energy project, the empire can quickly enter the practical stage, cultivate three generations of storm warriors, comprehensively improve the military's combat literacy, and create Yajin weapons specifically designed to restrain psychic creatures and subspace creatures.

Qin Zheng ignored the actions of Taimeng and others. He returned to the Dream of the Empire and digested the information he got.

After learning the ins and outs of why he came to this era, he was a little confused, but he quickly got rid of that confusion.

It doesn't matter who he was, it's who he will become.

A famous philosopher once said that everyone's yesterday is already dead, and it is meaningless to dwell on dead things.

In the past, he was a time traveler, an incarnation of human will, and an entity of the will to destroy. It didn't matter. He only needed to know that his current name was Qin Zheng, the supreme ruler of the Galaxy Empire. He only needed to realize his current and future goals. Target will do.

After dispatching officials to assist in the imperialization of the area and recovering the computing power matrix, the expeditionary force set sail again and continued to conquer other areas of the galaxy and purify the omnics wandering in the galaxy.

The real field continues to achieve results, and the subspace field has not fallen behind. Qin Zheng used six lighthouses to calm down the storm on the entire galaxy level, creating a flame barrier so that subspace creatures could not easily enter the real field. This move led to the power of the gods Big reduction.

The Galactic Empire devours various star sectors in the galaxy, including sub-sectors, the Demon Hunting Court, the Psychic Academy, and the National Religion. Their relentless pursuit of heretical religions has inflicted heavy losses on those cult organizations.

Seizing this opportunity, the Flame Realm, which had been in a defensive posture, also started a foreign war.

The first to be invaded was the territory of the Mother Tree of Desire, and Qin Zheng listed it as the first target of destruction.

Within the realm of the Mother Tree of Desire, the most conspicuous one is the giant tree that symbolizes desire. It towers into the clouds, and the bright stars are just dots of light between the tree branches. It is rooted in the entire galaxy, absorbing nutrients provided by believers. .

The image of the giant tree changes all the time. Sometimes it is composed of countless white eyes, sometimes it is composed of countless twisting limbs. It is a symbol of the most primitive desires of intelligent creatures. It is not just sex, it also includes everything that can make people The desire to feel pleasure.

In the realm of desire, you can see magnificent and exquisite palaces everywhere, mountains of gold and gems, and all kinds of wealth, as well as various rusty torture instruments that exude the pungent smell of blood, and hanging on them are all kinds of desires to achieve through extreme pain. A happy twisted creature.

As long as you can get pleasure and pleasure, it doesn't matter what method you use, no matter how twisted it is, you will be recognized by the mother tree of desire.

Therefore, the realm of desire is very chaotic. Buildings symbolizing various desires are scattered around the mother tree of desire, forming this twisted and disgusting realm, where countless indulgent souls sink and indulge themselves wantonly. They enjoy the ultimate twisted pleasure, and the only thought in their hearts is to party until the end of the universe.

When Qin Zheng ordered the attack, violent tremors occurred in the desire field, and then terrifying flame cracks were opened.

Wearing heavy armor and as tall as a mountain, Wang Ben walked with heavy steps and held a giant sword with billowing flames, like a demon god symbolizing destruction.

Like a violent giant beast, he rushed into the realm of desire, igniting blazing flames wherever he went.

The Banshee of Desire who tried to stop him was knocked down by her heavy body, and then her head was cut off by Wang Ben's sword.

The war of the gods begins.

I feel like I'm getting more and more depraved. I can easily update over 10,000, but I just want to watch videos.

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