"Sir, you don't know that this Thunder Mountain is where the Thunder Palace is located. The Thunder Palace is one of the five super sects, just like our Holy Fire Sect."

"To go to Thunder Mountain, you must first pass through Thunder Mansion!" Huoyun frowned and said

"Dragon Pattern Grass, I want to take it. If the Thunder Palace dares to stop me, I can only use some tricks."Ye Mochen said lightly.

Huoyun didn't dare to say anything more after hearing this. He secretly mourned for the Thunder Palace, hoping that the Thunder Palace would not seek its own death.

"Please follow me for a walk."

"Yes! Sir."

After Huoyun explained the sect's affairs to the elder, he followed Ye Mochen out of the Holy Fire Sect.

Above the mountain gate, Ye Mochen first asked Huoyun for the direction, then tore the space and took Huoyun into the space.

Huoyun was not surprised by Ye Mochen's method. He had achieved the third level of the Dao Realm and could roam in space for a short time.

But that was all through communicating with the power of space, and the space automatically opened a hole before entering it.

How could Ye Mochen be so tough and tear the space open with his hands.

When Huoyun thought of Ye Mochen's various actions, he was relieved.

What a joke, sir, you can easily take out the holy weapon! That's a holy weapon! Now just tearing open a space for fun, what's the big deal?


Leiting Mountain.

Leijia Village.

I saw many people gathered in groups of three or five at the entrance of the village.

Among them, a group of people in blue clothes were surrounding a young girl, looking at her unscrupulously.

The girl had a beautiful face, her skin was whiter than snow, and her pale face made her look even more fragile, like a delicate flower in the wind, which made people pity her.

Her narrow and long phoenix eyes were slightly raised, with a bit of charm, but not without sharpness.

The straight nose bridge and slightly raised lips revealed a touch of stubbornness and unyielding.

She was petite and delicate, wrapped in a white long dress, like a blooming lotus, noble and beautiful.

Her hair fell on her shoulders like a waterfall, fluttering gently with the breeze, exuding a faint fragrance, intoxicating people.

When she stared at the blue-clothed people in front of her vigilantly, her eyes were full of unyielding, but her posture was still upright, without the slightest retreat or fear.

She was like a flower that grew tenaciously in a storm. Although she had experienced the baptism of wind and rain, she still exuded her own unique charm and radiance.

People around cast curious glances at her, and their whispers surged like a tide, wanting to know what this lively scene was all about.

The most conspicuous person in the blue team was a plump fat man. His clothes were so gorgeous that he even surpassed the other blue-clad companions around him, making him particularly outstanding. The fat man in a blue robe, with an unpleasant and obscene look, stared at the graceful girl intently, and then began to say:

""Young lady, where are you going? Why don't you tell us? We may be able to help you."

The girl's cold eyes stared at the figure in front of her, and a cold arc appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Then she said two words in an extremely cold tone:"Get out!"

The plump fat man did not show any annoyance, and still stared at the graceful girl in front of him in a wretched manner, and said in a steady tone:

"Do you know who I am?"

Seeing the girl remained silent, the fat man turned his head slightly and gestured to one of his men behind him.

"Tell her who I am!"

Behind the fat man, one of the men in blue came out and said arrogantly:

"The person in front of you is the son of the Lord of Thunder Palace, Lei Dong!"

The crowd around heard this and immediately set off a big commotion.

"Is he the legendary Lei Dong?"

"It is said that Lei Dong had entered the realm of supernatural powers before he was fifty years old, and he can be said to be the most outstanding genius in Lei Ting Mansion in ten thousand years!"

"It is unbelievable that such a legendary figure would come to such a remote place as ours."

Lei Dong enjoyed the discussion around him. Very good, this is the effect he wanted.

Soon, the discussion gradually changed.

"I heard that Lei Dong not only killed people and set fire to them, but also used extremely cruel methods. He even openly robbed women on the streets."

"I have also heard that this man is extremely lustful and has robbed countless decent women over the years."

"The power of the Thunder Palace is indeed not to be underestimated. Many cultivators are afraid of this and dare not attack Lei Dong easily."

When Lei Dong heard this, his face suddenly changed, and he ordered his men beside him in a deep voice:

"Shut them up!"

As he finished speaking, a group of people in blue quickly moved, rushing towards the noisy crowd with great momentum, beating anyone they saw.

Not long after, the crowd quickly dispersed like clouds blown away by the wind, and Lei Dong only then showed his cunning and obscene smile again.

Lei Dong turned his gaze to the girl at this moment, and said in a gentle and obscene voice:

"Young lady, are you willing to follow me back to Lei Ting Mansion so that we can discuss this in depth?"

"If you are willing to follow me, I promise to make you an inner disciple of the Thunder Palace and enjoy endless glory and resources."

The girl heard this and instantly showed a look of disgust on her face. She stared at Lei Dong coldly and said in a cold voice,

""Get away! Fatty!"

The blue-clothed people around him seemed to have heard something horrifying. Their bodies seemed to be restrained by invisible forces and they dared not move at all.

They turned their heads mechanically and cast their eyes on Lei Dong.

Lei Dong's face was grim, his teeth were gnashed, and his anger was overflowing, as if he wanted to devour everything around him.


"���I hate being called a fat guy the most in my life! Anyone who dared to say these three words to me has turned into a cold corpse."

Lei Dong was furious, staring at the girl, then he turned to the people around him and ordered:

""Catch her for me!"

Several people in blue rushed towards the girl. The girl's face changed immediately and she started a fierce fight with them.

However, the other side was more powerful and the girl tried her best, but she was unable to resist and was defeated.

""Hahahaha." Lei Dong laughed when he saw the girl lose.

Two strong men in blue brought the girl to Lei Dong. Her expression was still full of stubborn pride.

The girl stared at Lei Dong without fear and said something in a stern voice, revealing her unyielding determination.

"Fatty, kill me if you dare!"

Lei Dong did not show any anger after hearing the word"fatty". Instead, he stared at the girl in front of him calmly and said leisurely:

"I won't kill you, I will love you well, hahahaha!"

"You guys hold her up."Lei Dong ordered.

Then Lei Dong closed his eyes, pursed his sexy lips, and was about to kiss the girl on the cheek.

When the girl saw Lei Dong's expression, she felt a strong disgust and aversion in her heart. She tried her best to break free, but she was held by someone and the strength was too different.

No matter how she struggled, she couldn't break free. She could only turn her head as much as possible to distance herself from Lei Dong, her heart full of helplessness and despair.

At this moment, the space between Lei Dong and the girl seemed to be touched by some mysterious force, and ripples appeared.

Then these ripples gradually expanded until a narrow crack slowly appeared in the space.

Ye Mochen was about to walk out of the space, and Mu Ran... saw an extremely wretched big face, with his eyes closed, pouting sexy lips, slowly approaching his face.

The sexy lips were only three fingers away from Ye Mochen's cheek...

At that moment, Ye Mochen's stomach was churning, as if an invisible force was stirring, stirring up a turbulent storm.

This turbulence It was not a simple physiological reaction, but came from the complex and intertwined emotions deep in his heart.

His mood was like a lake blown by a hurricane, turbulent and difficult to calm down.

His heart was filled with all kinds of complex emotions, including fear of the unknown, confusion about the future, regret for the past, and helplessness about reality.

These emotions were like invisible chains, tightly binding his mind, making him feel heavy and depressed.

These emotions intertwined together to form a strong sense of nausea that made Ye Mochen almost unbearable.

His face was pale, and beads of sweat kept sliding down his forehead, as if even breathing had become difficult.

He tried to calm the waves in his heart with deep breaths, but the nausea was like a thorn in his bones, and it never went away.

At that moment, Ye Mochen felt as if he was in a dark vortex, surrounded by chaos and uneasiness.

He didn't know how to get rid of this predicament, so he could only silently endure the torment in his heart and look forward to the arrival of dawn.


Accompanied by a loud noise that resounded through the nine heavens and ten earths.

At this moment, Ye Mochen felt that the whole world seemed to be covered with a layer of brilliant brilliance, which seemed incomparably beautiful.

He looked up and saw the bright sunshine falling on his body, warm and soft, as if it could penetrate the haze in his heart and dispel all the sorrows.

He took a deep breath, feeling the freshness and tranquility in the air, and his heart was filled with gratitude and love for life again.

The two men in blue who were holding the girl didn't know what had happened, and saw a deep and heart-pounding gap suddenly appear.

This gap seemed to lead to an endless abyss, bottomless, and extending tens of thousands of meters away, and its end could not be seen until the end of the sight.

However, Lei Dong was at the beginning of this gap before. At this moment, the place where Lei Dong originally stood was empty, and his figure was no longer traceable, as if he had evaporated from the world in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

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