However, Lei Dong was at the beginning of the chasm before. At this moment, the place where Lei Dong originally stood was empty. His figure was nowhere to be found, as if he had evaporated from the face of the earth in an instant.

At this time, one of the only two remaining men in blue stammered and said:

"What happened?"

Another blue-clothed man's voice followed closely.

"Young Master...where is the Young Master?"

"Where did this gap come from?"

Before the two of them had time to investigate, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of them, and behind this person, another figure appeared immediately.

The two men in blue looked at the two people who appeared out of thin air in disbelief and said:

"Who are you? Where is our young master?"

"What did you do to our Master?"

Ye Mochen had not yet recovered from the nausea he had felt before, when two voices suddenly came from behind him.

Ye Mochen and Huoyun slowly turned around and looked behind them.

They saw two people in blue clothes, one on the left and one on the right, holding a young girl.

The girl's face was pale, with a trace of unyielding and despair in her expression. When she saw Ye Mochen and the others looking at her, she also looked at Ye Mochen and the others in confusion.

「Ding! A person with the Immortal Body Talent has been found. The host can accept this person as a disciple!"

Another Immortal Body Talent?!

Ye Mochen looked at the girl and hurriedly opened the system panel.

「Name: Zhongli Xue.

Sect: Lingyun Sect.

Cultivation: First level of the Divine Power Realm.

Talent: Immortal Body Talent.

Constitution: None.

Introduction: Zhongli Xue, a former inner sect disciple of Lingyun Sect.

Because the son of the Lingyun Sect's great elder coveted her beauty, the son pestered Zhongli Xue in every way, but was rejected.

He became angry and planned to use force. Zhongli Xue received the news in advance and fled from Lingyun Sect.

The great elder's son sent people to hunt her down, and Zhongli Xue fled all the way here."

Before Ye Mochen stepped forward to ask, two untimely voices suddenly sounded again

"I'm asking you a question! Are you dumb?"

"What on earth did you do to our young master?"

Young master?"

Ye Mochen couldn't help but recall the face he had just seen when he first arrived here, which made him unforgettable for the rest of his life.

Suddenly, a feeling of nausea was stirring in his body again.

Huoyun stepped forward and asked:

"Are you two from Thunder Palace?"

"Knowing our identities, you still act like this!? I ask you, where is our young master?"The man in blue said

"Young Master? Are you talking about Lei Dong, the son of the Lord of Thunder Palace?"

"That's right, stop talking nonsense! What on earth have you done to our young master!"

Huoyun had heard a little about Lei Dong, but most of the comments were bad.

He didn't know what happened before.

Before Ye Mochen walked out of the space, he was behind him and was still in the space, so he didn't see clearly what happened. He only knew that when he was in the space, Ye Mochen was about to walk out of the space, but suddenly paused for a few breaths.

Then he saw Ye Mochen seemed to raise his hand subconsciously and swung a blow.

When he walked out of the space, he saw a bottomless chasm appearing on the ground. He was so moved at the time.

Sir is really an unparalleled strong man! A casual blow is so powerful!

He didn't think much about why Ye Mochen swung this blow, just thinking that he was slapping a mosquito without holding back his strength.

"Humph! How did your master know this! ?"Huoyun was displeased and thought to himself:

How dare these two juniors talk to me in such a tone ?

"Don't deny it. Do you see the gap?"

"After this gap appeared, you two suddenly appeared, and behind you is where our Master was before!"

One of the men in blue said while pointing behind Ye Mochen.

Huoyun suddenly had a bad idea.

Didn't the blow just now hit a mosquito? Was it Lei Dong?

"Your young master has turned into ashes," Ye Mochen said calmly.


" killed the young master!?"

"Just a disgusting ant."

"The Palace Master will not let you go!"

""Hahaha, is that so?" Ye Mochen suddenly laughed, as if he had heard something interesting.

The two men in blue saw the attitude shown by Ye Mochen, as if they had really crushed an ant.

Coupled with the huge gap in front of them, they could not help but believe it.

The two looked at each other, and saw shock in each other's eyes. They whispered:

"What to do!? He killed the young master!?"

"We are no match for this man's previous tactics. If we charge forward, we will be dead."

"But the young master is gone here with us, and the Lord of the Mansion will definitely not let us go when we return. We will die anyway!"

"Oh, what should I do?"

"Since the young master is gone, we are all going to die anyway, so we might as well hurry up.……"



After the two finished speaking, they left Zhong Lixue behind and fled, fearing that they would be beheaded if they were a step late.

Ye Mochen and Huoyun didn't care about the two people, and looked at Zhong Lixue.

Maybe it was because she was injured in the previous fight with several people. As soon as the two ran away, Zhong Lixue's body softened and she was about to fall down.

Ye Mochen was quick-witted and moved forward, holding Zhong Lixue

's hand with one hand to avoid too much physical contact. Perhaps it was due to inertia, when Ye Mochen reached out to help Zhong Lixue,

Zhong Lixue turned to the side, changed her trajectory, and fell directly into Ye Mochen's warm embrace.

And Zhong Lixue's originally white jade-like face, At this moment, she couldn't help but blush, like the rising morning glow, adding a bit of shyness and sweetness to this warm moment.

She knew that Ye Mochen meant well, but her body was out of control, and she fell into Ye Mochen's arms due to inertia.

Ye Mochen was speechless, but he was not a frivolous person.

At this moment, he held Zhong Lixue's hand with one hand, and the other hand was indifferent, trying his best to avoid too much physical contact.

Zhong Lixue looked at the man in front of him intently. He was wearing a long robe as white as snow, and the hem of his clothes fluttered in the wind, showing his elegant and calm temperament.

He was graceful, and his manners revealed an indescribable charm that made people can't help but���

The blush on Zhonglixue's face became even more intense, just like the beauty of the morning glow.

Her heartbeat also quietly accelerated at this moment, as if a little deer was jumping happily in her chest. Seeing this scene, Huoyun quickly turned his head to the side, pretending to be indifferent, looking at the scenery, for fear of disturbing Ye Mochen's good deeds.

Ye Mochen couldn't stand this atmosphere, and whispered:

"Miss, if you are not seriously injured, why don't you sit down and rest for a while?"

Zhong Lixue hurriedly broke free from Ye Mochen's arms, lowered her head, and dared not look him in the eye.

At this moment, she had recovered her strength, clasped her fists and saluted:

"Thank you... Senior for your help."

After thinking it over for a while, she finally decided to address him as Senior. After all, the attack that Ye Mochen had shown not long ago was beyond her reach.

"Who is this girl? Where are you going?"

Although Ye Mochen knew Zhong Lixue's identity through the system panel, he still pretended not to know and asked.

"Senior, my name is Zhong Xue, I am a casual cultivator. I have traveled around and finally came here."

Zhong Lixue felt that Ye Mochen was kind enough to help, so she must not cause trouble to Ye Mochen, so she lied.

Ye Mochen would know what Zhong Lixue was thinking, and he didn't care about the little lie she told.

"Miss Zhong is a casual cultivator, do you have a master?"

Huoyun, who was standing by, heard what Ye Mochen said and turned around quickly, looking at Ye Mochen in surprise.

Sir, are you thinking of accepting a disciple? This little girl is really lucky to have you as her master!

Zhong Lixue was puzzled. Why did she ask about a master? Although she was puzzled, she still said truthfully:

"To answer the elders, I don’t have any master."

"Then are you willing to take me as your master?"Ye Mochen said with a smile.

Huoyun was still a little surprised to hear what Ye Mochen said, although he had already guessed it.

Zhonglixue was also a little surprised to hear that.

Senior actually wants to take me as his disciple? But now I am being hunted by Lingyun Sect. Will it cause trouble for you to take me as your master?

From that attack, it seems that you should be very strong, but Lingyun Sect is huge. Will I cause trouble for you?

Now that I am being hunted and fleeing everywhere, why not follow you first? If Lingyun Sect finds me, I will escape in advance to avoid causing trouble for you.

Zhonglixue thought about it and decided to take you as his master.

"Disciple Zhong Xue! Greetings to Master!"




After knocking his head three times in a row, a faint blush appeared on his forehead, which was originally as white as jade, making people feel distressed.

""Hahaha! Good disciple! Get up quickly."

Ye Mochen laughed happily and quickly lifted Zhong Lixue up with a gentle aura.

「Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully accepting a disciple!」

「Special reward item: Emperor Deadpool x2!」

「Bonus special skill: Speedy training!"

What the hell!? Emperor Deadpool? Just the name sounds awesome.

Ye Mochen quickly opened the system panel to check

「Emperor Deadpool: Has independent consciousness, no different from normal people, absolutely obeys the host's will and unconditionally obeys the host's orders. (Before using, you can freely choose to decompose)」

「Speedy cultivation: After using special skills to cultivate quickly, members of the Tianxuan Sect can obtain a thousand times the speed of cultivation, depending on their talent. The higher the talent, the faster the cultivation! (Including the host, only for the sect, no limit on the number of people)!)」

Ye Mochen was deeply attracted by the introduction column in front of him, staring at it in amazement, and his heart was instantly filled with an indescribable shock.

Emperor Deadpool!! Cultivating at a rapid speed!!!

With these two things, why worry about the sect not being strong!

Ye Mochen regained his composure and looked at Zhong Lixue. He was very satisfied with his new disciple, not only because of his talent, but also because of the things that the system rewarded him for being a disciple.

"Disciple, please follow me first. I still have some things to deal with. When I am done, I will take you back to the sect.!"

"Master, I understand!" Zhong Lixue nodded obediently, and then stood beside Ye Mochen.

Huoyun saw that the two had finished their work, so he stepped forward and said:

"Sir, this Lei Dong is the son of Lei Sanqian, the master of Lei Ting Mansion. Lei Sanqian has only had this one son for millions of years, and Lei Sanqian dotes on this son extremely much."

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