Zhao Yaner's face changed drastically!

"Do you know what that is?"

The man in black robe couldn't help but recall that earth-shattering finger, and couldn't help but fall into a state of fear.

"Madam, I don't know what that is."

"When the old slave was about to rescue Su Ao Yu, Su Ao Yu summoned the terrifying existence."

"However, I guess that being can only attack twice, once when he kills the Grand Elder of Ziwei Pavilion."


The man in black robe couldn't help but sighed when he said this, and then he slowly continued to narrate:

"The other time was to attack me!"

However, the man in black robes did not know that the mysterious man could actually attack three times, the first time was when he saved Su Aoyu.

Zhao Yaner could not help but show a deep shock on her face.

"He could actually hurt you!?"

The man in black robe recalled the scene when Su Aoyu nodded, and a surge of resentment surged in his heart.

Although he was dissatisfied, he decided to tell his thoughts.

"This old slave guessed that it must be a misunderstanding, but the figure in white robe was extremely powerful."

"This old slave also lost several holy artifacts, which saved his life!"

The shock on Zhao Yan'er's face became more intense, almost unable to conceal

"Even you have to lose several holy artifacts to save your life? Where did Brother Yu get such a powerful thing?"

The man in black robe slowly stretched out his hand, and his fingertips gently touched his chest, which was full of gloomy aura.

There suddenly appeared a shocking big hole, as if it could swallow all light and vitality.

Zhao Yaner saw this scene and couldn't believe it.

"The figure in the white robe just pointed at the old slave, and the old slave became like this."

"I guess this has something to do with the young master! To be more precise, it should be related to the young master's master."The black-robed man guessed.

After hearing this, Zhao Yan'er couldn't help but frowned, her expression full of thought.

How could such a person exist in a small Dongzhou?

"Give orders to thoroughly investigate this person! I am always worried about this person being around Hen'er!"

"And please make sure you keep an eye on the people from the Su family!"


After receiving the order, the black-robed man slowly hid in the void and disappeared.

After the black-robed man left, Zhao Yaner thought to herself.

No matter who you are! If you have other intentions towards Hen'er, I will make you live a life worse than death!


In Tianxuan,

Ye Mochen closed his eyes and sat cross-legged quietly on the top of the main peak, his whole body emitting a calm and profound aura.

Looking closely, it seemed that there were veins of the Great Dao quietly surrounding his body, exuding a deep mystery.

Suddenly, the aura in Ye Mochen's body suddenly surged, as fierce as a violent storm, and even dispersed a layer of clouds in the sky.

Then, the majestic momentum gradually subsided and quietly gathered back into Ye Mochen's body.

He suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were deep, as if there were endless mysteries hidden in them.

"Hahaha! It worked! This Saint King Pill is really useful!"

"The system really didn't lie to me! The god-level alchemy level is really terrifying!"

Ye Mochen returned to the sect three days ago. After explaining everything, he started to refine the Saint King Pill.

With the blessing of the god-level alchemy level, he finally succeeded in refining it a day ago.

Ye Mochen immediately took the pill and finally broke through at this moment and successfully entered the Saint King realm.

""Master! Congratulations!" A voice suddenly sounded.

Ye Mochen looked in the direction of the voice and saw a turtle - its head hanging down from the pond to the edge of the pond.

Ye Mochen looked at the turtle and smiled:

"Gui Ling, how is your recovery going?"

Gui Ling suddenly became interested when he heard this and jumped out of the pond.

"Master, you don’t know that if I soak in this pond for a day, I can last for more than ten years outside. In just a few years, I will be able to recover to my heyday!"

"That's great."

Gui Tian's expression suddenly became a little tangled, as if he was thinking about something!

Seeing Gui Tian's strange behavior, Ye Mochen opened his mouth and said:

"Talk about things"

""Well, Master, can I go out for a walk if I have nothing to do? It's boring to soak in this pool all day."

Ye Mochen didn't feel too excited when he heard this. He originally thought that Kameda would say something shocking.

"If you want to go out, go out. I will not restrict your freedom."

Turtle Lu was delighted to hear this. It thought Ye Mochen was imprisoning it in this pool.

Without Ye Mochen's nod, it did not dare to go out at will.

Seeing that there was plenty of spiritual liquid here and there was a spiritual liquid bath, it was relieved. As long as it could recover, it would be imprisoned.

However, the good times did not last long. Before it could enjoy a few days of leisure, a feeling of boredom quietly came over it.

Although there was a spiritual liquid bath and it enjoyed nourishment, it felt that such a day was extremely boring due to the lack of activities.

Now that it got Ye Mochen's nod, it couldn't help but feel an irrepressible joy in its heart.

Turtle Lu then raised its short tortoise claws to Ye Mochen and bowed to him, gratefully saying:

""Thank you, Master!"

After saying that, he turned into a stream of light and flew out of the main peak.

Ye Mochen looked at Gui Ling who was leaving, not caring much, and then continued to open the thousand-fold cultivation increase and immersed himself in cultivation.

At this moment in the Tianxuan Sect, all the disciples were also immersed in hard training in preparation for the sect competition in a month.

With the thousand-fold increase in the speed of cultivation, the one-on-one guidance of the Saint King Elder, and the hundred-fold spiritual energy in the sect.

Basically, every day, there are disciples breaking through. The continuous breakthroughs make the disciples feel that it is not difficult to reach the Tao in a month.

Among them, the most hardworking are Yan Bin and Lei Xiao.

The two seem to be fighting. Whenever one of them breaks through, the other One person will try every possible way to break through even without eating or drinking.

Elders Xiong Da and Xiong Er witnessed this scene and were deeply gratified.

When the students advance to the core, their status may also be improved, so the two elders are particularly attentive in their guidance.

The Saint King elders are basically trying their best to guide their disciples.

Therefore, in order to allow the disciples to improve their cultivation as quickly as possible, many Saint King elders personally do the miscellaneous work in the sect.

For a while, the elders were busy, some focused on sweeping the floor, meticulously sweeping every inch of the floor.

Others carefully wiped every corner of the temple, trying to clean it up to look brand new.


After leaving the main peak, Gui Ling did not stay in Tianxuan Sect for too long. He just picked a direction and flew out.

After flying for a while, Gui Ling smelled the aroma of wine, and saliva immediately flowed out of his mouth.

"Hehe, Grandpa Turtle hasn't drunk wine for hundreds of years."

It immediately turned into a stream of light and flew straight towards the place where the wine smelled.

In the back mountain of Tianxuan Sect, several monsters of different shapes were gathering together at this moment.

They drank the mellow wine and chewed the fragrant meat. The scene was very lively.

At this moment, one of the monsters that looked like a hyena, holding the porcelain bowl in his hand, turned his eyes to the majestic monster that looked like a real tiger.

He howled:

""Howl, howl, howl (Big brother, I toast to you)" and then he drank it all in one gulp.

The tiger monster turned his gaze to the hyena monster and said:

""Hoo-hoo-hoo (Let's drink together)"

Several monsters held in their hands mottled broken porcelain bowls that they had found from somewhere.

They knocked against each other, making a crisp sound, and then they raised their heads and drank it all.

When the monsters had finished drinking, the hyena turned its gaze to the tiger monster again and howled:

"Howl, howl, howl (Big brother, I wonder why you summoned us this time?)"

The tiger-shaped monster had a solemn expression on its face and slowly looked at the monsters.

"Roar (I summoned you all this time because the king asked me to tell you something.)"

"You should all be familiar with Tianxuan Sect, right?"

Hearing this, the hyena monster nodded and said:

"How could we not know that Tianxuan Sect suddenly appeared?"

The tiger-shaped monster continued:

"The king asked me to tell you that we must not approach the Tianxuan Sect, let alone hurt its disciples.

The monsters were confused, not knowing what their king meant.

A monkey-shaped monster suddenly spoke up and asked the monsters what they were worried about.

"Brother, why does the king say that?"

"The king did not say it clearly, but only said that if you get close, you may die."

"Let us not harm the disciples of the sect. If we violate the rules, it will kill us!"

The monsters were terrified, as if they thought of the horror of the king they were talking about, and they all lowered their heads.

After a moment, the hyena monster spoke.

"Since it is the king's will, we will certainly obey it. We will stay away from the Tianxuan Sect in the future."

Many monsters agreed and nodded in agreement.

The monkey monster said at this time:

"What do you think of the Tianxuan Sect?"

"If I remember correctly, that place was originally the Tianxuan Sect, but it was in a dilapidated state before.

"This new Tianxuan Sect rose from the ground a few days ago with great momentum. I have never seen humans establish a sect like this."The last eagle-shaped monster said

"I wonder if the strange celestial phenomena here a few days ago are related to the Tianxuan Sect?" The monkey-shaped monster thought.

"The king told us to stop talking about the Tianxuan Sect, so it is better for us to keep quiet."The tiger-shaped monster said, and his eyes became stern.

All the monsters shut up after hearing this, and the atmosphere became heavy for a while. No monster spoke anymore.

"Why think so much? We are all gathered together today, so we must have a good drink."The tiger monster was the first to break the silence.

All the monsters howled and drank after hearing this.

Not long after, the hyena monster suddenly looked up at the sky and saw a turtle flying in the sky.

It rubbed its eyes and looked again, but there was no trace of the turtle in the sky.

"Big... Big Brother, have I drunk too much? I seem to see a turtle flying in the sky!"

When the monsters heard this, they burst into laughter.

The tiger monster laughed and said:

"Hahahaha, Third Brother, you've had too much to drink. I was thinking that the turtle in the sky could speak human language!"As soon as the tiger-shaped monster finished speaking, a voice suddenly rang out.

""Oh, you little demons really know how to enjoy yourself."

The demon beasts looked in the direction of the voice and saw a little turtle that had appeared beside them without them knowing when.

The demon beasts rubbed their eyes and stared at the little turtle, but it was still stuck in the same place.

"It seems I drank too much. Not only did I see the turtle, I also heard it talking. Hahahaha." The monkey-shaped monster shook his head.

"Second brother, you... you seem to be right, there really is a turtle!" The tiger-shaped monster said anxiously.

At this time, the little turtle actually spoke again.

"Bring some wine to Grandpa Turtle!"

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