"Bring some wine to Grandpa Turtle!"

The monster that looked like an eagle cast its gaze towards Gui Ling with a look of surprise and doubt on its face.

"Big brother... this turtle can really talk!"

Before the other monsters could say anything, Gui Ling had already spoken first.

"The little demons who have achieved the state of enlightenment are quite good at enjoying themselves. Bring some wine to Grandpa Turtle. Grandpa Turtle will have a drink."

The demon beasts looked at each other, and the smiles in each other's eyes were difficult to conceal.




Seeing several monsters laughing loudly, Gui Ling was angry and didn't want to waste time talking to them.

Then he slowly raised his short turtle claws, suddenly jumped up, and pounced on the eagle-shaped monster that spoke first.

The eagle-shaped monster saw Gui Ling's seemingly harmless appearance, and couldn't help but feel contempt in his heart.

He then put his face close to him, showing an obvious disdainful attitude.

"Haha, I'll stand here and let you hit me, if you can……"


Before he finished speaking, a deafening roar suddenly sounded, shaking people's hearts.

At the same time, scattered bird feathers were floating in the air, and the monsters present were silent.

Many monsters were dumbfounded, and all cast their eyes on the eagle-shaped monster that was slapped away not far away. The eagle-shaped monster was lying on the ground, twitching from time to time, foaming at the mouth, and its eyes were dull.

On its left face, there was a palm print shaped like a turtle seal, deeply embedded in the skin.

Before the monsters could make any move, the turtle's voice sounded again, echoing in the ears of the monsters.

"Why bother? Isn't this just looking for excitement?"

All the monsters gathered, their eyes focused on Gui Ling's body, as if they were facing an enemy, all of them showed solemn expressions, ready to fight, not daring to slack off.

"Who are you?" The tiger-shaped monster stared at Gui Ling intently, then opened its mouth and spoke in a low and majestic voice.

Gui Ling didn't care, stretched out his claws, and began to pick his ears, then said in a calm tone

"Do you think you little monsters are qualified to know the name of Master Turtle?"

When many monsters heard this, they were furious.

The hyena monster couldn't hold back and wanted to rush out, but was stopped by the tiger monster next to him.

The hyena monster was suspicious and was about to ask, but the tiger monster had already spoken first.

"Second brother, don't be reckless. This turtle is not simple. Let's go together!"

As soon as the voice fell, the remaining three monsters rushed towards Gui Ling in unison. They each exuded a powerful aura belonging to the demon king, sweeping over like a violent storm.

Seeing the three monsters rushing towards him, Gui Ling did not panic at all. His hands kept moving, still digging his ears.

""Alas, what trouble."

Just as the three monsters were about to reach Gui Ling, he slowly pulled out his claw from his ear.

On the claw was something unknown, he rolled it into a ball and threw it towards the monkey-shaped monster in the front.

Before the monkey-shaped monster could react, the tiger-shaped monster next to him suddenly changed his expression, revealing an extremely anxious expression, and shouted anxiously:

"Second brother, be careful with the hidden weapon!"

As soon as the tiger-shaped monster finished speaking, the ball-shaped hidden weapon came with a sound like breaking the wind, and instantly entered the mouth of the monkey-shaped monster.

However, its power was still not reduced at all, and the ball-shaped hidden weapon rushed out of the mouth of the monkey-shaped monster.

With its unstoppable momentum, it rushed directly towards the tiger-shaped monster and the hyena monster next to it.

The two monsters suddenly felt a huge force coming, and instantly flew a hundred meters away.

When the power of the ball-shaped hidden weapon weakened, the three beasts stopped and stared at Gui Ling with a serious look.


As soon as the monkey-shaped monster stopped, it couldn't help swallowing its saliva, and then swallowed the ball-shaped hidden weapon into its stomach.

For a moment, the three monsters were all cautious and did not dare to act rashly.

Gui Lu, on the other hand, looked very interested, staring at the monkey-shaped monster.

"Haha, is Mr. Turtle's earwax delicious?"

After hearing this, the monkey-shaped monster pondered for a moment, and the scene of swallowing saliva involuntarily appeared in his mind. He vaguely felt that he seemed to swallow something indescribable.

When he thought of this scene, the monkey-shaped monster immediately felt an indescribable feeling of nausea.

Then, he suddenly felt a wave of nausea, and immediately made a retching sound, leaning sideways, vomiting violently towards the side, unable to stop for a long time.

"Ugh...Brother...Ugh...I can't live...Ugh..."

""Woo woo... vomit"

The tiger-shaped monster and the hyena monster saw this scene and couldn't help but move their feet slightly, secretly keeping a distance from the monkey-shaped monster, secretly frightened.

It's so damn disgusting! Fortunately, it's not coming for me!

The tiger-shaped monster knew that it couldn't beat the other party, so it looked at Gui Ling with a serious look and asked:

"May I ask which demon you are from? Why do you humiliate us like this?"

Gui Qi picked up the good wine and meat beside him and drank heartily. After seeing him finish three bowls in a row, he said:

"Although this wine is indeed a little hard to swallow, Grandpa Turtle hasn't drunk wine for hundreds of years, so let's just make do with it for now."

The tiger-shaped monster saw that he was being ignored, and a nameless anger spread in his heart.

"Your Excellency is really bullying the beasts by acting like this!"

Hearing this, Gui Ling kept holding the bowl with one paw and glanced at the tiger-shaped monster lightly.

Then he retracted his gaze, didn't care, and continued to drink.

The tiger-shaped monster was frightened when he saw the other party looking at him, and then he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Gui Ling retract his gaze.

The beasts thought about it carefully and knew that they couldn't beat the other party. For a while, the other party stopped attacking them.

So the beasts decided to ask their king to take action. After discussing it, they retreated with the eagle-shaped monster.

I don't know how long it took.

Maybe Gui Ling drank too much. At this moment, his face was flushed, holding the wine bowl in his hand, and muttering something.

"Hahahaha, it's normal that you don't know Mr. Turtle's name, hiccup~"

"Grandpa Turtle is ~hiccup~"

"Gui Ling~hiccup~Taijun~hiccup"

At this time, a tiger-shaped monster pointed at Gui Ling from a distance and said to the huge monster beside him:

""My lord, look, that's the turtle."

The huge creature let out a deep and deep roar, shocking everyone.

The turtle was talking nonsense, and suddenly felt a huge breath, and the movement of his claws paused slightly.

"Is there a big guy who is half decent here?"

""Okay, let Grandpa Turtle play with you."

After saying that, he stood up and looked at a huge monster in the distance.

The huge body slowly emerged from the deep darkness, and every step was accompanied by a deafening sound, as if the whole earth was trembling with the majestic footsteps.

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