The huge body slowly emerged from the deep darkness, and every step it took was accompanied by a deafening sound, as if the whole earth was trembling at the majestic footsteps.

Gui Lu slightly raised his turtle eyes and looked at the behemoth.

Wow! So big!

In the distance, a huge white figure stood tall, like a majestic snow-capped mountain, quietly stretching across the sky.

The white figure slowly walked in front of Gui Lu. From a distance, the contrast between the two was sharp.

The former was like a majestic snow-capped mountain, standing in front of Gui Lu.

And Gui Lu was like a piece of dull rubble, almost insignificant compared to the former.

Gui Lu raised his head, fixed his eyes on the white figure, and studied it carefully.

It turned out to be a white bear with an incredibly huge body, and its majestic posture was breathtaking.


The white bear roared at Gui Ling with a deafening roar. The roar was like thunder, shocking everyone.

The monsters nearby could not help but sigh with emotion when they saw this scene.

"The king is still so powerful!"The hyena monster was filled with emotion

"Haha, my king, this lowly turtle will definitely die!"The monkey-shaped monster looked at the white bear, and was overjoyed.

Then he thought of swallowing the filthy thing of the lowly turtle, and felt disgusted and angry.

"When the king kills this worthless turtle, I will drink turtle soup!" The tiger-shaped monster stared at the monkey-shaped monster, slowly stepped forward, patted its shoulder, and said in a deep voice:

"Don't worry, brother. Let's first appreciate the king's demeanor."

"You know how terrifying the king is."

Hearing this, the monsters trembled in their hearts, and scenes from a few days ago emerged in their minds.

A few days ago, a huge monster suddenly came to the mountain and wanted to be the king. How could the monster brothers agree?

The four monsters joined forces and tried to start a fierce battle with the white bear.

However, the result of this battle was extremely obvious, and it could almost be said to be a one-sided abuse.

They seemed so vulnerable in front of the white bear's power that they could only passively withstand the white bear's attacks.

After being taught a lesson by the white bear, the white bear released a terrifying blood power.

When the monsters sensed the deep and terrifying blood power, their hearts were completely shocked, and they no longer had the slightest thought of resistance.

The trembling emanating from the bones, like an innate instinct, was deeply imprinted in the depths of each of their souls.

In front of that terrifying blood, they seemed as small as dust, and could only bow their heads and submit, not daring to make any rash moves.

""Brother, why are you bringing this up? I can't help but tremble when I think of that scene." The eagle-shaped monster said angrily.

Several monsters nodded in agreement, as if they deeply agreed with what the eagle-shaped monster said.

Before they could continue to discuss, the white bear had raised its huge bear paw and slapped Gui Ling.

""Shit! You're fighting over a disagreement? Do you have any martial ethics?"

Gui Ling said as he quickly retracted his limbs and head into his tortoise shell.

The white bear swung his palm with a force that was like a bamboo breaking, and without hesitation, he smashed it into the hard tortoise shell.


A deafening roar suddenly sounded, and in an instant, thick dust filled the air, covering the sky and the sun, making it impossible to see the scene ahead.

When the dust gradually settled, the monsters looked up and saw a deep and huge bear paw pit on the vast land.

The tortoise shell was embedded in the center of the deep pit, and it was completely intact.

"This!? It's completely intact?"

The monsters were stunned, staring at the turtle shell in the center of the pit, motionless.

White Bear's eyes also flashed with a hint of surprise. It carefully looked at the turtle shell in front of it and found nothing special.

Turtle suddenly stretched out his head, looked at White Bear and said disdainfully:

"A small emperor realm, you want to break my shell, I think you are a toad wanting to eat swan meat, wishful thinking."

The white bear was furious when he heard this, raised his bear paw, clenched it into a fist, and swung it out

""Come again?"

Gui Li raised his turtle claw, clenched it into a small fist, and waved it towards the white bear.

The monsters looked at the harmless turtle fist, and then turned to examine the white bear's mountain-like fist.

"Hahahaha! This turtle is going to make me laugh to death!"

"Its little fist wants to fight the king head-on"

"Ha ha……!"



The laughter stopped abruptly, and then there was a heart-wrenching roar.

The white bear roared and waved the paw it had swung out before in the air, as if this could alleviate its pain.

"Humph, you little brat, you still want to fight Master Turtle!"

At this moment, Turtle Ling hugged his front with his claws, shaking his short tortoise legs non-stop.

"Great, great... Your Majesty!"

"What happened to you, my king?"

"Could it be that the king... was defeated?"


"The king cannot lose! Don't forget the power of the king's bloodline!"

After hearing this, the monsters felt relieved.

The white bear recovered from the pain and looked at Gui Ling with a serious expression.

""Who are you?"

Gui Ling thought for a while before saying:

"It doesn't matter if Grandpa Turtle tells you. I see that you have some strength. From now on, you can recognize me as your big brother and be Grandpa Turtle's mount. Grandpa Turtle can tell you."

When the white bear heard this, he seemed to have been greatly insulted. He roared, and a surge of anger rushed to his forehead. His face was red with anger, and his teeth were chattering.

"Why are you so crazy all of a sudden?"

Gui Ling looked at the white bear, puzzled.

After he finished speaking, he felt a surge of vast blood power from the ancient times rushing towards him.

The monsters felt this blood power and fell to the ground, trembling.


"The king is angry!……"

Gui Ling felt the power of this bloodline and his expression became a little more serious.

"It turns out to be ancient blood, very good!"

The monsters saw that Gui Ling was completely unmoved by the power of the blood, and they were all shocked and dumbfounded, as if they were frozen in place.

"big big big……��Bro, it!"

"It is not suppressed by blood!"

"How on earth did it do that?"

White Bear was also dumbfounded, looking at the turtle being indifferent in front of his bloodline, and an inexplicable astonishment surged in his heart.

What on earth is this turtle?

Why is it not affected by my bloodline power?

"Hahaha, is that all the pressure you can get?"

Gui Ling curled his lips in disdain.

White Bear turned his gaze towards Gui Ling, with an expression of disbelief, and could not help but let out a roar.

""How did you do that?"

Gui Lu's facial expression showed a hint of confusion and puzzlement.

"How did you do that? Grandpa Turtle didn't do anything. Look, Grandpa Turtle is standing here and moving a little?"

Gui Ling suddenly laughed disdainfully:

"You want to make Grandpa Turtle fall down with just this little bit of pressure? You may have some misunderstanding about the power of blood! Grandpa Turtle will let you feel what the real power of blood is!"

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