"Master Turtle is waiting here. When your master comes, Master Turtle will beat him up, too. Even his mother won't recognize him."

In Tianxuan Sect,

Ye Mochen, who was immersed in the world of cultivation, suddenly opened his tightly closed eyes.

"This is? Xiaobai?"

"What happened to Xiaobai? Why did he suddenly call me?"

"Forget it, let's go and take a look."

After saying that, Ye Mochen stood up, tore open the void with his hands, and stepped into it.

In the back mountain.

Xiaobai had been beaten black and blue at this moment, his eye sockets were swollen, and the bruises on his face were clearly visible. He endured the pain and stared at Gui Ling with a sullen look on his face.

"Roar! (You are finished! My master is coming!)"

"Hahaha, you sound so scared, hahaha, today I want to see what kind of person your master is."

At this moment, Gui Ling was absent-mindedly picking his ears, his eyes were a little lazy, and he casually cast towards Xiao Bai.

He didn't care about Xiao Bai's roar, thinking in his mind how to teach his master a lesson in front of this white bear.

""Roar! (Don't insult the master!)"

The white bear roared at Gui Lu. Deep in his heart, he was full of unquestionable loyalty to his master and would never allow anyone to offend his master in the slightest.

Gui Lu watched this scene with great interest and thought to himself.

It seems that this stupid bear is very loyal to his master.

Hehe, I just wonder what his expression will be when I, Gui Lu, beat his master to a pulp.

Thinking of this, Gui Lu mocked even more unscrupulously:

"Hey, you're the only one yelling?"

"Grandpa Turtle likes to see you being so helpless and furious, hahahaha, it really makes Grandpa Turtle laugh to death."

White Bear saw the ugly face of Gui Ling, which was full of smirk, and his heart was already burning with anger. He wanted to tear Gui Ling into pieces immediately.

However, the gap in strength forced him to suppress his anger, and he could only watch the anger surge in his chest.

"Why hasn't your shitty master come yet?"

Suddenly, the space beside Xiaobai seemed to be slowly torn apart by an invisible force, and then a figure emerged vaguely from the crack.

"Turtle Lord……"

"Holy crap! Holy crap!"

"How could it be him!? It's over, it's over!"

Before Gui Lu finished speaking, he caught a glimpse of the figure of the person coming. He immediately felt his heart tighten, and the fear surged into his heart like a tide, difficult to suppress.

His teeth trembled slightly uncontrollably, making a tiny knocking sound.

How could it be the master! I

'm going to die!

Master Gui, I don't want to die yet!

When Xiao Bai saw the person coming, his heart was instantly overjoyed, his joy was beyond words, and his face was filled with joy that was difficult to conceal.

However, in this joy, there seemed to be some grievances mixed in, which made his bear face reveal a hint of sadness.

Xiao Bai couldn't wait to run towards the familiar figure, and a low and sad roar came out of his throat. The four beasts on the side saw the person coming, and they all widened their eyes and looked at the figure of the stranger intently.

"Is that the king's master?"

"There's nothing special about it."

"Hush! Keep your voice down!"

"Are you trying to kill yourself?! Are we allowed to talk about humans that the king calls our master?!?"

Ye Mochen arrived here and saw that Xiaobai looked quite embarrassed, with a bruised face and nose. This made him wonder, and he asked,

"Xiaobai, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaobai felt an indescribable sense of grievance when she heard this. Her emotions surged like a tide, almost making her unable to hold back her tears. Her eyes were filled with tears and were about to fall out.

"Roar! (Master! Woo woo woo! I was beaten!)"

Ye Mochen's doubts became more and more serious, and he couldn't help but feel more suspicious.

"Who beat you like this?"

When Ye Mochen's figure came into view, Gui Ling's heart was already surging with fear.

It was now tiptoeing and almost out of sight of the beasts.

Xiao Bai immediately turned its huge bear head and locked its sharp eyes on Gui Ling, then let out a thunderous roar.

""Roar! (That’s it!)"

Hearing the roar, Gui Ling’s steps suddenly froze, as if he was cast under a spell of immobilization, and he stopped abruptly in the air.

It’s over!

Master Gui’s fame for the rest of his life!

Ye Mochen’s gaze suddenly turned to Gui Ling. Seeing Gui Ling’s appearance at the moment, he instantly understood what was going on, and immediately shouted angrily

""Turtle! Come here!"

Turtle lowered its head, its steps seemed extremely heavy, and it slowly moved towards Ye Mochen.

It took only a few steps, then suddenly jumped up, and rushed into the distance like an arrow from a bow.

It slipped away, it slipped away.

Humph, isn't it courting death to go over there? Master Turtle won't go over there.

Seeing this, Ye Mochen couldn't help but frown slightly, and then raised his arm without hesitation. A powerful suction force instantly emerged, like an invisible magnetic field, violently attracting Turtle.

Turtle suddenly felt a strong suction force surging, sweeping over like a storm.

This force is so strong that it is irresistible. , its body unexpectedly lost control in an instant, and it flew backwards involuntarily, rushing straight towards Ye Mochen.

It waved its limbs vigorously in the air, as if only in this way could it get rid of the strong suction that bound it.

However, it was ultimately unable to escape the shackles of fate, and in a blink of an eye, it was firmly grasped in the palm of Ye Mochen's hand.

The four beasts witnessed this scene, not daring to speak, and cast their eyes on each other, obviously catching the unconcealable shock in each other's eyes.

As strong as an adult, he is no match for this human!

What kind of monster is this human!

Xiaobai is like a blooming flower at this moment.���Joy, his face was filled with a sly smile.

He stared at Gui Ling intently, the excitement in his eyes could hardly be concealed, and he sneered in his heart.

Weren't you very awesome just now?

Your master Bai wants to see what waves you can make.

He was now firmly held in Ye Mochen's hand, his heart was filled with fear, he didn't dare to breathe, and said angrily

"Hey, Master, I've only been away for a while, and I've noticed that you're getting more and more handsome."

The four beasts were stunned. Although they had long been numb, they couldn't help but be shocked when they heard Gui Ling's words.

This human!

Not only is he the master of the king! He

's also the master of adults!

Oh my god, who is he!

Xiao Bai was also shocked when he heard this, and his thoughts were flying.

The master is actually its master!?

The master won't let it go, right?

Ye Mochen stared at Gui Ling in his hand, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In Gui Ling's eyes, that smile was like the cold wind of winter, cold and piercing.

"Keep running!"

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