"Keep running!"

Gui Ling's brain was working at full speed, thinking of a countermeasure, but he couldn't figure out what to do at the moment.

"Master, what are you talking about? I didn't run away. I just wanted to take a stroll somewhere else."Turtle said angrily.

"Haha, is that so? You want to run away after beating the bear?"

Gui Ling felt his whole body stiffen at Ye Mochen's cold tone, and pretended to be unaware and said:

"Who is Xiaobai? Master, I'm just passing by." Gui Ling shook his head like a rattle.

Although Xiaobai was the first demon beast that Ye Mochen had subdued, and because of the ancient blood contained in his body, he also received a wave of rewards from the system.

Seeing Xiaobai being beaten, Ye Mochen naturally couldn't just sit back and watch, but he didn't expect that the murderer was actually this black shadow turtle.

Xiaobai saw that Gui Ling was so smooth-talking that he might be able to get away with it, so he quickly fanned the flames and said:

"Roar... (Master, it just said you are a……)"

""Ahahaha! Master, how come you have time to come out for a stroll today?"

Seeing Xiaobai actually come out to speak, Guiliang's heart trembled, and cold sweat instantly flowed down his forehead. He hurriedly interrupted him, fearing that the situation would escalate further.

How can you say that!?

This stupid bear wants to kill Master Gui!

Xiaobai was unhappy with this sudden interruption, and his eyes revealed a fierce ruthlessness. He stared at Guiliang fiercely, and was about to speak again.


"Roar... (Master, it just……)"

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha"

"Roar... (Master, it……)"

"Wow, Master, why are you so radiant today?"

"Roar... (It said……)"

""Oh my, Master, how can you have such a strong aura?"

After being interrupted repeatedly, Xiaobai was extremely angry, furious, and furious, as if he would explode at any time.

Guiliang looked at Xiaobai and thought to himself:

You little brat, you still want to fight with Master Gui!

Before Guiliang could immerse himself in his pride for a moment, Ye Mochen had quickly thrown it into the air, and then kicked it in the air with a smooth and swift movement. Guiliang suddenly felt that the whole world was spinning at a high speed, and his body spun rapidly in the air at an astonishing speed, flying straight towards the towering mountains in the distance.

""Boom!" A deafening roar suddenly erupted, instantly shaking the entire mountain.

The top of the mountain was hit by a powerful force, and a huge crack appeared instantly, as if it was pierced through.

The whole body of Gui Lu was deeply embedded in the mountain, like a stubborn stone that had been baptized by wind and rain, indestructible.

At this moment, it was foaming at the mouth, its face was pale, and there was a golden light flashing in its eyes. It looked very painful and unable to struggle.

The four beasts on the side were dumbfounded, and the shock in their hearts was as strong as the surging waves.

The four monster beasts felt that the stimulation they received today was far beyond what they had experienced in their lives, and their teeth could not stop trembling.

Too scary!

Really too scary!

A god-like adult!

Was kicked away!

Ye Mochen's figure was as fast as the wind, and he flashed suddenly, and in the blink of an eye he was already hanging in front of Gui Ling.

He clenched one hand and showed Gui Ling a meaningful smile.

When Gui Ling saw Ye Mochen's smile, an indescribable fear surged in his heart, as if the god of death had come to the world. Then,

Ye Mochen launched a series of fierce attacks on him, and the scene became extremely shocking as if a violent storm-like bombing.

Only to hear Gui Ling's heart-wrenching screams from afar, and several beasts trembled continuously.

Xiaobai witnessed this scene, and saw that the wide mouth on the bear's head quietly curled up, outlining a weird and peculiar smile.


Ye Mochen's attack never stopped, and he continued to launch a fierce attack on Gui Ling, and heard him saying while hitting:

"Passing by, right?"

"Don’t know, right?!"

"Still want to escape?! ?"

Gui Ling was now just like Xiao Bai, with a swollen face and nose.

Even the swollen parts looked like they were carved from the same mold as Xiao Bai. It was obvious that Ye Mochen had done this on purpose.

Ye Mochen suddenly stopped, as if he was thinking about something, and looked back and forth between Xiao Bai and Gui Ling.

"This place seems to be a little different, I will make some modifications."

After saying that, he continued to launch a fierce attack on Gui Lu. When

Gui Lu heard Ye Mochen's words, he felt that life was really tiring, so it would be better to be free as soon as possible.

Although he thought so, he did not stop talking.

"Ahhh! Master, stop hitting me! Stop hitting me!"

"Master, please stop hitting it! I apologize to it!"

"I will compensate it!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Mochen immediately stopped what he was doing, looked at Gui Ling with interest, and said:

"How do you want to compensate me?"

Gui Ling was able to catch his breath only after seeing Ye Mochen stop moving. He was breathing heavily.

Upon closer inspection, he saw that his face was bloated and surprisingly similar to Xiao Bai, as if they were brothers.

"I can improve its bloodline quality as compensation.

"Gui Ling looked up at the sky, feeling that the world was unfair. A dignified black shadow turtle was beaten like a dead dog.

Ye Mochen came in front of Xiao Bai, threw Gui Ling to the ground, and spoke slowly:

"Hurry up."

Hearing this, Gui Li raised his claws, hesitated for a moment, and finally, under Ye Mochen's sharp eyes, he decisively bit the claws.

A drop of crystal clear blood flew out, gently suspended in the air, and gradually floated in front of Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai immediately realized that this drop of blood seemed to contain a powerful blood force.

""Xiaobai, swallow it, this drop of blood can change the quality of your blood." Ye Mochen said.

After hearing these words, Xiaobai no longer hesitated, opened his mouth without hesitation, and swallowed the drop of blood essence containing powerful energy into his stomach.

As soon as the blood essence entered his body, Xiaobai felt a heart-wrenching pain. This pain seemed to come from the depths of his soul and the essence of life.

His blood quietly transformed at this moment, becoming more pure and flawless, deeper and heavier. The ancient and mysterious blood power flowing in his blood was sublimated at this moment.

Xiaobai was surrounded by a strange breath, as if he was in a fantasy realm.

This breath seemed to contain endless mysteries. As it penetrated, the blood power in Xiaobai's body gradually became stronger. Gradually strengthened.

At the same time, its cultivation was also steadily improving silently, crossing one boundary after another, and moving towards a higher realm.

Ye Mochen quietly comprehended the changes that Xiaobai had experienced. He was surprised to find that Xiaobai had broken free from the shackles and stepped into an unprecedented new realm.

Entering the holy realm!

The bloodline transformed from the ancient bloodline originally contained in it to an extremely pure ancient bloodline.

Ye Mochen couldn't help but feel happy about Xiaobai's changes. He had never expected that a drop of blood in this turtle's body could produce such an effect.

Xiaobai's breath gradually dissipated, and it staggered to Ye Mochen and knelt down. It slowly squeezed out the not very fluent words from its mouth, and said to Ye Mochen:

"Thank you so much, Master!"

Ye Mochen was surprised. He did not expect that this little white boy could speak human language. It was really unbelievable.

"Xiaobai, can you speak now?"

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