Seeing Zhong Lixue coming, Lin Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly. With thousands of Dao masters here, he knew that he was doomed. As long as he didn't run away, these thousands of Dao masters didn't seem to be willing to attack him. It seemed that he could only fight Zhong Lixue!

""Zhongli Xue, you know my identity, let me go, I can introduce you to Sect Master Ling, I can let you be the Holy Son!" Lin Feng tried to persuade Zhongli Xue.

When Zhongli Xue heard this, she sneered and a chill appeared in her expression.

"Lin Feng, you are so self-righteous!"

After hearing this, Lin Feng knew that Zhong Lixue was not someone who could be easily shaken by a few words.

In his eyes, only a fight would give him a chance to escape.

"Zhongli Xue, do you really think that I, Lin Feng, am afraid of you! In that case, let’s fight!"

After Lin Feng finished speaking, the Frost Sword in his hand slashed towards Zhongli Xue with a biting cold air. He couldn't help but think to himself.

With this supreme divine weapon in hand, he might be able to fight Zhongli Xue.

Hmm? What is that?

Just as Lin Feng was lost in thought, Zhongli Xue quietly replaced the weapon. The original sword was gone, replaced by a long spear filled with a terrifying aura.

"The Supreme Divine Weapon! Zhongli Xue, where on earth did you get this divine weapon?"

Lin Feng could not help but exclaimed loudly, and the movement of his hand paused slightly.

What responded to him was an extremely sharp shot that revealed an extremely clever aura.

Lin Feng did not have time to think deeply, so he reacted quickly and nimbly pulled himself away to avoid the sudden and terrifying shot.

However, just when he thought he had cleverly avoided this fatal blow and thought he was safe.

He saw that the spear cut through the sky like lightning, drew a sharp arc, and finally pierced his leg accurately, and the pain instantly spread throughout his body.

"Ah! Damn it!"

Lin Feng's cry suddenly rang out, and he hurriedly pulled out the leg that was pierced by the spear.

At this moment, Lin Feng's heart was filled with unprecedented fear, and his back was soaked with dense cold sweat.

It's over! I don't want to die!

Before Lin Feng had the slightest room to hesitate, the spear in Zhong Lixue's hand had already cut through the sky and came swiftly.

Driven by the instinct of survival, he could only do his best to resist Zhong Lixue's continuous and fierce attacks.


Su Wuhen summoned the Sword of Destruction. In just a moment of raising his hand, Liu Ruyan's fierce attack turned into nothingness and dissipated into the invisible.

"Liu Ruyan, your words made me suddenly realize that your death must not be too easy and comfortable!"Su Wuhen said without any emotion.

Liu Ruyan stared at Su Wuhen's current state, as if she was being locked in the cold eyes of the god of death.

The heaviness and oppression made Liu Ruyan's heart beat violently involuntarily.

Su Wuhen tightly grasped the Sword of Destruction, and the sword flashed with a cold light. He swung the sword at Liu Ruyan without hesitation.

Liu Ruyan seemed powerless. On her white jade skin, a shocking cut suddenly appeared, so deep that it seemed as if you could see the white bones.

Su Wuhen was not in a hurry to kill Liu Ruyan with one blow, but kept swinging the sharp sword at Liu Ruyan, one knife after another.

Liu Ruyan was in unprecedented pain in her life at this moment, enduring unspeakable pain and torture.

Every time Su Wuhen swung As the long sword was wielded, the sharp blade mercilessly left shocking wounds on Liu Ruyan's body.

At this moment, Liu Ruyan couldn't help but feel a deep regret in her heart, and she realized that she had made a wrong decision.

She should never have broken off the engagement with Su Wuhen, and she shouldn't have ruined it all with her own hands.

Su Wuhen is still the same Su Wuhen, he is not a waste! She is still the person she can only look up to!

Once upon a time, she only had that longing, hoping that she could follow the boy's example and follow in his footsteps.

However, one day, the boy from the past turned out to be a waste, which was hard for her to accept.

Instead of giving him the comfort and encouragement he deserved, she humiliated him mercilessly and hurt his heart with cold words.

"Brother Wuhen, will you marry Yan'er when you grow up?"

"Of course, as long as Yan'er doesn't change her mind, I will definitely marry you!"

The childhood scene quietly emerged in the depths of Liu Ruyan's mind. She just realized that the look in the boy's eyes when he looked at her at that time was full of pampering and tenderness.

Liu Ruyan felt an indescribable regret in her heart, and tears slid down her cheeks involuntarily.

"Liu Ruyan, die!" Su Wuhen's eyes were determined, and he launched a fatal attack without mercy.

Liu Ruyan stared at this terrible attack. She knew that facing such a powerful attack, she had no hope of survival.

Facing this sudden attack, she immediately fell into a panic.


I don't want to die!

I can't die yet!

Liu Ruyan was in an endless abyss of despair, but the tenacious instinct for survival drove her to shout out a word hidden in her memory from the bottom of her heart.

"Brother Wuhen!"

Su Wuhen couldn't help but pause when he heard the familiar words.

The sword of destruction, at the moment it was about to touch Liu Ruyan's head, seemed to be restrained by an invisible force and froze in mid-air.

In Su Wuhen's memory, a familiar hazy outline reappeared.

"Brother Wuhen! Brother Wuhen, wait for me!"

"Brother Wuhen is so awesome! He took first place in the family again this time!"

"Brother Wuhen! Brother Wuhen! The master of Ziwei Pavilion has taken a fancy to me!"

"Brother Wuhen, will you marry Yan'er when you grow up?"

The figure of a little girl gradually became clear. In Su Wuhen's mind, he subconsciously wanted to touch the little girl.

However, just as he was about to touch the figure, the figure that was originally looming gradually became distorted, revealing a hideous and terrifying face.

"Hehe, Su Wuhen! You are nothing but a waste!"

"Su Wuhen, this marriage today! You have to withdraw from it! You have to withdraw from it whether you want to or not!"

"Su Wuhen! I want you to die!"

"Master, Liu Ruyan and the others from Ziwei Pavilion want to destroy our Su family! The head of the family is now seriously injured!"

Su Wuhen hid the turmoil in his heart, and a strong hatred surged from the bottom of his heart like an undercurrent.

"Liu Ruyan! You have brought all this upon yourself!"

Su Wuhen's aura suddenly became even colder and more terrifying, as if he was going to freeze the air around him.

Liu Ruyan witnessed the might that Su Wuhen was emitting at this moment, and an indescribable fear surged in her heart, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

"Brother Wuhen! Ruyan knows she is wrong!"

""Woo woo! Brother Wuhen! Don't kill me!"

At this moment, Su Wuhen's state of mind was as calm as the water in an ancient well, without any hesitation.

He tightly grasped the long sword in his hand and swung it towards Liu Ruyan without hesitation. The sword flashed, as if to cut off all obstacles!

Liu Ruyan's eyes were wide open, full of fear and despair. She begged loudly regardless of everything.

"No! Brother Wuhen, you can't kill me!"

"don't want!"

"Su Wuhen! You can't kill……"

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