When Zhong Lixue swung the spear in her hand, horrifying huge wounds began to appear on Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng had no time to take care of his own injuries, because Zhong Lixue's new round of attacks had already swept in and was approaching him.

Lin Feng quickly pulled away and tried to resist, but to his horror, two shocking large holes appeared on his body, and blood slowly seeped out.

As time passed, more and more monks came here, and the crowd gradually gathered together to resist the group of dead bone monsters.

As the number of people increased, they gradually gained the upper hand among the group of dead bone monsters.

Some monks who had just joined the ranks couldn't help but cast their sights to the sky.

They each cast their eyes in the direction of Zhong Lixue and Su Wuhen.

"Fellow Daoist, why are these people so terrifying? Who are they?"

"Over there are the Tianxuan Sect and Ziwei Pavilion! Over there are the Tianxuan Sect and Lingyun Sect!"While a cultivator was speaking, he swung his sword and killed a dead bone monster and then replied

"The Lingyun Sect of the upper sect! Why did they appear in the secret realm?"

Obviously, many of the monks who had just arrived here already had a certain understanding and knowledge of the Lingyun Sect.

After several monks told the newly arrived monks about the current situation in detail, everyone present was shocked and dumbfounded.


"Liu Ruyan is actually at the Dao Realm! ?"

"And that person is the Holy Son of the Upper Sect! ?"

"Wang Defa! Say it again! ?"

At this moment, the monk named Wang Defa glanced at the monk who had just spoken.

"Believe it or not!"

"How the hell do you want me to believe this! Liu Ruyan, who is at the Dao realm, is no match for the Tianxuan Sect disciples!"

"The Holy Son of Shangzong is no match for the disciples of Tianxuanzong!"

"The most fake thing is, you actually told me that all the disciples of Tianxuan Sect are at the Dao Realm! ?"

"How can I believe you?!"

"Do you think that all cultivators in the Dao Realm are cabbages?"

After the cultivator finished speaking, he saw a large number of dead bone monsters once again fearlessly charging towards the disciples of Tianxuan Sect.

However, for the disciples of Tianxuan Sect, they seemed to be deaf to everything around them, and they were still concentrating on looking up at the thrilling battle in the sky.

When the dead bone monsters just pounced on the disciples standing on the periphery, they were casually hit by them, and killed them easily like swatting a fly.


The monk who had doubts was extremely shocked when he saw this scene.

"This is actually true!!"

"Thousands of Dao Realm Masters! How can we play this game!?"

At this time, the monk saw that the group of dead bone monsters stopped one after another, as if they realized that the Tianxuan Sect was not easy to deal with.

They looked at each other, nodded to each other, and finally looked at the monk.

Then, the group of dead bone monsters turned around and rushed towards the monk.


The monk couldn't help but shouting loudly when he saw this scene. Then, he quickly drew out the long sword in his hand, and his eyes became sharp and determined.

Then, the monk looked at the distant other side, took a step without hesitation, and ran desperately.

The monk named Wang Defa revealed some doubts in his eyes. He stared at the monk who was running hard.

"You're still here to train in the secret realm? Go home and get your milk!"

Then, Wang Defa turned his gaze behind him.

He only heard a sound.


He didn't have time to think about it, and hurried to where the crowd was denser.


At this time, high in the sky,

Lin Feng's face was filled with fear, and he stared at Zhong Lixue intently.

""Zhong… Zhong Lixue, spare my life! I promise I will never appear in your sight again!"

Hearing this, Zhong Lixue’s face remained indifferent. She slowly raised the spear in her hand, as if responding in a silent way. Seeing this,

Lin Feng was furious and shouted angrily:

"Zhongli Xue, you forced me to do this!"

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, his aura suddenly surged, as violent as a storm.

However, in sharp contrast, the expression on his face revealed an indescribable pain.

A group of monks were frantically resisting the fierce attack of the dead bone monster. Suddenly, a majestic aura surged from somewhere.

Everyone raised their heads and looked in the direction of Lin Feng.

"What is he! ?"

"Burning Soul!?"

"The soul is the core of life, is he trying to kill himself?!"

"This disciple of Tianxuan Sect actually forced the Holy Son of Lingyun Sect to burn his soul!"

Lin Feng's eyes became gloomy and terrifying. He stared at Zhongli Xue with a grim smile.

"Hahahaha, Zhonglixue, since you don’t want to let me go! Even if I die! I will drag you down with me!"

Zhonglixue saw Lin Feng’s resolute burning soul, and a trace of surprise arose in his heart, but soon, he smiled with relief.

"Lin Feng, actually I have to thank you. If you hadn't sent people to hunt me down, I wouldn't have met my master!"

"To repay you, I will use my strongest attack next time!"

Lin Feng saw Zhong Lixue's fearless attitude, and an inexplicable panic surged in his heart.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Zhong Lixue put away her spear, and she slowly raised her arm. A ball of thick and violent energy gradually condensed in her palm, which seemed to contain endless destructive power.

Suddenly, she swung her hand violently, and the ball of violent energy was like a roaring dragon, shooting towards Lin Feng with the momentum of destroying the world.

Wherever it passed, the space was torn apart, making a heart-pounding"hissing" sound, and the terrifying pressure made the whole world tremble.

This blow seemed to completely shatter the world, and the endless energy light instantly illuminated the night, as if the end of the world had come.

When that terrifying The terrifying blow came like thunder, and Lin Feng felt an indescribable pressure coming down.

His eyes widened instantly, and his eyeballs were full of bloodshot with fear. His body was frozen in place as if he was cast under a spell, unable to move at all.

Before the powerful force arrived, the strong wind it brought had already scraped across his face like a sharp blade, causing him great pain.

His heart was beating violently, as if it was about to jump out of his throat. His brain was blank, and his thoughts were almost stagnant. There was only one thought in his mind - it's over!

At the same time.

Liu Ruyan kept begging for mercy in the face of Su Wuhen's terrifying blow.

"Brother Wuhen, you can't kill me!"


As Su Wuhen and Zhong Lixue's attacks fell, they said in unison:

"Die! Liu Ruyan!"

""Die! Lin Feng!"

The might gradually dissipated, and Liu Ruyan lay there quietly, leaving only a body.

In her eyes, there was still the fear and helplessness of the moment before her death.

And Lin Feng seemed to have evaporated from the face of the earth, and his figure disappeared, as if he had never appeared.

At this moment, Su Wuhen and Zhong Lixue felt that the shackles that bound their cultivation were shattered.

The cultivation of the two people soared like a stream, and both leaped to the mysterious realm of enlightenment.

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