Under the guidance of Ji Batian, Gui Qi came to a complex of buildings and looked out from afar. He saw a wine shop standing tall.

"There really is good wine here! ?"

Gui Ling stared at the wine shop while speaking, saliva slowly flowing down his mouth.

""Master Turtle, this was originally a gift I left for the inheritor. Every jar of Immortal Drunken Wine in it can make people intoxicated and experience the wonderful feeling of fairyland." Ji Batian explained.

"Hehe, such good wine, Master Gui will naturally taste it carefully."

As soon as Gui Qi finished speaking, he was about to rush straight to the wine shop.

Suddenly, two groups of people suddenly emerged in front of the wine shop. They quickly dispersed and formed two powerful forces.

Ji Batian saw someone appear, and he couldn't help but feel happy. The arrival of this person might mean that his inheritance has finally been settled.

The two teams are disciples from the Shadow Sect and Xingyu Pavilion.

"This wine shop was discovered by Xingyu Pavilion first, you guys go somewhere else!"

Bai Yu's voice suddenly sounded, his eyes were cold and sharp, staring straight at the people of Shadow Gate.

Hearing this, You Ye remained calm and responded in a calm tone:

"This wine shop has nothing to do with your Xingyu Pavilion. I came here as soon as I entered this world."

Bai Yu laughed and said:

"Hahaha, Youye! Are you kidding me? Why don't you, the Shadow Sect, go straight to the Saint's inheritance?"

"In this case, there is nothing to say, just show your ability!"

When Youye opened his mouth, the aura around him suddenly overflowed.

Bai Yu was not to be outdone when he saw this, and his own aura surged out, forming a sharp contrast with the deep Youye. The two sides were full of momentum and competed with each other. Ji

Batian, who was in the dark, witnessed this scene and nodded frequently, secretly admiring the two people's foundation and cultivation.

However, he saw that the bone age of the two was a little older, which made him a little regretful.

Ji Batian was about to praise the two to Gui Lu, but when he looked back, he had already lost his shadow.

Just when he was wondering where Gui Lu had gone, Xingyu Pavilion and Shadow Gate had already started a fierce contest.

"Bai Yu, the first brew in this winery today, our Shadow Sect must win it!"

You Ye took the lead, his figure flashed like a ghost, and the ghostly evil knife slashed at Bai Yu with a sharp whistling sound.

Bai Yu's eyes condensed, and he was not in a hurry. He blocked the attack with the big knife in his hand. The sound of metal collision shook the space slightly.

Then, Bai Yu roared, and the big knife in his hand swung like the wind. A series of domineering sword energy rushed towards You Ye like an angry dragon out of the sea.

You Ye dodged sideways, and the ghostly evil knife in his hand flicked, and a black sword light met Bai Yu's sword energy. , the two collided, and a dazzling light burst out.

Bai Yu changed his pace, moving quickly around Youye like a dragon, and his sword kept slashing out layers of sword shadows.

The disciples of both sides also started a fierce contest at this moment.

Just when the two sides were fighting fiercely, the fight was in full swing and difficult to resolve.

At a moment when no one noticed, Gui Lu had quietly stepped into the wine shop.

Gui Lu slightly straightened his nose, and then a mellow and rich aroma of wine came to his face, intoxicating

"Hehehe, it is indeed a good wine, Master Turtle is here!"

Gui Ling's eyes flashed with greed, and his saliva flowed unconsciously from the corners of his mouth. He could not wait to rush to the dozens of jars of Drunken Immortal Wine that exuded a strong aroma of wine.

After opening a jar of Drunken Immortal Wine, Gui Ling took a sip and immediately indulged in the aroma of the wine, as if he had stepped into a fairyland, enjoying the indescribable wonderful taste.

""Hahaha, it's really good wine!"

He was filled with joy, and immediately picked up the jar of Drunken Immortal Wine and drank it heartily.

After a while, the full jar of fine wine was drunk by him heroically, without a drop left.

There was a sharp contrast between Gui Lu's belly and the jar of Drunken Immortal Wine. It was really hard to imagine that his seemingly palm-sized belly could hold such a huge jar of fine wine.

As if he felt that he had not had enough fun, Gui Lu did not hesitate to open the lid of a jar of Drunken Immortal Wine and drink again.

In just a few breaths, the full jar of Immortal Drunkenness Wine was empty again.

Gui Ling drank seven or eight jars in succession, while outside the door, the fierce battle between the disciples of the two sects was still in full swing, with no sign of stopping. Bai

Yu and You Ye, both of them were covered with several sword scars, looking quite embarrassed.

The disciples of the two sects suffered heavy casualties.

Facing this situation, Bai Yu pondered for a while, and then spoke out his suggestion.

"Youye, you and I fought fiercely, at the risk of life and death, but it is inevitable that those lowly and lowly people in the lower sect will get the advantage, which is really unacceptable."

Youye frowned slightly, thinking that this statement was indeed quite reasonable, but he was unwilling to give up the immortal wine in this wine shop.

"So what do you say?"

Bai Yu slowly sheathed his weapon, turned his gaze towards You Ye, and spoke again:

"We will share the immortal wine stored in this wine shop equally. What do you think of this arrangement? We should focus our strength on the inheritance of the saints."

In the depths of the wine shop, Gui Lu was leisurely tasting the last jar of Immortal Drunken Wine. As the aroma of the wine filled the air, he caught the sound of two people talking outside the door, and couldn't help but feel secretly happy.

Hahaha, sorry, the Immortal Drunken Wine has been drunk by Grandpa Gui.

Then Gui Lu had an idea, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing an imperceptible sly smile.

I saw Gui Lu leap onto an empty jar, and then his body shook violently, and then a stream of clear spring flowed down slowly, gradually, until the jar was filled.

Gui Lu quickly sealed the jar, and then leisurely disappeared into the void.

After in-depth discussions between the two sects, the two sides reached a consensus. Bai Yu and You Ye then walked forward lightly and leisurely pushed open the door of the wine shop.

The scene in front of them made the two dumbfounded. The wine shop was in a mess, and empty wine jars were scattered everywhere.

The two looked at each other, full of doubts, wondering what kind of incident had happened in the wine shop.

Just when the two felt lost, Bai Yu's eyes suddenly lit up and pointed to a corner.

"Look, there's still an unopened jar!"

The two hurried over to the unopened jar of Zuixianjiu and carefully opened its seal.

A strong and pungent smell immediately filled the air and rushed straight into the mouth and nose, making people frown.

"Why is this immortal wine so pungent?"

You Ye frowned and asked

"I don't know, maybe the immortal wine is just so pungent, or maybe it tastes good."Bai Yu said uncertainly

"Then let's taste it first?" Jiuyou asked.

Bai Yu immediately took out two empty jars and carefully poured some into each. Then the two of them held up the jars without hesitation and prepared to drink the cup together.

As soon as they approached the jars, the smell became more pungent and they felt that the taste was a little familiar.

They comforted themselves in their hearts.

This is the wine that saints drink, how can they have such strange ideas.

Thinking of this, the two of them no longer hesitated, lifted the jars, and drank.

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