Thinking of this, the two of them no longer hesitated, lifted the jar, and drank.

As soon as they took a sip, Bai Yu and You Ye immediately felt a strong fishy smell rushing into their minds, strongly stimulating their senses.



The two found the taste unbearable and could not help but spurt out the liquid in their mouths.

Youye's face looked particularly ferocious. He bared his teeth, his expression was extremely distorted, his eyes shot straight at Bai Yu, and he said in a deep voice:

"Why is this brew so hard to swallow?! It even... even has a fishy smell!"

Bai Yu and You Ye were exactly the same, with a ferocious look on their faces, but he still said with some confusion:

"This... this shouldn't be the case? This is the immortal wine that saints drink, why does it have such a strange taste."

Youye stopped talking, closed his eyes quietly, and began to carefully explore every subtle change in his body.

After careful experience and understanding, he was pleasantly surprised to find that his life breath seemed to have improved slightly compared to before.

Although this tiny improvement was almost negligible, Youye did not take it seriously, but fortunately, this was a real improvement after all.

"This immortal wine can actually enhance the breath of life a little bit?"You Ye asked in surprise.

After hearing this, Bai Yu immediately calmed down and carefully examined the changes in himself.

After a period of contemplation, a bright light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and then he spoke with a hint of joy in his voice.

"Although this slight improvement is very slight, I feel that my life span has been extended by two days!"

The two sects are not without elixirs that can prolong life.

But the slight improvement they felt was only due to the changes brought about by the fairy wine as soon as it entered their mouths.

The two immediately had a flash of inspiration, and recalled what kind of waves would be set off if they had drunk all the fairy wine before.

Thinking of this, the two couldn't help but regret the fairy wine that they had rashly spit out before, and an indescribable feeling of regret surged in their hearts, as if they had lost some precious treasure. The two of them cast their eyes on the jar of fairy wine that was slowly emitting wisps of light smoke, and they felt as if they had found a treasure.

At this moment, a group of disciples from the two sects who knew nothing about the situation rushed into the winery, and cast their eyes on Youye, with expectant looks on their faces.

"Senior Brother, can we taste this magical wine and understand its secrets?"

Bai Yu and You Ye looked at their own disciples. Although they were a little reluctant, these disciples were their confidants. How could they let them feel disappointed?

"You can just taste it. Bai Yu and I haven't tasted it yet."You Ye said

"Daoist Ye said so, how can I not follow your advice? I will certainly agree to it."Bai Yu's voice followed.

Hearing this, the disciples were overjoyed, their joy was beyond words. They were filled with excitement, and immediately bowed to Bai Yu and You Ye, saying respectfully:

"Thank you so much, Brother Bai!"

"Thank you, Senior Brother Ye!"

All the disciples could not help but secretly admire the noble character of the two in their hearts, revealing unspeakable emotion.

Senior Brother is so kind!

Faced with such a fairy wine, he didn't even enjoy it first, and still remembered us.

I must work harder to serve Senior Brother in the future!

All the disciples rushed to the newly opened wine jar, eager to find out what was inside. The disciples in front couldn't wait to get close to the wine jar.

An indescribable fishy smell suddenly hit, making people sick. Several disciples hurriedly covered their mouths and noses, trying to isolate the unpleasant smell.

"What on earth is this smell coming from? It's so pungent and unpleasant!"A disciple of the Shadow Sect covered his mouth and nose involuntarily, frowning and saying

"It seems that it is emitted by the fairy wine!"

"No way, why does this magical wine have such a strange taste?"

"Perhaps this is the uniqueness of Xianniang?"

"Then, should we drink it or not?"

All the disciples looked at each other, as if they had no idea what was happening.

If this wine is called immortal wine, the smell it emits is fishy and unpleasant.

"Perhaps we should try to taste it. After all, this wine is a legendary celestial wine, and it is enjoyed exclusively by saints.

"That's right, maybe it's just that our senses as mortals cannot appreciate the subtleties of the saints' taste."The two disciples guessed.

As soon as this was said, it immediately won the unanimous approval of all the disciples present. Everyone agreed.

"You're right. After all, this is the legendary fairy wine."

"It makes sense, maybe we just can't understand the mystery"

"Why are you talking so much? Just pour it out and taste it."

Everyone hurriedly looked for various suitable containers, and carefully poured out most of the liquid in the jar, ensuring that each portion was evenly distributed, striving for fairness and accuracy.

The disciples gently cast their eyes on the bowls in their hands. Wisps of hot steam were rippling in the bowls, and the fairy wine in the bowls showed an attractive golden color.

The disciples stared at the liquid carefully, and felt more and more that its shape and breath were familiar, especially the unbearable fishy smell, which made them even more suspicious.

Forget it, never mind!

This is the fairy wine!

The legendary fairy wine!

The fairy wine drunk by the saints!

When everyone thought about this, some were full of expectations, some were a little hesitant, and others were uneasy, but in the end, they all drank the liquid in the bowl without hesitation.

As soon as the liquid touched the lips and tongue, a series of continuous crisp sounds immediately broke out, as if playing a unique symphony.




"Puff puff puff!"

"Ugh!... Ugh!"

""Ugh!... Ugh!"

At that moment, the disciples suddenly felt an indescribable nausea, and a strong stench rushed straight into their throats.

They spit out the liquid in their mouths, hoping to relieve the discomfort.

Some disciples could not bear the nausea and began to retch, their faces turning pale.

"What the hell is this!"

"Isn't this just drowning liquid?"

When these words came out, even Youye and Baiyu couldn't help but widen their eyes. An inexplicable feeling of nausea surged in their hearts and rushed straight to their throats, making them almost unbearable.

The two of them recalled the feeling of the liquid when it first entered their mouths. Isn't that just drowning liquid?

Although both of them looked extremely gloomy, when they recalled the scene in front of their junior brother that they had sworn that they had never tasted it, they were able to suppress the feeling of nausea.

Then, a raging anger instantly ignited in the depths of their hearts. This anger seemed to be endless and surged continuously.

"Check it for me! Who was the first person to enter this wine shop?"

"You must find out who the gang is from!"

Xingyu Pavilion and Shadow Sect, two prominent sects, were shrouded in flames of anger at this moment. Everyone's heart was filled with deep hatred for the culprit, and they were eager to find him out and punish him severely.

Gui Ling, who had returned to Ji Batian's side, saw everything. He couldn't help laughing, and even couldn't help but burst into tears, flowing down his cheeks.

"Hahahaha! I laughed my ass off!"

""Ahahahaha, ahahahaha."

Ji Batian looked at Gui Ling with a puzzled look on his face, wondering why this ancestor was laughing so happily.

At this moment, Gui Ling's laughter rang out one after another, and a sentence blurted out

"Ahahaha, being able to drink Grandpa Turtle's drowning liquid is a bargain for you guys."

Ji Batian couldn't help but shudder when he heard this. He had already understood the absurd scene in front of him, so how could he not understand the mystery behind it.

This ancestor actually!


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