Suddenly, a ethereal sound came from all directions, like the sound of nature, as if it came from a misty fairyland.

"The Su family's talented man, the marriage contract is destroyed like smoke"

"The divorce letter breaks the relationship, leaving no trace and no regrets"

"The three-year agreement was signed, and the winners were compared."

"Like smoke, he kills with anger, and his determination becomes stronger"

"The winner will be decided after three years"

"He will be famous in the future"

""Look at the world with cold eyes, and your wisdom will shine."

Everyone only heard the voice but did not see the person, and they looked around in panic.

Only Su Wuhen remained calm and composed.

When the black-robed man who took the lead turned into a pool of blood mist, he knew that there was a master helping him in secret.

Then the person who helped him spoke eloquently, using a poem to describe his relationship with Liu Ruyan and his optimism for him.

"Who is coming! Such a hidden and revealing behavior is really disgusting!"

After a brief thought, Liu Ruyan shouted to the surroundings!

She couldn't help but think about her identity, the daughter of the Liu family, and the disciple of the current master of Ziwei Pavilion!

When she thought of the size of Ziwei Pavilion, she was already full of confidence. She didn't expect that she would be insulted after breaking off the engagement today, and there would be people who would make things difficult for her!

Although she didn't know how the person in the dark killed the Ninth Elder, the Ninth Elder was only in the early stage of the Theory of Dao.

What's more, there was a Seventh Elder in the seventh level of the Theory of Dao next to her!

In response to Liu Ruyan's voice, Liu Chengfeng reminded her in a slightly panic

"Ruyan, don't talk nonsense!"

In Liu Chengfeng's opinion, if he didn't know who the person was and what his strength was, he shouldn't offend him easily.

Liu Ruyan was different.

""Why is father here? Do you think the Seventh Elder is panicking?"

Liu Chengfeng turned his gaze to the black-robed Seventh Elder. The Seventh Elder just stretched out a hand to protect Liu Ruyan behind him. He was a little alert, but he didn't show any panic.

Before Liu Chengfeng could catch his breath, he saw a cyclone pressure suddenly appear around Liu Ruyan.


With a cry of surprise from Liu Ruyan, she was suddenly suppressed and crawled on the ground, as if she was stuck in a quagmire. She struggled hard but could not get rid of the heavy bondage. The

Seventh Elder was anxious and stretched out his left hand, trying to pull Liu Ruyan out.

As soon as the Seventh Elder's palm touched the pressure range, he was ejected by a huge force.

With the whole person, he crashed directly into the pillar beside the hall.

After the pillar, everyone fled in all directions.

The pillars of the entire hall were suddenly covered with cracks, as if the whole pillar would collapse with a little force. As soon as the Seventh Elder stood up, he felt a sweetness in his throat and spurted out a mouthful of old blood, shocking everyone!

"Oh my god! What happened to the Seventh Elder? Why did he bump into the pillar?"

"What are you talking about? Someone must have taken action."

"But what I saw was that the Seventh Elder hit himself against the pillar!"

"Someone must have taken action in secret!"

"How could this person be so strong that even the Seventh Elder of Ziwei Pavilion is no match for him!"

"I heard that the Seventh Elder has already reached the seventh level of the Dao Realm! What realm do you think the person who made the move should be at?"

"The eighth level of Dao?! The ninth level?!!! Could it be... the Dao Realm!!!"

A person from the Su family had a face full of fear, his eyes wide open, and his lips trembling slightly.

""Everyone, shut up! This is not something we can discuss. Be careful not to get into trouble!"

A man dressed in the clothes of the elders of the Su family hurriedly spoke!

Upon hearing this, everyone stopped talking and moved closer to the corner cautiously.

Seeing the miserable state of the seventh elder Liu Ruyan, Su Aoyu and his son secretly applauded, but did not dare to show it.

In contrast, Liu Chengfeng did not move, dared not breathe, and was at a loss.

At this moment.

In the silent atmosphere, in the hall, the space a few steps in front of Su Wuhen was rippling.

A faint light flashed, and the space was torn open as shown in the picture. A figure walked leisurely from the crack. A man stepped out.

As the figure walked out, the figure gradually became clearer.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

A young man gradually took shape, and he was dressed in white clothes that were whiter than snow.

Under his sword-like eyebrows, his narrow eyes were like the gurgling spring water, warm as the spring breeze. His nose was like a hanging gallbladder, as straight as a distant dark green mountain.

His eyes were like warm snow that had not yet melted in spring, shining, crystal, soft, dazzling, and seemed to have an unnoticed sharpness.

His lips were as white as warm jade, and his mouth was slightly curved, with a faint smile, like March. Sunshine, comfortable and cozy.

The man stood there quietly, but his clothes fluttered gently without wind, as if there was a mysterious power surrounding him, ethereal like an immortal.

The power of space! The Seventh Elder was secretly shocked.

Those who can use the power of space must at least have achieved the Great Perfection of the Theory of Taoism to be able to glimpse a trace of the power of space, and they must be very close to the Tao of Space! Only after the attainment of the Taoism can one truly master a trace of the power of space and can perform a short-term space teleportation.

But the young man in front of him, looking at his early twenties, how could he use the power of space!

This person must be good at the art of disguise, and he is slightly older than himself, and should be one or two realms higher than himself.

Using the power of space is definitely because of the use of some space teleportation talismans.

It's just that this person is good at hiding, and I can't see it for the time being.

Before, I was knocked away by the recoil force, and it was definitely because this person used some magic weapons!

It must be so!

Ye Mochen didn't know that his appearance had been supplemented by the Seventh Elder, and of course he didn't care!

Ye Mochen looked at Su Wuhen and opened the system panel

「Name: Su Wuhen.

Sect: None.

Cultivation: None.

Talent: Immortal Body Talent.

Physique: None.

Introduction: Su Wuhen, the only child of the Su family, is gifted.

He began to draw Qi at the age of three, to refine Qi at the age of eight, and to master supernatural powers at the age of twelve.

Seven years ago, when he was out, he encountered a damaged eternal object and entered his sea of consciousness.

He cleverly took its spiritual energy and cultivation day and night to repair himself.

His methods are clever, and he never absorbs too much, so as not to damage its foundation or steal its vitality.

Often, as soon as he has a little cultivation, it is completely absorbed.

He becomes like an ordinary person, without any cultivation!

"Oh?... So that's how it is." Ye Mochen said with a little emotion

"Senior... Senior?" Su Wuhen looked at the person in front of him with a panic expression and spoke softly.

Ye Mochen had been staring at Su Wuhen since he appeared, which made Su Wuhen feel uneasy.

Su Wuhen wondered if the master in front of him had any special hobbies.

Or maybe he couldn't stand Ye Mochen's gaze, so Su Wuhen had to ask.

"You are Su Wuhen, right?"

Ye Mochen's words were like the spring breeze in March, blowing slowly, making people feel comfortable and kind.

"I am Su Wuhen. I wonder why you are here to see me."

Su Wuhen looked at the person in front of him and asked in confusion.

"He is neither arrogant nor impatient, neither humble nor overbearing, and is indeed a talented person with great potential!"

""Su Wuhen! I am the leader of the Tianxuan Sect! Are you willing to be my disciple?"

Ye Mochen suddenly became serious and said.

Before Su Wuhen could speak, everyone started talking again without caring about their own safety.

"Tianxuan Sect? Have you heard of it?"

"No, it seems that the person is extraordinary, and he must be from a big sect."

"If it is really a powerful sect, why have we never heard of it?"

"If Su Wuhen becomes my disciple, maybe my Su family can also receive the protection of this sect!"

"But this Tianxuan Sect? I have never heard of it?"

"Judging from the appearance of this person, he is at least much stronger than the Seventh Elder of Ziwei Pavilion. He is also the leader of a sect, so his sect must be at least a first-rate force, right?"

"Even the first-rate forces cannot compare to the super power like Ziwei Pavilion!"

"I heard that the Pavilion Master of Ziwei Pavilion had already entered the realm of enlightenment a thousand years ago, and his current cultivation level is unknown."

The Seventh Elder was angry and asked. Seeing the Seventh Elder speak, everyone stopped talking.

"Do you really want to be an enemy of Ziwei Pavilion?"

Ye Mochen completely ignored the Seventh Elder and spoke in a calm voice again.

"Are you willing to take me as your master?"

Faced with Ye Mochen's question, Su Wuhen was at a loss, fidgeting, looking at the Seventh Elder from time to time, and then at Ye Mochen from time to time.

Ye Mochen was still gentle and elegant, looking at Su Wuhen expectantly.

Su Wuhen was speechless, my brother!

It's already this time, you should consider the occasion before accepting a disciple, don't you consider the feelings of others?

Seeing Ye Mochen's attitude, the Seventh Elder was furious!

"Good! Good! Good!"

"You are acting so arrogantly! Are you really not afraid of my Ziwei Pavilion?"

At this time, Liu Ruyan, who was still crawling on the side, spoke.

"Seventh Elder! Kill him! Why are you still wasting words with him?

Liu Ruyan's face was distorted and in a state of disgrace. She no longer had the momentum she had before.

Seeing Liu Ruyan's words, the Seventh Elder was unmoved and looked at Ye Mochen.

"In that case, don't blame me……"

Before the Seventh Elder finished speaking, Ye Mochen suddenly turned his head and shot a look at the Seventh Elder.

In an instant, the Seventh Elder turned into a ball of blood mist just like the Ninth Elder before.


Everyone gasped.

Ye Mochen's extremely dissatisfied voice followed.


"I was talking to my future apprentice, but I interrupted him several times!"

""An ant-like existence, like a jumping clown, ridiculous!"

Ye Mochen then slowly turned his head and looked at Liu Ruyan.

Liu Ruyan, frightened, immediately lowered her head, not daring to look at him.

Secretly clenching her silver teeth, she believed that Ye Mochen would not dare to kill her. Her status as a direct disciple was higher than that of an ordinary elder.

She swore that when she returned to the sect, she would definitely let the master avenge her. She would torture Ye Mochen severely and make him live a life worse than death!

Ye Mochen was completely unaware of Liu Ruyan's little thoughts, and he didn't care.

The reason why he spared her life was only because his future disciple made a three-year agreement with Liu Ruyan. He wanted to leave her life to Su Wuhen himself.

Ye Mochen looked at Su Wuhen and spoke for the third time.

"Are you willing?"

Su Wuhen didn't know what to do for a moment, and stood there in a daze.

""Silly boy, what are you doing? Hurry up and become my disciple!"

Su Aoyu saw that his silly son was not sure what to think when faced with such a question from a master. He was still reluctant to answer, and he slapped him on the head while speaking.

""Huh? Huh?"

Su Wuhen suddenly woke up, immediately knelt down and kowtowed three times.

""Disciple greets Master!"

Ye Mochen looked at Su Wuhen with satisfaction.

Seeing the gleam in his eyes and his thirst for knowledge, and looking at his childish and determined face, a feeling of genuine satisfaction spread in Ye Mochen's heart.

「Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully accepting a disciple!」

「Reward for god-level alchemy skills! 」

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