"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully accepting a disciple!」

「"Reward for god-level alchemy!"

A huge amount of information suddenly appeared in Ye Mochen's mind, and the information was like waves in the sea, surging continuously.

He closed his eyes and quietly felt the impact of this information.

Countless pill recipes, medicinal materials, and heat appeared in his mind... These information were like scrolls, unfolding in his mind.

Within a moment, Ye Mochen had already comprehended the essentials of various alchemy.

He opened his eyes, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. He didn't expect that he had mastered the god-level alchemy level.

Ye Mochen was not too excited about these, and he was thinking in his heart that he would test this god-level alchemy level when he had time!

Ye Mochen calmed down a little and said to Su Wuhen

"Disciple, please follow me back to the sect!"

"Master, before we return to the sect, please wait for a moment while I explain things to my family."

"Hahaha, Hen'er, go ahead. Don't worry about your family. Your father is here!"

Su Aoyu raised his big hand and placed it on Su Wuhen's shoulder. He thought that since Su Wuhen had become a disciple of such a great master, he should not have to worry about his safety.

Although he had never heard of the Tianxuan Sect, seeing that Ye Mochen had an extraordinary temperament, his sect should not be too weak.

When Ziwei Pavilion came to take revenge, Su Wuhen would also have a place to stay.

"Father! Let's not talk about anything else. If Ziwei Pavilion comes to take revenge, you must let me know. Even if I die, I will do my best for the family."

"Brat, just go back with your senior and practice hard. You don't need to worry about anything else! Don't worry about the family affairs."

"If my father doesn't agree, I won't go!"

"you!……"Su Aoyu was angry.

This brat is just stubborn like me. If I don't agree to his request today, he won't leave. No, I have to calm him down first! Su Aoyu thought to himself, but his expression softened.

"Hen'er, don't be anxious. Your father promises you!"

"Father, I know you are doing this for my own good, but I have made up my mind. I cannot watch my family fall into crisis."

"Hen'er, you……"Su Aoyu looked at Su Wuhen's determined eyes and felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

He knew that his son had grown up and had his own ideas and responsibilities.

"Father, don't worry, I will definitely visit Ziwei Pavilion when I return! Before that, please take care of yourself!"

Su Aoyu looked at Su Wuhen, feeling relieved.

After he finished speaking, Su Wuhen looked at Liu Ruyan who was in a state of embarrassment.

"Liu Ruyan! Today we have broken off all ties. Please go back to where you came from. I will come to you to ask for advice someday."As soon as

Su Wuhen finished speaking, Ye Mochen raised his hand slightly and released Liu Ruyan.

Liu Ruyan suddenly felt her whole body lighten, and immediately stood up, staring at Su Wuhen and Ye Mochen fiercely.

The death of the Ninth Elder and the Seventh Elder made her know that she could not kill Su Wuhen today.

"Hehe, Su Wuhen, you are a piece of trash with no cultivation at all, and you still want to compete with me."

A trace of disdain flashed across Liu Ruyan's face.

"You go!" Su Wuhen didn't want to waste time talking to Liu Ruyan.

Liu Ruyan waved her sleeves and followed Liu Chengfeng to the entrance of the hall. Before leaving, she turned back and said

"Su Wuhen, I will never forget the humiliation you inflicted on me today! Letting me go today will be the decision you will regret most in your life!"


With Liu Ruyan's ethereal laughter, the Liu family father and daughter slowly disappeared from everyone's sight.

After Liu Ruyan and others left, Ye Mochen turned back to look at Su Wuhen and said

"Since you have already worshipped me as your master, I will naturally give you a little gift."

Ye Mochen searched the system space and saw a long sword lying in a corner.

He immediately decided to take out the sword and give it to Su Wuhen.

After that, Ye Mochen slowly raised his palm, and saw a flash of golden light, and a long sword appeared out of thin air in his palm. The whole body of the long sword was as black as ink, exuding a suffocating breath.

When you get close to it, you seem to hear whispers in the darkness and feel an invisible pressure.

This breath is full of the smell of death and destruction, which makes people shudder.

It seems to come from the depths of hell, with endless resentment and anger.

The whole sword exudes an ancient and powerful breath, which makes people can't help but fall for it.

Su Wuhen looked at the sword, and an inexplicable impulse surged in his heart. He felt that the sword seemed to be calling him.

The moment the sword appeared, everyone took a breath of cold air again.

"What kind of sword is this!? What a terrifying aura!"

"I feel my soul trembling! What kind of sword is this!"

"The sense of light and breath, this is at least a magical weapon to prove the truth!"

"What! A divine weapon for the path of enlightenment! Impossible!"

Su Wuhen was shocked when he saw the long sword in Ye Mochen's hand.

"Master, this... this is too precious!"

Ye Mochen smiled slightly.

"This is just a meeting gift, a small token of my appreciation for you, please accept it."

""Hen'er, since it is a gift from the senior, you should accept it."

Su Aoyu was also very surprised to look at the long sword, and was greatly shocked.

Su Wuhen did not pretend and took it with both hands.

As soon as he took the long sword, the long sword made a humming sound, as if it liked Su Wuhen very much.

Ye Mochen held the hilt of the sword and felt the slight tremor coming from the sword, as if the sword was expressing its joy.

He seemed to hear the whisper of the sword, which was a silent joy, the recognition and expectation of the master.

"This sword has spirit!"

Someone in the hall shouted

"Holy crap! Holy crap! This is actually an imperial divine weapon!!!"

"Imperial Divine Weapon!! How is this possible!!"

"The Emperor has spirit! This must be the Emperor's divine weapon!"

"Oh my god! Someone actually brought an imperial divine weapon as a gift! This is too generous!"

Su Aoyu was also extremely shocked. When Ye Mochen took out this sword, he knew that Ye Mochen must be of great origin.

Tianxuan Sect might be able to compete with Ziwei Pavilion. I thought it was a divine weapon for proving the Dao, but it turned out to be an imperial divine weapon! Although Ziwei Pavilion also has an imperial divine weapon, in the eyes of this senior, the imperial divine weapon was given away like cabbage!

I'm afraid that this senior's background is even more terrifying than Ziwei Pavilion!

This is very good, my Su family is not in danger.

Regarding the shock of everyone, Ye Mochen had a calm face

"This sword has no name! You can give it a name."Ye Mochen said.

Su Wuhen thought for a moment and said

"The sword is as black as ink, and its light is as cold as frost.

It can cut iron like mud, and the enemy will die in an instant.

When the sword is out, the world changes, and the cold light makes the stars die.

Everything it passes by is annihilated. This sword is called destruction."

"Master, let it be destroyed."

"Hahaha, Destruction!"Sword of Destruction, what a good name!" Ye Mochen laughed heartily.

Ye Mochen suddenly took out another object and handed it directly to Su Aoyu.

Su Aoyu hurriedly bent over to take it. After taking it, he saw that it was a talisman. Puzzled, he did not wait for Su Aoyu to ask

"At the critical moment, tearing this thing into pieces can save the lives of the Su family."

Since I have accepted your son as my disciple, I will protect you! You don't need to worry about the Ziwei Pavilion.

Su Aoyu happily put the talisman into his arms, clasped his hands together, and said with gratitude

"Thank you senior!"

"Well, now that everything is done, it's time for us to go." Ye Mochen said.

Su Wuhen nodded and didn't continue to drag things out with his father. He had said everything he needed to say, so why bother to continue the romance?

"Farewell, Senior!"Su Aoyu clasped his fists and said goodbye.

Ye Mochen raised his hand, and a space crack suddenly appeared in the center of the hall. Ye Mochen stepped into the space.

Su Wuhen followed and turned back to say goodbye to Su Aoyu.

"Father, I am leaving. Please take care of yourself. I will come back to see you often."

""Stinky boy, hurry up and don't keep the senior waiting."

Su Aoyu watched Su Wuhen and Ye Mochen disappear into space, with a touch of reluctance that lingered for a long time.

In the chaotic and disordered space turbulence, Su Wuhen was shocked and looked at everything around him in disbelief, as if he was in an absurd dream.

Endless space wind blades kept attacking them like a storm, as if to tear them into pieces.

These wind blades were like sharp blades, flashing with cold light, which made people shudder.

However, when the wind blades were still several feet away from Ye Mochen, they all dissipated automatically.

As if they had never appeared, Su Wuhen couldn't help but sigh that his master was so strong.

But the terrifying wind blades not far away were extremely real.

Su Wuhen had no doubt that if he was hit, he would definitely not be left with anything.

"Master, where are we going?"

"Go back to the sect." Ye Mochen said calmly

"Yes, Master." Su Wuhen said respectfully.

In front of the Tianxuan Sect's mountain gate, the space suddenly rippled, and then Ye Mochen���The disciple appeared out of nowhere in front of the mountain gate

"Is this the Tianxuan Sect?"Su Wuhen looked at the mountain gate in front of him, and his heart was filled with shock.

The mountain gate of the Tianxuan Sect was towering into the clouds, and it was magnificent.

The three big characters"Tianxuan Sect" were engraved on the mountain gate. The font was vigorous and powerful, exuding a majestic atmosphere.

""Let's go." Ye Mochen said, and walked into the mountain gate with Su Wuhen.

As soon as they stepped into the mountain gate, a huge spiritual energy suddenly rushed towards them.

"Such a rich spiritual energy!"

Su Wuhen was shocked, and even the cultivation that had not appeared for many years began to flow slowly.

The world of the sect seemed different from the outside!

In the Tianxuan Sect, the buildings were scattered, with pavilions, towers, rockery and pools, which were beautiful.

""Master, this place is magnificent!" Su Wuhen exclaimed

"This is the place where I practice as a teacher, and it will be your place of practice in the future."

Ye Mochen said, and brought Su Wuhen to a hall.

The main structure of the hall was supported by huge stone pillars, which were tens of meters high and several meters in diameter.

There were exquisite patterns and runes carved on them. The surface of the stone pillars was as smooth as a mirror, reflecting the sunlight, giving people a dazzling feeling.

Su Wuhen's heart was greatly shocked, as if a huge stone was thrown into the calm lake.

""My disciple, before I lead you on the path of cultivation, I have one more thing to tell you, and this matter is closely related to you."

Ye Mochen stared at Su Wuhen and said earnestly.

Su Wuhen raised his head, his eyes revealing doubts and expectations, and he listened quietly to Ye Mochen's words.

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