Shadow Gate.

Shadow, the leader of Shadow Gate, was sitting in a deep and mysterious room. His face was solemn and focused, his eyes were fixed on the crystal ball on the table.

Looking closely, Shadow seemed to be lowering his head and whispering to the crystal ball, as if telling some unknown secret.

"Sir, the situation is clear. Lingyun Sect has suffered a devastating disaster and no longer exists."

"My Shadow Sect only needs to annex Xingyu Pavilion in one fell swoop to clear all obstacles in the border area for you, and help you collect Qi and blood more efficiently."

"At that time, the blood and energy of countless monks will gather here, laying a solid foundation for the resurrection of that great power."

"However, from the various signs that have been revealed so far, there must be a powerful person in the Tianxuan Sect who has entered the Saint Realm. I am really helpless."

When Shadow's words fell, a hideous human face suddenly jumped out of the crystal ball, accompanied by a sinister and evil laugh.

"Hehehe! You don't need to worry about Tianxuan Sect for now."

"The situation is urgent now, you must set off immediately and meet with the elders of our Shadow Hall, and you must do your best to take down the entire Xingyu Pavilion in order to provide that person with blood and energy!"

When Shadow heard this, he suddenly felt happy in his heart, and a cunning and evil smile gradually appeared on his face.

"My Lord, I will lead the elite of the Shadow Gate and set off immediately, and I will never let you down!"

In the crystal ball, the ferocious smiling face, with the corners of its mouth slightly raised, looked weird and gloomy.

"Hehehe, I have high hopes for you, please don't let me down"

"Now I am in the Northern Territory, leading my army to attack the Tianbei Empire. I am too busy to take care of other things."

"This barren frontier is now entirely at your disposal."

"When I conquer the Tianbei Empire and facilitate the rebirth of that person, then the Tianxuan Sect, which has a Saint Realm expert in charge, will no longer be taken seriously by our Shadow Palace."


The strange laughter gradually dissipated and finally merged into the mysterious crystal ball.

As the laughter dissipated, the crystal ball regained its original crystal clearness, as if all the dust had been washed away.

Shadow slowly stood up and suddenly burst into a thunderous shout.

"All the elders of the Shadow Sect! Follow me and set out immediately! Attack Xingyu Pavilion!"


In Xingyu Pavilion, many disciples were discussing the topic of Tianxuan Sect, and the discussions were going on one after another.


"The...the great elder just died like that?"

"Just a gatekeeper! ?" When the disciples of Xingyu Pavilion heard the news of the great elder's death, they were all shocked and unbelievable.

When they learned that the culprit of this tragedy was just an insignificant gatekeeper, they were even more shocked.

Then, a deep fear quietly grew in their hearts and gradually spread.

"The people from Tianxuan Sect won’t come to take revenge, right?!"

"This is indeed very possible! After all, the demise of Lingyun Sect depends on just one word from the leader of Tianxuan Sect! And my Xingyu Pavilion is not much different from Lingyun Sect! How can we compete with Tianxuan Sect!"

"You said that the Great Elder is really something! He went to avenge Senior Brother Bai Yu without even finding out the truth!"

Just when all the disciples were in panic, suddenly, above the Xingyu Pavilion Square, a thunderous explosion like a thunderclap suddenly sounded, the sound was earth-shaking and heart-shaking.

In that instant, many disciples were affected by the energy that swept in, and their bodies were scattered around like broken dolls. The scene was extremely tragic.

Some lucky disciples witnessed this scene, but they scattered in all directions, running around like headless flies, looking for a glimmer of life.

They were heard running hurriedly, shouting in fear.

"People from Tianxuan Sect are attacking!"

"Run! The people from Tianxuan Sect are coming!"

At the moment of the deafening explosion, the Pavilion Master of Xingyu Pavilion quickly woke up from his meditation, his eyes sparkling, and then he quickly rushed to the square.

He saw that the whole square was in chaos and mess. Many disciples fled in panic, shouting as they ran.

""The Tianxuan Sect is here!"

The Pavilion Master of Xingyu Pavilion quickly cheered up and looked around quickly, carefully examining every detail.

A group of figures gradually appeared, flying leisurely from the distant skyline, and finally hovering above the square.

The Pavilion Master of Xingyu Pavilion widened his eyes, revealing a bit of surprise.

Not from the Tianxuan Sect?

Then, he immediately shouted angrily.

"Shadow! What do you mean by Shadow Sect!!"

Shadow sneered, looking directly at the Pavilion Master of Xingyu Pavilion with a sneer of contempt.

"I am here to destroy your Xingyu Pavilion today!"

The Pavilion Master of Xingyu Pavilion did not say anything extra. Since the Shadow Sect had come to his doorstep, he naturally did not want to waste time with them. He immediately rushed towards Shadow. In a blink of an eye, the two of them were caught in a fierce battle, with their figures intertwined and difficult to separate.

Soon after, the elders of Xingyu Pavilion also broke through the air and quickly joined the battle, fiercely confronting the elders of Shadow Sect.

Soon, the people of Xingyu Pavilion were obviously at a disadvantage and gradually fell into a passive situation.

"Shadow! When did you become so powerful! And the technique you practiced is so strange and vicious!"The Star Feather Pavilion Master couldn't help but exclaimed loudly.

Shadow still had a sarcastic look on his face and said coldly:

"You don't deserve to know!"

As Shadow spoke, he had already thrown a punch, mercilessly hitting the Star Feather Pavilion Master.

The Star Feather Pavilion Master was in pain and spat out a mouthful of blood.

At this point, everyone in the Star Feather Pavilion had injuries of varying degrees. They found that the current Shadow Sect's cultivation method was extremely strange, and their strength had greatly improved.

Just as everyone was in a passive position, an old figure rushed over from the back mountain.

"Ancestor! It's the Ancestor!"

"Isn't the ancestor in seclusion?"

When everyone in Xingyu Pavilion saw the newcomer, they couldn't help but shout out in unison, their voices full of excitement and expectation.

The newcomer, with a strong and fierce momentum, approached the shadow decisively and directly.

He raised his hand without hesitation and instantly slapped out a palm wind, which was so powerful that it set off a sound of breaking through the air.

Shadow faced the fatal blow head-on without showing any fear. He calmly uttered a few words.

"Come out! Elder!"

A few shadows appeared out of thin air in front of Shadow, and finally slowly condensed into several figures, and a strange laugh came from them.


""Evil cultivator! Shadow! Your Shadow Sect actually colluded with evil cultivators!" The leader of Xingyu Pavilion shouted in horror.

After several black shadows raised their hands to knock away the attack of the Xingyu Pavilion Patriarch, they quickly fought with him!

The power of the black shadows was extremely powerful. Although the Xingyu Pavilion Patriarch resisted bravely, he was ultimately unable to compete with them and was eventually severely wounded.

With the sudden arrival of the black shadow, the entire situation was like a huge wave, and it instantly presented a crushing trend.

In the end, Xingyu Pavilion could not escape the fate of destruction. No one in the entire sect was spared. The death was shocking, as if all vitality had been squeezed out and turned into a shriveled corpse, which was extremely desolate.

With this, Xingyu Pavilion was destroyed!

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