Qingmu Hall was merged into Tianxuan Sect. The number of disciples in Tianxuan Sect increased sharply. They quickly integrated into the cultivation atmosphere of Tianxuan Sect, and Tianxuan Sect officially got on the right track.

The disciples were all in high spirits, and went all out to make the final sprint and training for the upcoming sect competition.

On this day, inside the main peak.

Ye Mochen was carefully instructing Mu Feng and Qing Yan, two elders of the Alchemy Pavilion, in the art of alchemy.

The two were full of excitement, and listened attentively to Ye Mochen's alchemy knowledge, with endless curiosity in their hearts.

They were like children thirsty for knowledge, constantly asking Ye Mochen for advice, hoping to gain more secrets of alchemy from him.


「Ding! A divine vein talent owner has been detected! The host can go and accept a disciple! The divine vein talent owner is currently in crisis, please leave immediately!"

Ye Mochen's voice was filled with surprise that was hard to conceal, and then it sounded

"It's actually a top talent! Divine vein talent! Haha, I'll go over right now, I want to see who dares to hurt my beloved disciple!"

Seeing Ye Mochen suddenly in a trance, talking to himself, Mu Feng and Qing Yan were full of doubts, so they stepped forward and asked with concern:

"Sir, what happened?"

"Nothing, I have something urgent to do and need to leave the sect. This book of the Heart Sutra of the Dao of Alchemy is for you two. Please comprehend it on your own first. If you don’t understand something, come and ask me when I return to the sect." Before Ye Mochen finished speaking, he casually threw out an old and simple book. The pages seemed to emit a faint fragrance of elixir.

Mu Feng hurriedly took it. As soon as he opened the page, he was instantly filled with a strong shock. He said:

"This Dan Dao Heart Sutra is explained in such detail, and every step of the technique is explained in such a detailed manner. Wonderful! It is really wonderful!"

On the side, Qing Yan couldn't wait to come forward to watch, and he was immediately stunned after seeing it.

"Oh my god! This article explains the holy elixir! And the annotations are so clear! With this elixir heart sutra, you and I will definitely have a great improvement in our elixir attainments!"

"Master! This is too precious.……"

The two looked up, and Ye Mochen's figure had already disappeared.

The two couldn't help but sigh.

The sect master really came and went without a trace!

Ye Mochen left the main peak and quickly called Jiuyou up. He felt relieved to have a great emperor with him.

After Jiuyou handed over all the sect affairs to Xiong Da and Xiong Er to manage, he quickly disappeared into the void with Ye Mochen.


Northern Territory.

Tianbei Empire.

At this time, the sky outside the empire was covered by heavy dark clouds, the smoke of war filled the air, and countless shriveled corpses were scattered on the ground, which was shocking.

These corpses seemed to have been completely drained of their life essence, and they looked dry and pale.

In the empty eyes, the fear and despair of the last moment of life were still frozen.

On the towering walls of the palace, stood a young man in dazzling golden armor.

The remaining blood at the corners of his mouth had already coagulated into crimson, but that mark added a bit of tenacity and indomitable spirit.

In his eyes, there was a firm and resolute light shining, as bright as the stars, and he looked fearlessly at the dark army of monks outside the palace.

At this moment, a young general galloped over, quickly walked in front of the young man, and said anxiously:

"General! Something terrible is happening! The evil army has broken through the defenses and is now approaching the imperial city with the force of thunder!"

The young man stared at the general with a firm gaze and said calmly:

"This line of defense is only used to temporarily contain the enemy and buy time for the civilians to evacuate. How many people have not yet evacuated into the imperial city?"

The young general hurriedly spoke in a slightly anxious tone:

"General, there are still more than 300,000 people who have not retreated into the imperial city!"

After hearing these words, the young man's face suddenly became as solemn as iron, and he seemed to be experiencing a fierce struggle deep in his heart. After a few breaths, he seemed to have made some kind of indescribable decision, and his eyes flashed with unprecedented ruthlessness and determination.

"We can't wait any longer, pass the order down! Close the city gates immediately and activate the city defense formation!"

After hearing this, the young general was terrified and said hurriedly:

"General, you absolutely cannot do that! I know you are concerned about the safety of the imperial city, but there are still more than 300,000 compatriots who have not been able to evacuate into the city. They are on the verge of life and death and need rescue urgently."

"If we close the city gates at this time, wouldn't that mean they would be put to death? Please think twice, General, and make sure to save the lives of these 300,000 compatriots!"

Upon hearing this, the young man laughed in anger and said in a high and firm voice:

"How dare you tell this general how to act?! Even if we retreat to the imperial city, our safety may not be guaranteed."

"How dare you let this general ignore the millions of innocent people in the imperial city in order to save the lives of these 300,000 people?! What crime should be committed for such behavior!"

"How much blood did our brave soldiers shed in order to hold back the evil army and allow the people of Tianbei to evacuate? How many brave and fearless warriors sacrificed their precious lives for this?"

"Now that the defense line has been broken, what about those soldiers who are still holding on? Soon, the evil army will surely be at the gates of the city. Do you have the heart to let their sacrifice go to waste?"

"How can you think that this general is not eager to save the lives of more than 300,000 compatriots and rescue them!"

After hearing the young man's powerful words, the young general was deeply shocked, his body trembled, his hands clenched into fists, and he said in fear:

""General! I was the one who talked too much! I will pass the order on!"

After receiving the young man's clear signal, the young general immediately drove towards the city gate.

Not long after, a group of well-trained soldiers quickly took action and closed the city gate tightly, and those ordinary people who were able to enter the city in time were immediately caught up in the noise.

"Why! Why are the city gates closed!"

"Let us in!"

"We don’t want to die! Please open the city gates!"

In the crowd, a woman hugged a little girl tightly. The little girl’s voice was clear and loud. She was crying loudly, and her tears were falling like pearls from a broken string.

""Wuwuwuwu, mother, has General Luo given up on us? Are we going to die?"

The woman whispered to the little girl, trying to calm her fear and anxiety.

"No, General Luo will not give up on us, don't cry, don't cry, General Luo loves the people like his own children, how could he give up on us, woo woo."

At the end of the woman's words, she couldn't help sobbing, as if she had already known the result.

The young man stood on the top of the towering wall, taking in everything, and couldn't help but feel an indescribable compassion in his heart.

At this moment, someone shouted

""The evil cultivators are coming!"

On the distant horizon, a huge army of evil cultivators, like a dark cloud, was surging towards the direction of the imperial city.

Seeing this, the young man was excited, and the long sword in his hand broke out of the sheath in an instant, shining with a cold light.

At this moment, the imperial city was suddenly shrouded in a hazy and solemn light golden transparent protective shield.

However, the huge 300,000 living beings outside the city wall, watching the evil cultivator army approaching with dark clouds, everyone's face was full of helplessness and despair.

Waves of gloomy and terrifying laughter floated from a distance like ghosts, making people terrified.


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