In front of the Tianxuan Sect's mountain gate.

Ye Mochen stepped out of the void, followed closely by Luo Heng and Jiuyou, who accompanied Ye Mochen.

When Ji Batian first noticed someone approaching, he immediately became alert, but when he saw that the person was Ye Mochen, the alertness on his face instantly disappeared, replaced by a smile.

He hurriedly walked forward, bowed deeply, and saluted respectfully:

""I greet the Sect Master!"

While Ji Batian was speaking, he secretly glanced at Luo Heng beside Ye Mochen, and an inexplicable doubt surged in his heart.

Seeing Luo Heng following Ye Mochen, he did not dare to ask. In his opinion, those who could follow Ye Mochen had some connection with him.

Ji Batian looked at Luo Heng carefully and was a little surprised.

At such a young age, he has already reached the realm of the Emperor. He is really a peerless genius. Could this person be the new disciple of the master?

Just as Ji Batian was thinking this, Luo Heng saw Ji Batian's gaze, and immediately showed humble courtesy, bowed and nodded slightly.

Luo Heng's move made Ji Batian feel a little panic.

At this moment, Ye Mochen's voice suddenly came.

"During the two days that I was away, did anything happen in the sect?"

Ji Batian recalled for a moment, then said:"Reply to the sect master! Everything was fine during the two days, nothing major happened!"

""Well, very good." Ye Mochen said lightly, and then he took Luo Heng into the Tianxuan Sect.

As soon as he stepped into the mountain gate, Luo Heng felt a fresh and rich spiritual energy coming towards him.

He took a deep breath and carefully felt the rich spiritual energy, as if it went straight to the depths of his soul, making him feel very comfortable.

He couldn't help but widen his eyes, amazed at this extraordinary feeling, as if he was in a fairyland full of mysteries.

When he first arrived in the border area, he felt that the spiritual energy here was scarce, and in comparison, it was several times less than that in the Northern Region.

However, after arriving at the Tianxuan Sect, he felt that the spiritual energy here was at least a hundred times richer than the outside world, and he couldn't help but marvel secretly.

Is this the Tianxuan Sect of the master!

It is indeed powerful!

As soon as he entered the sect, Jiuyou quickly left and disappeared, leaving only Luo Heng, following Ye Mochen's steps, not leaving a step.

Many new disciples and senior brothers witnessed this scene and whispered, and the sound of discussion came one after another.

"Look, who is that following behind the sect leader?"

"Apart from Senior Brother Su and Senior Sister Zhong, there is actually someone so young following the Sect Master?"

"Do you think this person could be the sect master’s new disciple?"

"It shouldn't be possible, right? The sect competition is coming, this person can't be the sect master's disciple."

Just when everyone was full of doubts, Ye Mochen had already calmly brought Luo Heng and stepped steadily onto the third peak of Tianxuan.

Seeing this scene, everyone's discussion started to boil again, and the voices gradually became louder.

"Is this person really the sect master's new disciple?"

"Didn't you see that he has entered the third peak? Who doesn't know that except for the main peak, the other peaks of Tianxuan Eleven Peaks are prepared for personal disciples?"

The disciples obviously realized that Luo Heng must be Ye Mochen's third personal disciple.

For a moment, some disciples looked annoyed and felt unwilling, and said indignantly.

"I don't accept it! Why is this person a direct disciple right from the start? How can he convince everyone if he doesn't even have to participate in the sect competition?"

"Alas, but this is what the sect master brought back, how dare we question the sect master?"A disciple sighed and shook his head.

"We naturally dare not question the master, but since this person wants to be his personal disciple, we must be convinced!" A disciple said angrily.

At this time, a disciple from Qingmu Hall walked out from the side of a female disciple and said with a smile:

"Since you brothers are not convinced, why don't you show your skills in the upcoming sect competition, challenge him with your strength?"

Everyone quickly turned their eyes to the person who spoke, and saw that he had black hair and a good temperament.

The female disciple behind this disciple hurriedly said:

"Qingyun, don't talk nonsense!"

Qingyun looked back at the female disciple and smiled faintly:"Sister, am I not helping the brothers to solve their problems?"

The female disciple glared at Qingyun fiercely, and Qingyun returned to the female disciple's side in dismay.

When a senior old disciple heard the word"Qingyun", an inexplicable sense of familiarity surged in his heart.

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, and then shouted excitedly

"Qingyun! You are Qingyun! Then you are Muyao?" He pointed at the female disciple beside Qingyun.

Some disciples were confused and asked:

"Senior Brother, who are these Qingyun and Muyao?"

"You don't know Qingyun and Muyao? Muyao is the former head of Qingmu Hall, the current head elder of our Alchemy Pavilion, the daughter of Mufeng."

"Qingyun is the son of Qingyan, who is also the chief elder of the Alchemy Pavilion!"

"Although they are young, they have already entered the ranks of high-level alchemists. They are truly gifted."

"Although they mainly study the Dao of Alchemy, their practice in the Dao of Immortality is not inferior to that of"

"Before we even entered the sect, we heard that the two of them had already reached the realm of supernatural powers. If we hadn't entered the sect earlier, they would have been our senior brothers and sisters!"

Everyone looked at each other in surprise when they heard this. They didn't expect that there were such peerless geniuses in Qingmu Hall.

Then they couldn't help but think that with their talents, they would definitely catch up with them sooner or later, and they might even be senior brothers and sisters in the future. They immediately came forward to compliment the two of them.

"Hahaha, it turns out to be Junior Brother Qingyun and Junior Sister Muyao. I’ve heard of you for a long time!"

"You two are truly peerless geniuses, and will surely be promoted to the ranks of personal disciples in the future. I hope you will take care of me more!"

Upon hearing this, Mu Yao felt panic in her heart and hurriedly said:

"Brothers, you are too kind! My brother and I are just alchemists, how dare we covet the position of direct disciple!"

Qingyun suddenly said:

"If you brothers are not convinced by the new disciple, you can consider what I said before. In the sect competition, challenge the disciple! It depends on your strength!"When the disciples heard this, they all echoed involuntarily and expressed their agreement.

"Junior Brother Qingyun said it well! The position of direct successor is naturally for those with strength!"

"Senior Brothers Yan Bin and Lei Xiao practiced so hard, wasn’t it just for the sect competition?"

"Now, someone is reaping the benefits, and naturally we will not accept it!"

"At that time, we will naturally challenge him! If he loses, how can he still have the face to sit on the position of personal disciple!"

Seeing this scene, Mu Yao shook his head helplessly. He quickly pulled Qingyun back and glared at him fiercely.

Seeing this, Qingyun said angrily:

"Sister, aren't we practicing so hard just for the sect competition? Now someone has come and taken the position of direct disciple. Are you convinced? Anyway, I am not convinced!"

Mu Yao patted Qingyun's head lightly and said angrily:

"Even if you don't accept it, you can't instigate the brothers to challenge the direct disciple. Have you forgotten what my father and uncle told us? ? The master of the sect must have his reasons for doing this!"

Luo Heng in the third peak wanted to show up and greet the brothers and sisters of Tianxuan Sect.

As a result, as soon as he stepped out of the third peak, he saw that the brothers and sisters were full of hostility towards him and clamored to challenge him. He quickly retracted his steps and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

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