"Host: Ye Mochen.

Sect: Tianxuan Sect.

Cultivation: Fifth level of Saint King Realm.

Disciples: Su Wuhen, Zhongli Xue, Luo Heng.

Weapon: God-Slaying Sword.

Constitution: Innate Saint Body.

Mounts: Polar Ice Bear (ancient bloodline), Black Shadow Turtle (divine beast bloodline).

Special skills: God-level alchemy level, rapid cultivation, sect disciples' cultivation returned ten thousand times.

System task: Develop Tianxuan Sect into the first sect in the border area!"

After Ye Mochen returned to the main peak, he looked at the system panel and thought.

He couldn't help but ask the system:

"System! Isn't our Tianxuan Sect the number one sect in the border area? I'm afraid that our sect's current strength is unmatched in the entire border area, right?"

「Ding! Back to the host! The system determines whether the task is completed or not, not only based on the strength of the sect. To complete the task, at least 80% of the people in the area must be recognized, and then the task can be automatically completed!」

"So how many people now acknowledge that Tianxuan Sect is the number one sect in the border area?"

「Ding! Back to the host! Currently, 75% of the recognition in the border area has been obtained!"

Ye Mochen's face showed a touch of joy, and he secretly thought about how to cleverly obtain the remaining recognition.

Then, he had an idea and thought that opening a sect and recruiting disciples was an excellent way to effectively improve the popularity and influence of the sect.

Ye Mochen thought everything through and was not in a hurry. He currently had a special skill, and the cultivation of the sect disciples was returned ten thousand times.

At the critical moment, he had to improve his own strength first, and if he wanted to quickly improve his own strength, he had to let the disciples quickly improve their cultivation!

Ye Mochen took out the actual combat pagoda and the time hall, and flew to an open area in the sect.

He quickly threw down the two treasures, and in a blink of an eye, the two treasures rose from the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye, and directly turned into two towering buildings.

The appearance of the two buildings was so grand that it immediately attracted many curious onlookers from the sect and disciples.

Ye Mochen quickly summoned Jiuyou and explained the situation to him. Then he went straight back to the main peak.

Seeing Ye Mochen leaving, the disciples couldn't help but look puzzled and whispered to each other.

"What is this thing? Why is it making such a big noise?"

"We don’t know either!"

"Look, there are three words"Actual Combat Pagoda" written on this nine-story pagoda. Could it be a new training facility?"

"It is very likely, but I don't know what exactly the Time Palace does now?"

While the disciples were discussing, Jiuyou took out a booklet and quickly looked for the elders who were free today.

Jiuyou quickly called two free elders, and the two elders who came were Xiong Da and Xiong Er.

When many disciples saw Xiong Da and Xiong Er appear, they couldn't help but feel a little confused and curious.

"How come even the mentors of Senior Brothers Yan Bin and Lei Xiao are here?"

"This is most likely a training facility prepared for us!"

"I just don’t know what this training facility is used for!"

""Huh? Look! The Great Elder has gone in!"

The disciples saw Jiuyou explaining something to Xiong Da and Xiong Er. The two of them were delighted after hearing what he said, and then Jiuyou walked straight into the Practical Pagoda.

"Could it be that this is not prepared for disciples like us? Instead, it is a training facility prepared for the elders? This shouldn't be the case."

"It is very likely. Didn't you see the Great Elder go in first?"

For a moment, the disciples were puzzled and waited patiently. After several hours, Jiuyou finally came out.

Seeing Jiuyou's slightly embarrassed state, everyone was shocked and couldn't help but start to discuss.

"Why does Elder Jiuyou look like this when he comes out?"

"It seems that this facility is really prepared for the elders. My mentor said that the Great Elder is the most powerful person in the entire sect besides the Sect Master, so we must treat him with great courtesy when we meet him."

"And now even the Great Elder looks like this when he goes in and comes out, so won’t we all turn into ashes if we go in?"

The disciples shuddered secretly when they thought of this.

At this moment, Xiong Da and Xiong Er put up two signs. The disciples could not help but look forward out of curiosity.

On the sign was written"Actual Combat Pagoda: You can hone your actual combat ability, and there are illusions of various races of monsters and beasts."

"The pagoda is divided into nine floors, each corresponding to different strengths! If you die inside, you will be automatically teleported out, and the number of floors you pass can be counted in the level-clearing rankings! The elders do not record the rankings. (1,000 spirit stones once!)"

And the sign next to it reads"Time Hall: Under the premise of not changing your bone age, enter to practice. One day in the outside world is one year in the hall! (10,000 spirit stones a day!)" When the disciples saw this, they immediately knew that they could also use these training facilities, and they couldn't help but marvel at the functions of the training facilities.

"One day in the outside world equals one year in the palace! And it doesn't change the age of the bones! Is it really so mysterious?"

"And this practical pagoda, can the creation of a pagoda be counted in the ranking? But isn't it a bit expensive to pay one thousand spirit stones at a time?"

"The sect gives us a lot of cultivation resources every month. Do you think a thousand spirit stones are expensive? Then don’t you think that the 10,000 spirit stones a day at the Time Palace is expensive?"

"Brother, this is different. The utility of the Time Palace is more valuable to us!"

"This practical pagoda is included in the sect ranking!"Brothers, stop arguing, I'll go try it first!" A former Qingmu Hall disciple suddenly said.

Seeing someone trying, everyone stopped arguing and looked at the disciple who spoke.

The disciple walked towards Xiong Da, handed over a thousand spirit stones, and then stepped into it.

The disciple just stepped into it, and was teleported out in just a moment. He looked terrified and said tremblingly:

"Too...too scary!"

The ranking list next to the Practical Pagoda did not change.

Seeing this, the disciples couldn't help but want to retreat, not thinking of Jiuyou's previous embarrassing appearance.

At this moment, Qingyun suddenly walked out of the crowd! He handed over a thousand spirit stones and walked straight into the Practical Pagoda.

Seeing that someone still dared to take the risk, everyone stopped again, waiting for the result with curiosity.

"Junior Brother Qingyun was careless! Even the Great Elder looked a little embarrassed after entering and exiting this pagoda, but Junior Brother Qingyun actually dared to try!"

"Junior Brother Qingyun was indeed impulsive! Although one thousand spirit stones are not much, we can’t waste them like this!"

Everyone was not optimistic about Qingyun and waited patiently.

Not long after, Qingyun suddenly appeared. Although he looked a little embarrassed, his eyes were shining.

"Look! I said it, although Junior Brother Qingyun stayed a little longer, he still came out in this state, wasting a thousand spirit stones in vain."

At this moment, a disciple shouted

"Look! The ranking has changed!"

Everyone immediately turned their eyes to the ranking, and saw Qingyun's name appeared on it.

1. Qingyun: Second level!

"Junior Brother Qingyun's name appeared on the leaderboard! Did he make it to the second level?"

"The rankings have really been recorded, and Junior Brother Qingyun is still the first! Let's go and try it too!"

The disciples immediately ignited their desire to win, and they all rushed into the actual combat pagoda, determined to get a ranking.

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