When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1379: Eat slowly, I feel bad

Su Ling saw at a glance that it was his enhanced version of watermelon.

This is a watermelon that she planted with her own hands and looked after like a child.

"This brother can't have it! He even used my watermelon to please a girl as cute as me!"

Su Ling secretly cursed Chen Ping'an.

Isn't it enough to have a cute sister, and even go to find another one.

However, when she sensed Liu Xiaoxiao's strength, she probably knew what Chen Ping'an thought at that time.

Sixty-six full-level avenues, this is amazing!

Seeing that Liu Xiaoxiao was still holding the watermelon, and looking at the watermelon, she finally reached out and took it.

She felt that Liu Xiaoxiao did not like watermelon as much as she did.

Can watermelons be shared with others?

Not a single piece can be given to anyone else.

And Liu Xiaoxiao gave it to her, indicating that everyone is just like-minded.

However, just after she took the watermelon, Liu Xiaoxiao suddenly said, "By the way, wait."

Saying that, a burst of Dao energy suddenly appeared in Liu Xiaoxiao's palm, and it scattered on the small watermelon in Su Ling's hand, making that piece of watermelon crystal clear and frozen.

"Hey, this is delicious! Try it."

Liu Xiaoxiao looked complacent, as if this way of eating only belonged to her.

Su Ling looked at Liu Xiaoxiao for a while before starting to eat.

Unexpectedly, this person, like her, likes to eat frozen watermelon.

Hmm, still like-minded, not in line.

Su Ling took a bite of the watermelon, and Wang Wang's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Why is the taste of this watermelon different from what she ate? !

Even better!

what happened!

Obviously watermelons are the same!

Su Ling was stunned, looked at Liu Xiaoxiao, and couldn't help asking: "Did you do something to the watermelon? Why does it taste better than my watermelon?!"

Liu Xiaoxiao said with a smile: "You really like to eat watermelon. You were introduced to me by him, which means that he also gave you that kind of watermelon, but it should be not much. You haven't developed that kind of eating method."

"What's the way to eat?" Su Ling's eyes were bright, as if he had discovered the New World, he asked impatiently.

This is definitely the opportunity for her to develop a new variety of watermelon!

Must ask!

Liu Xiaoxiao said with a smile: "I just soak the watermelon in some special liquid, and then use the cooking method to strengthen it to make the watermelon into an ingredient grade. In the end, I did that just now, making the watermelon frozen, so that it will become the best."

She looks like she talks about her hobbies and shows off.

Su Ling's brain was running to the extreme, and she memorized what Liu Xiaoxiao said at this moment.

It's easy to say the chef, although she doesn't have it, but brother kitchen knife does.

But this liquid must ask!

"I don't know what kind of liquid it is? Can you tell me? Or just give me some?" Su Ling looked at Liu Xiaoxiao with a cute look.

She is only cute to betray.

Liu Xiaoxiao shook his head: "I can't give it, because I don't have much, I use it repeatedly every time, I can tell you the name, it's called Creation Mother Liquid, which is given to me by my father, it's very precious of."

Su Ling wrote down this name and asked her brother for it later!

"Okay, thank you." Su Ling grinned.

Liu Xiaoxiao looked at Su Ling's extremely cute face, puffed out her cheeks, and muttered, "How can anyone be cuter than me."

Su Ling picked up the piece of watermelon and continued to eat it, savoring the taste of the watermelon.

Soon, she also finished eating, mainly because the watermelon was not big, it was only the size of her small palm.

After eating, Su Ling looked at Liu Xiaoxiao eagerly to see if Liu Xiaoxiao, who looked a little bigger than herself, would continue to give her watermelons.

Liu Xiaoxiao's eyes dodged.

Don't look at me!

can not give!

I only have two left!

I have to save up eating!

You see, this piece of mine only takes a small bite after a breath!

It's just that after being watched by Su Ling for a long time, she can't bear it anymore.

It seems that Chen Ping'an hasn't gotten a watermelon for a long time.

That's right, Chen Ping'an told her last time that those watermelons were gone, and it would take a while for them to be there. Presumably this little girl hadn't eaten it for a long time.

That's it.

If there is something good, it is a pleasure to share it.

It is also rare to meet such a lovely and like-minded person with the same hobbies.

After milking himself hard in his heart, Liu Xiaoxiao took out a piece of watermelon that was a little bit bigger than the one just now, and pushed it in front of Su Ling: "Here, this is the last piece! Eat slowly!"

Su Ling's eyes lit up.

This lady is so generous!

She nodded quickly, took the watermelon and ate it.

Liu Xiaoxiao saw that Su Ling was eating watermelon faster than before, and she had a toothache.

How can someone eat watermelon so quickly!

Watermelon should be eaten slowly and slowly!

After eating, Su Ling looked at Liu Xiaoxiao again.

She is not a glutton now, but is testing.

Liu Xiaoxiao was about to cry when she saw Su Ling's eagerly looking at him again.

Don't look at me!

I can't give it!

I feel bad!


In the end, she still took out a piece of watermelon that was a bit bigger than the one just now.

"It's really gone! Eat slowly!" Liu Xiaoxiao's eyes were a little red.

Su Ling smiled, took the watermelon and ate it.

Liu Xiaoxiao stared blankly at this scene.

You are listening!

However, just when she was unable to complain, Su Ling's arms flashed, and a watermelon the size of her upper body suddenly appeared in her arms.

"Here, let's eat together, but you have to take out your creation mother liquid and soak it." Su Ling said with a smile.

When Liu Xiaoxiao saw this familiar watermelon, her eyes suddenly stared.

What the hell!

Do you have this watermelon too?

And, you mean, we ate this watermelon together? !

Su Ling knew what she was thinking, no need for her to ask, just nodded.

Liu Xiaoxiao felt that she was happy at this moment.

And after Liu Xiaoxiao gave watermelon over and over again, Su Ling realized how selfish she was at the beginning.

The two little people were sitting by the pond, surrounded by a watermelon, and started fiddling around.

After fiddling, the two laughed and ate watermelon.

And Su Ling also saw the appearance of the so-called creation mother liquid as he wished.

In the welcome hall.

Chen Ping'an and Liu Xi were almost talking about business.

The specific steps of the process have been arranged.

Now we are waiting for more chives and jade pendants to be made, and the Murong Family Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce will publicize this business and let the whole world know about it.

After talking about the business, Liu Xi asked with a smile, "Young Master Chen, there is one thing I want to ask."

Chen Pingan nodded.

Liu Xi said, "Can I see your wife?"

Chen Pingan blinked.

I wondered if Liu Xi knew from the Murong family owner that her daughter-in-law was a candidate for the God of Creation?

In fact, Liu Xi didn't know Duan Xinxin's situation. The reason why she wanted to see Chen Ping'an's wife was just to see how beautiful Chen Ping'an's wife was.

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