When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1380: You have the avenue of creation

Chen Ping'an looked at Liu Xi for a while, and finally nodded, agreeing to the other party's request.

He decided that Liu Xi wanted to see what the so-called future **** of creation looked like.

Fortunately, he had asked his wife to practice acting last night.

Now let your daughter-in-law perform a little bit.

Chen Pingan said: "Then wait here, I will discuss with my daughter-in-law. If she agrees with you, I will bring her to find you."

Liu Xi smiled and nodded, motioning Chen Ping'an to go.

Chen Ping'an left the place, and at the same time dismissed the Great Emperor Hongtian and others, leaving Liu Xi alone in the welcoming hall.

Leaving the welcoming hall, he entered the Hongmeng Realm, returned to the courtyard, and found Duan Xinxin.

"Daughter-in-law, the president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce wants to see you. She should know that you are the future creator god, so she wants to see you. Prepare yourself, and I will deal with her later. In the future, we will be with them. Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce has a lot of cooperation, and it is up to you whether you can have a large number of Dao Stones."

Chen Ping'an looked at Duan Xinxin who had stopped practising, and affirmed the warning.

Now he has almost finished dealing with the Murong family, while Liu Xi's opponent seems to be so close only because of his personality, talent and charm.

If the other party also determines that his daughter-in-law is the future creation god, then the cooperation will be more harmonious in the future, and no one will look down on the other.

Duan Xinxin didn't expect this day to come so soon, and was a little nervous.

The president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce mentioned by Chen Ping'an must be a very strong person.

She is probably also an old man just like the Murong Patriarch.

This kind of person is an old ginger. If he doesn't perform well, he may be found out that something is wrong.

After adjusting his mentality, Duan Xinxin nodded: "Okay, let's go."

She tidied up her clothes, and her temperament also changed at this moment, and the whole person looked empty, lonely and cold.

She also went for this feeling according to what Chen Ping'an said. Now she sees everyone as if I'm a **** and have no feelings at all.

Chen Pingan took Duan Xinxin out of Hongmeng Realm and appeared in the invincible gate.

Then, he took Duan Xinxin to the welcoming hall.

Liu Xi in the welcoming hall sensed two people appearing outside the door.

Instead, she wants to see what someone more beautiful than her looks like.

People outside walked in, Chen Ping'an walked in front, and Duan Xinxin walked behind Chen Ping'an.

Liu Xi's gaze automatically skipped Chen Ping'an, and all his attention fell on Duan Xinxin who was behind him.

However, as soon as she saw Duan Xinxin's figure, she became a little dull.


What a devilish figure! !

She couldn't help looking back at herself, looking down somewhere, she could almost see the ground, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

As far as her figure is concerned, she is incomparable to the other party.

In fact, it's nothing, it's just a figure, as long as the beauty and temperament don't lose to each other, it's fine!

Liu Xi thought about it, and his eyes fell on Duan Xinxin again.

As Chen Pingan approached, she finally saw Duan Xinxin's situation clearly.

For a moment, her face under the veil was a little stiff.


A sense of frustration rose in her head.

Confident and narcissistic, she was not confident enough for the first time.

In terms of appearance, she should be on par with Duan Xinxin, each with its own merits.

But compared to temperament, she found herself a complete failure!

She is already very strong, and the temperament of a strong woman has been engraved in her bones, and no one can shake it.

But now, when she saw Duan Xinxin, she found that she seemed to be only average!

What's the matter with this woman!

The atmosphere is so different? !

Liu Xi quickly sensed Duan Xinxin's cultivation status, but it was useless how she sensed it. Duan Xinxin seemed to have some powerful hidden treasure, hiding all her strength.

When Duan Xinxin entered the welcoming hall, her attention was also concentrated, and she did not forget to act at the same time.

But when she saw clearly that the person sitting in the reception hall was a woman wearing a veil, she was stunned.

What a woman!

As she approached, she found that the woman wearing the veil was definitely not an old woman.

On the contrary, the woman's exposed skin was white and tender.

This looks like a young woman!

The president of this big chamber of commerce turned out to be a young woman!

not good!

A sense of unease was born in her, and it felt familiar to her.

She quickly looked at Chen Pingan.

Your man is so attractive.

Will it be......

Chen Ping'an stepped forward with a smile and introduced, "Miss Liuxi, this is my wife, Duan Xinxin. It should be similar to what you imagined."

He saw that his wife's temperament was similar to the temperament he thought, and he felt that it should be in line with Liu Xi's imagination of the future creation god.

Liu Xi nodded and said seriously: "Indeed, I admit that I am still a little worse."

Chen Pingan got the answer he wanted, and the rest was to let his daughter-in-law continue to perform.

Chen Ping'an looked at Duan Xinxin and said, "Daughter-in-law, this is the President Liu Xi I said."

Duan Xinxin nodded, then she suddenly stared at Liu Xi and asked, "President Liu Xi, there is no one else here, can you take off the veil?"

She had to see what Liu Xi looked like.

If she was prettier than her, then she had to be careful.

There is no woman who doesn't want to have a man alone.

She is no exception.

For fear of Chen Ping's empathy.

Liu Xi was stunned for a moment, then nodded and took off the veil.

Showed the truth.

Seeing the fairy-like face, Duan Xinxin stopped talking.

It looks really beautiful!

But it's about the same level as her, but in terms of body shape, she is still crushing.

"Miss Duan, it might be presumptuous to have a question, but I still want to ask, what is your current strength?" Liu Xi did lose in terms of personal appearance, but she still felt that she should be no worse than Duan Xinxin in terms of strength.

Duan Xinxin looked at Chen Pingan.

Chen Ping'an asked her to come here just to perform, to show the side of the God of Creation in the future, so he agreed with his daughter-in-law to show her strength, and nodded to her.

Duan Xinxin understands, drives the avenue of creation, and no longer hides her strength.

In an instant, a huge black and white circle appeared behind her.

It is the mark of the Avenue of Creation.

"My Daoyi level is still low now." Although Duan Xinxin said so, the expression on her face was even more arrogant than before, like an undefeated female **** of war.

That plain face showed the invincible emptiness vividly.

Chen Pingan watched this scene and felt that his daughter-in-law behaved very well.


When he turned to look at Liu Xi, he couldn't react.

After Liu Xi saw the avenue of creation behind Duan Xinxin, the whole person was stunned, like a dead tree, motionless.

She has seen the Avenue of Creation.

Her father is one of the creator gods.

So I am very familiar with the Dao of Creation.

But she never thought that on such a day, in this place, she would meet a person who also has the Great Way of Creation!

And this person is the wife of a man she thinks is good! !

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