The firefighter was young, just in his early twenties.

The older firefighter looked at the bloody wound and immediately lowered his head and shouted:

"Xiao Mao! Xiao Mao, can you hear me? Don't sleep! You haven't married yet, you can't die!"

But the firefighter named Xiao Mao didn't respond to him, but because of the pain in his back, he had to whimper a few times instinctively.

At the same time, Zhang Yi also roughly saw the firefighter's injuries.

There were different degrees of explosion and burns on the back and left leg.

And the wound was stained with a lot of black and gray smoke and impurities.

The wound must be cleaned quickly, otherwise it will definitely be infected.

The most serious one was on the left leg, where several muscle tissues were blown away.

Wang Yufei frowned when he noticed this: "This leg... I'm afraid it has to be amputated?"

The firefighters who got on the ambulance with him asked hurriedly: "What? Amputation? No... No way! Doctor, you are doctors from Union Hospital, you can think of a way to help him, he is still so young, he is only 21 years old!"

Zhang Yi took over and explained:

"Don't worry, the injury on his left leg is a bit serious. We have to do a debridement first. After the debridement is completed, we can know how much of the leg is missing, and then decide whether to amputate or not.

But don't worry, we will definitely do our best to save his leg."

After Zhang Yi spoke, the stone in Wang Yufei's heart fell.

He said to the firefighters in a relaxed tone:

"Just leave him to Dr. Zhang, he is the pillar of our emergency department."

After that, the firefighters set their sights on Zhang Yi.

I was so anxious just now that I didn't even look at the doctor's face carefully.

Now I look carefully, and I find that this doctor named Zhang Yi is so familiar!

"Hey? Are you that doctor? It's you who took over the surgery after the foreigner broadcast a failed operation. It's you!"

"Yes, yes, yes! I remember now. I was wondering why I felt like I've seen you somewhere before. It turns out that you are Zhang Yi, the amazing doctor!"

The tension, uneasiness and anxiety in everyone's hearts were relieved a lot.

They knew how awesome Zhang Yi was when they watched the news before.

You can definitely rest assured to leave Xiao Mao to him!

"Wang Yufei, go down and continue to place the patient with the second group. I'll take people back to Union Hospital for surgery first."

"Ah? Okay..."

Although he was very happy to be with the second group, he would be even happier to go to the operating room with Zhang Yi when he returned!

After Wang Yufei got off the car, an ambulance from Union Hospital drove away quickly.

Wang Bingbing immediately stepped forward to start the interview:

"Hello, how is the injury of the firefighter just now? Is his life in danger?"

Knowing that they were reporters from the Imperial Capital TV Station, Wang Yufei nodded and said earnestly:

"The firefighter's entire back and legs were seriously injured. If not treated in time, he might have to be amputated or even his life would be in danger."

"Is it so serious?! Then... is Doctor Zhang sure he can cure it?"

"We have already given the most basic treatment at the scene just now. We will have to go back to the hospital and go to the operating room to find out. However, I believe Zhang Yi will do his best!"

"Are any of your medical staff injured now?"

"Thank you for your concern. We are fine at the moment."

"That's good. Thank you for your interview!"

After a brief exchange, Wang Yufei went to the scene to continue helping.

Wang Bingbing said to the camera again:

"This is basically the situation we know now. We will continue to pay attention to the number of casualties and the injury of the firefighter.

Of course, I also believe that Dr. Zhang must be able to successfully treat the brave firefighter!

Well, the above is our detailed report on the Jinghe Village explosion. I am Wang Bingbing, the host of the Imperial Capital TV Station. Thank you everyone."


At this time, in the speeding ambulance.

Because of the timely rescue, the firefighter named Xiaomao did not go into shock.

And Zhang Yi has already started to clean the wound. It takes a long time to clean the entire wound thoroughly.

Why does extra-bone replantation surgery often take more than ten hours?

Because cleaning alone takes a lot of time.

Zhang Yi thought that if he cleaned up a little more in the car, he could buy more time.

On the other side.

Shunyuan District Hospital.

With that

After a patient with a burn area of ​​40% returned from the scene, several doctors from the district hospital immediately arranged an angiography for this person.

Although they were already half-believing and half-doubting, how could they believe that there were such awesome people in the world if they didn't see it with their own eyes?

Sure enough.

Not long after, the results of the angiography images were sent to the computer of Dr. Hu in the emergency department.

Seven or eight doctors squeezed their heads together, staring at the computer screen intently!

"Old Hu, open it quickly! I want to see if Zhang Yi can really deliver the guidewire blindly!!"

"Dig it out, blind delivery? Blind delivery from the femoral artery to the ascending aorta? Impossible!"

"The world is so big that there are all kinds of wonders. The patient recovered from the shock, which means that the needle is really in the blood vessel."

The next second, several black and white images were opened and enlarged.

A few seconds later, bursts of gasps came from this side!

"Hiss! F*ck!"

"Oh my god..."

"Oh my god... Is there really such an awesome person?!"

"Oh my god..."

Colleagues who were busy with other work came forward one after another:

"What are you looking at? What's so weird?"

But no one paid any attention to him.

Because the doctors gathered in front of the computer were shocked by the scene in front of them and couldn't recover for a long time.

Blind delivery! !

Without any imaging help...

He! !

He was able to send the guidewire directly from the femoral artery to a position close to the heart! !

Oh my god!

Too awesome!

Terrifyingly awesome!

After a long while, one of the doctors said angrily:

"I... I must be admitted to Union Hospital and worship Zhang Yi as my teacher..."

This sentence directly ignited the fighting spirit in the hearts of others!

"Me too! I will be the first to sign up if Union Hospital expands enrollment this year!"

"I want one too! If Union Hospital's emergency department recruits people, I must go and try!"

"Will Zhang Yi accept disciples? I also want to be his disciple!"


More than 20 minutes later, the ambulance stopped at the emergency entrance of Union Hospital.

Because of the call in advance, the operating room is ready.

The doctors from the burn department and orthopedic surgery department are also ready.

After seeing Zhang Yi carrying the patient out of the car, Kang Yanming stopped him: "Zhang Yi, you have worked hard, go back and rest first, let them do the surgery."

"It's okay, this firefighter's leg is a bit tricky, I don't trust others, I will go to rest after it is solved."

"You... Hey!"

Seeing Zhang Yi insist, Kang Yanming didn't know what to say.

This kid!

What a workaholic!

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