The incident in Jinghe Village has been widely reported by the media. Even the fact that a firefighter was injured in the last explosion was reported in the news at the first time. A few minutes ago, Jin Zhenglun called Kang Yanming and said that he would save the life and legs of the firefighter at all costs. At this moment, seeing Zhang Yi's insistence, Kang Yanming finally acquiesced. With so many people watching, the fermentation of public opinion on the Internet and the attention of netizens to this firefighter have put a lot of pressure on Union Hospital. So, at this moment, Zhang Yi can only play. Because only he can make everyone feel at ease. Of course, this also makes Kang Yanming think of a fatal problem. What if...

What if Zhang Yi is no longer in Union Hospital?

Or even...what if those foreign hospitals really use super high salaries to poach Zhang Yi?

No, no!

Kang Yanming's scalp tingles when he thinks of this!

Zhang Yi is a treasure, and he must not be poached!

If it is other domestic hospitals, it can be accepted, but he must not be poached by foreign hospitals.

After thinking about it, Kang Yanming turned and entered the elevator. He was going to talk to Jin Zhenglun.

In the operating room.

Doctors from the burn department and orthopedic surgery department gathered together.

Just waiting for the youngest doctor standing at the door of the operating room to give orders.

Zhang Yi raised his hand and walked in: "Report the vital signs."

"BP108/72mmhg, P110 times/min, R22 times/min, PaO2 88mmhg, PaCO2 38mmhg."

Then Zhang Yi began to assign work.

"The burn department will deal with the wound on the back, and the orthopedic department will deal with the leg with me."

Everyone nodded and started to clean the wound immediately.

A doctor from the orthopedic department suddenly asked: "Teacher Zhang, this person's leg is so serious that we don't seem to have checked it yet? What if there is a fracture inside?"

Zhang Yi said without raising his head: "I checked it when I was in the car, there is no fracture, just clean the wound directly."

The concise sentence is full of power.

A power that makes people have to believe in him!

The orthopedic doctors couldn't help but secretly gasp.

How did Zhang Yi check it?

How did he know that there was no fracture in the leg that was so badly blown? ?

Did he see it with his eyes? Or did he feel it with his hands? ! ?

With curiosity and surprise, everyone in the operating room gradually became busy.

Cleaning the wound is a simple but complicated job, especially the cleaning after burns.

Deeply burned skin has large areas of damage and even necrotic tissue, which are places where bacteria like to breed.

Studies have shown that a large number of bacteria will multiply on the wound surface 6 hours after the burn and begin to invade the subcutaneous tissue.

Bacteria will invade the lymphatic system 8 hours after the injury; within 5 days after the injury, the number of bacteria per gram of burn tissue can be as high as 103-105 or more; 1 week after the injury, the number of bacteria per gram of tissue under the burn scab is greater than 108, about 11%; in the second week, it can rise to 55%; in the third week, it can be as high as 75%.

Therefore, the faster the wound is treated, the less likely it is that bacteria will remain and multiply.

Even in the shock period, as long as the vital signs are closely observed to ensure fluid balance, a debridement operation can be performed.

In this way, the patient will be less likely to have a systemic infection.

(Once a burn patient has a systemic infection, the mortality rate is very high)

During the debridement process, Zhang Yi handled it very carefully because he was observing while washing.

For example, which nerve or plexus of blood vessels is missing at the location of the explosion on the left leg.

If too much is missing, can it be supplemented by cutting off a section somewhere else in the body?

Is the survival rate of the supplemented blood vessels or nerves high?

Many questions flashed through Zhang Yi's mind.

He set himself the requirement that this operation must be successful!

The patient was a young man of only 21 years old. As a doctor, he must do his best to save his leg.

And he was also a firefighter.

When people saw the raging fire, their first reaction was to run away quickly, but the firefighters kept going!

Only they risked their lives to rush into the fire, and were born and died in the fire.

This is an admirable profession!

They used their own safety to protect this peace.

So even though Zhang Yi himself hadn't closed his eyes for almost thirty hours, he still had to do this operation.

After several people worked together to clean the wound three times, the wound was

Finally, it began to become clear.

A calf without too much fat.

The muscle tissue that should have been bright red had turned pale pink, the skin on the wound surface was gone, and there were traces of burns on the edge.

The muscular tissue in the middle was mixed with some spider-web-like blood vessels, lying on the calf. If you don't distinguish carefully, it's really hard to determine which muscle or nerve is missing in this leg.

Just when everyone was in trouble, Zhang Yi's reassuring voice suddenly came:

"The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles are injured. The defect area is not large. I will try my best to suture it.

In addition, the tibial nerve and lateral sural cutaneous nerve are probably gone, and there are blood vessels. The other thin veins are not easy to deal with. Let's deal with the missing larger saphenous vein first."

"Let's clean the wound first today, and remember to clean up all the damaged or necrotic parts on the back."

Suppressing the surprise in their hearts, everyone nodded in unison.

Zhang Yi is really awesome.

They were still confused and thinking about how to distinguish the missing tissue, but he said it directly.

I admire you, I really admire you!

At this time, the operation had been going on for more than three hours.

The leg debridement was faster because of Zhang Yi, but the back area was large, and other doctors were operating it.

Zhang Yi glanced at them and estimated that the operation would take at least five hours.


But fortunately he could hold on.

Hold on a little longer, and he will catch up on sleep after the operation is over.

At this moment, the long-lost voice of the system suddenly sounded:

[The hazards of staying up late, fatigue, and not resting for a long time are:]

[Obesity, headache, decreased immunity, hormone disorder, skin deterioration, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and even sudden death from myocardial infarction. ]

Zhang Yi: ...

Good guy.

Are you caring about me or cursing me? ?

And when I rest, don’t I also perform surgery or experiments in a simulated operating room?

It’s okay~

I’ll hold on a little longer.

This patient is more important. I will rest after the operation is over.

After saying this, the system really stopped talking.

In the operating room, the operation continued.

Because Zhang Yi was the surgeon, the other people in Union Hospital were also very relieved.

Due to the fermentation of news media on the Internet, the entrance of the emergency department has attracted many media reporters.

Zhang Yi is a famous doctor who has attracted the attention of the whole nation.

In addition, the only firefighter injured in the explosion was also the surgeon.

Netizens are full of confidence and pay special attention to this incident.

One by one, media reporters rushed to Union Hospital to get the latest news.

In the dean's office.

Kang Yanming and Jin Zhenglun were standing in front of the glass window of the office at this time, looking at the group of reporters at the entrance of the emergency department downstairs.

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