The old man was very angry.

"Chen, did you hear me right?! Are you sure that Zhang Yi's apprentices are all attending and chief doctors?!"

"Sure! Although I am British, I am also Chinese, I can understand Chinese!"

"Oh my God, is Zhang Yi really that good? The requirement for his apprentices is that they must get full marks?"

"Oh my God! The attending and deputy chief doctors are apprentices?! This is unheard of in our country of Britain!"

"I don't even dare to think about the attending doctor or deputy chief doctor being my apprentice... What kind of picture would that be?"

Even Ryan, who was not far away, was eavesdropping on their translation with his ears perked up.

At this moment, the emotions that had just been suppressed in his heart were stirred up again!

What? ? !

This kid's apprentices...are all attending and deputy director-level doctors? !

Are you kidding me? !

That's a deputy director-level physician!

Although the titles for doctor promotion vary from country to country.

But he knew that in China, it seemed that only after practicing medicine for more than ten or twenty years could a deputy director be trained.

Such a deputy director-level doctor could actually be Zhang Yi's apprentice? ? !

Ryan shook his head in disbelief!

No, no, no!

Something's wrong!


This simply overturned his three views!

He quickly looked up and looked around, and then pinched himself hard while the people around him were not paying attention.


A sharp pain came from the outside of his thigh.

It hurts so much!

Does this mean he is not dreaming? !

He is really in China now, in Union Hospital!

But... this hospital is too wrong, right? ?

Is there something wrong with them, or are these people in Union Hospital going crazy?

How can the chief doctor and the deputy chief doctor be apprentices to such a young doctor? !

Ryan's face became very complicated. He was surprised, puzzled, and thoughtful... Various emotions appeared alternately on his face, changing constantly.

After a while, he finally came back to his senses and slowly turned his eyes back to Zhang Yi on the operating table.

This young man...

I'm afraid he is really not simple!

In the operating room, the discussion became louder and louder, especially those foreigners.

I was so shocked that I almost forgot that this was an exam site.

"Please be quiet!" As soon as Zhang Yi spoke, everyone immediately quieted down.

"The little episode just now has passed. Let's not waste time and get straight to the point."

"Regarding this morning's operation test, I will briefly explain the rules. The topic is called the operation test. You can do whatever operation you want, but it must be related to clinical practice. There are seven of you in total. Raise your hands when you have made up your mind. I will supervise you one by one."

"I am the chief examiner, and Dean Jin and several other directors are deputy examiners."

"Although there are a lot of leaders here today, you are no longer fresh graduates. I hope you won't be too nervous and perform steadily. I have high expectations for you."

The seven doctors who took the test nodded one after another.

Zhang Yi's words 'I have high expectations for you' undoubtedly ignited the little flame in their hearts~

Zhang Yi is optimistic about us~!

He has high expectations for us~!


We must work hard!

There are so many foreigners besides the leaders, we must not embarrass ourselves!

Thinking of this, the eyes of the seven people became more determined.

"Um... Doctor Zhang, when will your demonstration begin?"

One of the doctors watching asked weakly.

"I'll show it after the seven of them finish."

Zhang Yi was thinking, what if he performed too well before, he might dampen the confidence of these apprentices.

It would be bad if it affected their operation.

So let's save it for the end.

The doctors at the door sighed silently.


I have to wait a little longer before I can see it after running all the way here!

"So, who will start the test first?" Zhang Yi said, looking at the seven people.

Everyone was very nervous, testing the operation in front of so many people!

That was really a cap...

Forget it!

The sooner I die, the sooner I will be reborn!

"Me! I'll do it!" Zhang Xin raised his hand first.

First of all, he was confident, and secondly, he believed in the saying that the sooner you die, the sooner you will be reborn~

"Okay, what do you want to test?"

"I want to test the most basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation!"

Zhang Yi nodded and agreed


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is indeed a rescue operation that every medical student should know.

It is not only the most basic, but also the most important first aid rescue method.

"Okay, you start."

At Zhang Yi's command, Zhang Xin lifted a medical dummy from the bottom of the operating table.

"A wounded person was found ahead!" Zhang Xin stepped forward: "Confirm that the surrounding environment is safe to avoid secondary injuries!"

Then he squatted down to check the patient's vital signs.

"Sir, sir, what's wrong with you? Can you hear me?"

"Oh no! The patient is unconscious, please help call 120 and find an AED nearby."

"The victim's carotid artery pulse disappears, there is no spontaneous breathing, and the lips and nail beds are slightly cyanotic! Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately!"


When Zhang Xin was operating, the whole classroom was very quiet.

Even the foreigners watched quietly.

Although they didn't understand what Zhang Xin was saying, they could see that he was doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

The cardiopulmonary resuscitation operation is the same in any country, and colleagues can understand it at a glance.

After a while.

"The patient's carotid artery pulsation has recovered, the pupil is sensitive to light reflex, and spontaneous breathing has recovered. He can be sent to the hospital for the next step of life support."

Zhang Xin's operation is over.

The whole process can be said to be clean and neat, without any drag.

It can be said to be a very standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation operation tutorial.

However, Zhang Yi has very high requirements for him.

Since the most basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation has been chosen, it is not enough to just meet the standard.

Zhang Yi looked at the leaders next to him, and they seemed very satisfied.

"Leader, let's give the score directly."


In response to Zhang Yi's words, Jin Zhenglun and the others wrote down Zhang Xin's score on paper.

The full score is 100 points, and only if all leaders give full marks can it be considered passed.

Zhang Xin carefully looked at the gestures of the leaders when they wrote, and he was secretly happy.


It seems that they all look like '100'.

Then he turned his head and looked at Zhang Yi, but Zhang Yi had already finished writing, so he didn't see what Zhang Yi wrote.

This is a bit panic!

Zhang Yi... How many points did you give?

"Okay, who's next?" Zhang Yi didn't have much expression on his face, and looked up at the remaining people.

The next second, Li Mingliang raised his hand: "Let me do it."

"Okay, what do you want to test?"

"I will also test the most basic subcutaneous suture."

However, Zhang Yi looked at Li Mingliang's arm with a puzzled look at this moment.

He was wearing long sleeves, but when he raised his hand just now, he accidentally exposed a part of his arm.

There seemed to be a lot of scars on that arm?

What's wrong with this person? ?

Why are there so many scars on his hands?

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